Art of Soft Skills

Services 23/06/2023
Commission rate
First tier
Second tier
Commissions earned
All time
Past 30 days
Sales page:
Anthony Washington Sr
one year, 11 months
2 affiliates
Automated payments: yes
Offer description:
The definition of Soft Skills may be challenging to articulate, but they encompass distinctive qualities or traits that enhance effective communication and demonstrate self-assurance during difficult circumstances. This workshop offers valuable guidance in managing such scenarios, making them more manageable. By attending our Soft Skills You Need workshop, your participants will realize the significance of cultivating a fundamental set of soft skills. By observing and analyzing human interactions from a fresh perspective, they will enhance various facets of their professional growth.

-Affiliates will earn 30% commission.
-This is a a great course to promote because many need to rebuild lost soft skills or build new ones to get ahead in the new job market.