Digital Painting with Krita Complete Course Bundle

Hobbies 16/06/2023
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Widhi Muttaqien
one year, 9 months
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Automated payments: yes
Offer description:
Learn Digital Painting from basic to intermediate to advanced, with the most comprehensive Krita course series on the planet.

Krita is currently the most powerful open-source graphics software for drawing or digital painting in the world. Because it is free, there is less barrier for students to gain access to the software. And there are currently no online courses that cover the software as extensively as this series.

This bundle consists of 3 online courses:
- "Digital Painting with Krita 5.0 for Beginners",
- "Digital Painting with Krita 5.0 Intermediate"
- "Digital Painting with Krita 5.0 Advanced".

These courses are the best-selling Krita courses on Udemy and Skillshare. With thousands of students giving positive reviews and 5 star ratings. You can check them out for yourself to be sure.

The advantage of purchasing these courses directly from Expose Academy is that they are bundled together for greater convenience. Students also get various additional benefits such as chat support from the author, downloadable offline versions, certificates, and so on

Each course was originally priced at $39.99 or a total of $119.97, but now you can promote all 3 together with a 40% discount or for only $69.99.

With 30% commission, you'll get $20.99 for each sell.