Drop the Fat FAST. Intermittent Fasting Basics for Women over 35

Health 14/05/2023
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Sales page:
Dr. Alex Rosa
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Offer description:
You wake up one day and don't even recognize yourself in the mirror...
you can't bear to look at yourself naked,
let alone have your partner see you naked...
and get it on with the lights on...forget
about it!!
If you're a woman in her mid 30s and up
maybe you've noticed some things about yourself that have been changing...
Your periods are irregular
You thought you left PMS behind you in your teens
You’ve been gaining weight around your middle- you swear if you just look at something you'll gain 5 lbs
You’re tired all day no matter how much coffee you drink
Pounding headaches, swollen feet
The tricks you used to do back in the day to lose a few pounds just don’t work anymore
Hot flashes, Skin changes, Gut problems, Vag dryness, Insomnia
Hair loss or hair growing in places you didn't used to have hair before...
You just want to feel healthy again
and you've probably reached out to your healthcare provider
been told less calories,
get a trainer,
just deal with it
or here are a bunch of pills
take these and see you in 6 months
have been doing ALL the supplements,
bought the water ionizer,
doing all the protocols and cleanses
and ALL the workouts
and just not getting ANYWHERE
If this is YOU, then you need this course.
Learn the secrets to successful intermittent fasting, hormone health, and fat loss
for women over 35.
And as a BONUS receive my 7 Simple Tips to Burn Hormonal Belly Fat and Transform Your Body.
I 100% guarantee if you follow this faithfully you will see a change in your body composition.