Calm Retreat

Services 08/11/2023
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Karen Humphries
2 years
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Offer description:
Do you experience overwhelm, anxiety or worry?

Are you seeking a robust method to retrain your nervous system back to calm??

Perhaps you are seeking tools and resources to soothe yourself when at ground zero and launch you to feeling empowered.

Are you ready to immerse into a 4 module virtual Calm Retreat which aims to:
- Prioritise Your Well-being,
- Restore Your Calm,
- Revitalise Your Energy Systems,
- Recalibrate Your Nervous System!

This 4 step program shows you how to utilise breathwork in a non confronting way to reground, turn off your survival switch and deal with big feelings.

There are four modules, each includes a :

- workbook which includes affirmations, quotes, and journal prompts;
- video presentation;
- hypnotic meditative recording; and
- additional bonus exercises, blogs and podcast episodes to boost your calm practice.