Personalized Paleo Program

Services 29/05/2023
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Sales page:
Functional Wellness Collective
one year, 10 months
11 affiliates
Automated payments: yes
Offer description:
Online, self-paced group program that uses food and lifestyle interventions to live pain free and finally enjoy eating again.
This "food freedom" program uses over 90 videos and downloadable PDFs to transition your body into the person your body NEEDS YOU to be using a unique paleo to autoimmune paleo approach.
In addition, those enrolled receive 8 self assessments to monitor their progress and a group community to receive support, accountability, and have 24/7 access to me, the founder and health expert behind it all!
Stop buying programs that are restrictive and come with requirements that don't fit your needs. Personalized Paleo lets you decide what's best for YOUR body without the need for calorie counting.
Lifetime access to program content including any updates made.