Holistic Dog Behavior & Training - Online MASTERCLASS

Health 08/05/2023
Commission rate
40% - 45%
First tier
Second tier
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Past 30 days
Sales page:
AEDC Academy
one year, 10 months
3 affiliates
Automated payments: no
Offer description:
This is a unique course on the holistic approach to dog training and behaviour. There are no other programs fully online on this topic. People will understand dog behavior, find practical answers and solutions, and learn practical applications, including herbs for dogs. All in all, they will solve problems and improve the well-being of their dogs (and theirs) exponentially.

One of the most common problems, in any field, is that we got used to looking at things with a narrow view. We focus only on one aspect of a broader situation. That results in a lost connection with the whole picture. We see this happening in the medical field, in technology, in psychology, and in our interactions with humans, dogs, other animals and nature.

Often, we provide support to dogs and other animals' in fragments. Behavioural issues, clinical scenarios, emotional traits, dog training and education activities, animals care, you name it... all of that relates to our dogs, pets and other animals, and when they need help such support is delivered separately, one piece at the time, one professional at the time, lacking a vision that integrates all the parts. We miss the whole picture of our dogs and other animals' life.


we need to integrate the many perspectives
we need to increase cooperation among different professionals
we need to improve communication
we need to become more self-observant and detect the consequences of our behaviour on others, our dogs or other animals we work with or take care of.

That is what is required to address every situation in a way that may be comprehensive, balanced, and reflects the flow of nature. In nature, nothing has a value per se, everything is interconnected with everything else, and everything is in communication with everything else. And so it should be in addressing the life of our beloved dogs.

For those reasons, a course on the behaviour and training of dogs must also include the behaviour of humans. We should realise that the approach we have to dogs and other animals, ultimately, is the mirror of ourselves.

If those perspectives resonate with you, and you believe this is the approach that truly supports our dogs or other animals.. if you wish to improve your communication skills as an animal supported and healer. If you wish to embrace a holistic approach. Then, welcome! This course is for you.

A final and essential note: the knowledge proposed here is a combination of science and hands-on experience, everything integrated into a simple language, that facilitates in any manner your learning process. If you are interested in animal communication, a dog trainer, a dog and animals behaviour consultant or animal caretaker, a dog parent, a dog worker, a dog and animal passionate, a pet parent, a social worker, a teacher, an animal ambassador, an animal advocate.. this course is for you!