$60k in 4 weeks: email marketing made easy

Money 27/05/2020
Commission rate
First tier
Second tier
Commissions earned
All time
Past 30 days
Opt-in page:
Sales page:
Information page:
8 years, 3 months
125,906 affiliates
Automated payments: yes
Offer description:
Promote this offer and earn 60% affiliate commissions (plus lifetime commissions on the backend)
During the crisis I gave a few tips to a friend whose retail business was crushed by the pandemic

He followed my advice and generated $60k in sales in just 4 weeks!

Then he told some friends about this and they made $18k and $15k in sales

So I packed everything I know about email marketing into a short video course

We got great feedback from the course, and it sells for just $7

You can either send people to the squeeze page where we offer to watch the beginning of the course for free, or if you have an email list you can send people straight to the sales page