Co-Parenting Success Summit Lifetime Access

Relationships 28/03/2023
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Offer description:
Get Lifetime Access To 25+ World-Class Expert Session Recordings Where They Share Their Powerful Tips, Strategies and Tools To Help Create Healthy Family Relationships, A Sense of Stability For Everyone In The Family, And Raise Happy Kids Before, During And After Divorce.

The Co-Parenting Success Summit is the brainchild of Mark Pearson of Mark Pearson Coaching, who experienced the challenges of co-parenting firsthand after a difficult divorce. He realized that there was a need for a comprehensive resource for families going through similar experiences, and decided to create the Co-Parenting Success Summit to fill that gap.
The summit will feature a diverse range of speakers, including certified divorce coaches, psychologists, therapists, attorneys, financial experts, mediators and more. They will cover a wide range of topics covering the 5 most important aspects of navigating the co-parenting journey.
Social Aspect: Divorce can have a significant impact on a person's social life. It can lead to a shift in relationships with friends, in-laws, family, and especially their spouse. For example, some friends may take sides, and you may feel like you're losing your support system. It's important to learn how to navigate these changes and build a new social circle that supports you and your children.

Emotional Aspect: Divorce is a highly emotional process that can bring up a wave of ever-changing emotions. You may feel anxiety and fear about the future, anger and frustration towards your ex-spouse, and sadness about the end of your marriage. It's essential to have the right tools and resources to manage these emotions, so you can make the best decisions for you and your family.

Legal Aspect: Divorce brings many legal options that need to be considered when deciding what kind of legal process is best for your family. This can include mediation, collaboration, or litigation. Understanding the different options, the pros and cons of each, and how to choose the right process for your family can be daunting. Access to legal experts who specialize in family law can be invaluable.

Financial Aspect: One of the most challenging aspects of divorce is separating assets, especially if one spouse feels entitled to more than their fair share. The process can be complex and messy, and it's essential to have the right financial experts to help you navigate through it. Proper planning can help you understand your financial situation and how to make the best decisions for your future.

Functional Aspect: Divorce brings many changes in lifestyle, including learning how to be single again, managing expenses on one income, juggling parenting schedules, and deciding how to co-parent. These changes can be overwhelming, and it's important to have access to resources and experts who can help you navigate through them. Learning new coping strategies and tools to manage these changes can make all the difference in your post-divorce life.

"We believe that co-parenting can be a positive and successful experience, even in the midst of difficult circumstances," said Mark Pearson. "That's why we've brought together some of the best and brightest minds in the field to share their insights and advice with families who are going through this challenging time."