Money 19/03/2023
Commission rate
First tier
Second tier
Commissions earned
All time
Past 30 days
Opt-in page:
Sales page:
No Paycheck Needed System Of Income
one year, 2 months
15 affiliates
Automated payments: yes
Offer description:
Earn $99-$300 per sale of the 100% HEX YES Offer Starter.

While most folks selling online are sweating their sales butts off trying to sell with webinars, challenges, 60-minute strategy sessions, 50-piece Franken-Funnels and low ticket trip-wires... We've totally figured out a NEW WAY to talk about our offer that sells $99 to $1,000 programs with ugly GOOGLE DOCS that gets prospects saying 100% Hex Yes to your offer...

This infographic opt-in leads to a sales page that promotes the core product the 2-Page Google Doc Cash Machine.

Your affiliate leads will have the option of 3 levels of the 2-Page Google Doc Cash Machine.

* Muscle Car Level at $199
* Turbo Charged Level at $399
* Ferrari Level at $599

You'll receive 50% commissions within 5 days of the sale.

I also have payment plan options so if your prospect chooses that, then you will receive 50% on those payments which will actually provide a bit larger of an affiliate payout once they make all of their payments.