Affiliate Marketing 3 Day Challenge

Money 26/12/2022
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Sales page:
Benjamin Goh
2 years, 11 months
15 affiliates
Automated payments: no
Offer description:
Many new affiliates often get confused with what exactly is affiliate marketing and how can we get sales by being an affiliate marketer.

Sometimes, all we need is just a step-by-step actionable plan to get things started.

This course is very suitable for complete beginners or marketers who have tried "all" means but can't seem to achieve any form of consistent sales or worse still, even a single sale.

It will share with you all the basic foundational knowledge you need to understand about this business.

Being a affiliate marketer myself for the past 5 years, I always believe in this principle KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid.

The course cirriculum includes:

1. Goal of this course.
2. What exactly is affiliate marketing?
3. The 2 main classifications of products that we can marketer as a affiliate marketer.
4. Benefits of affiliate marketing.
5. 3 Day actionable plan / challenge to obtain your very first sale.