Guitar and the Music of Jean Luc Ponty

Hobbies 30/09/2022
Commission rate
20% - 30%
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Jamie Glaser
2 years, 9 months
4 affiliates
Automated payments: yes
Offer description:
Guitar and the music of Jean Luc Ponty
is a course with over 19 hours of video explaining the role of the guitar and compositions of Jazz, fusion progressive legend Jean Luc Ponty.
The course is taught in HD by Jamie Glaser who has recorded and toured with Ponty for over 40 years.
This course is for musicians, guitarists, composers and producers who are interested in going deeper into Jean Luc Ponty's music.
Included are notation and tablature and each chapter has a bonus lesson worth $80 dollars normally but included for free.
There are two payouts.
20 percent a month for monthly subscribers
30 percent for people who make one time payment
for the course.