Wayfinder: Emotional Regulation Course

Services 09/11/2023
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Sales page:
The Life Aligned Academy
one year, 4 months
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Automated payments: no
Offer description:
Emotions are dynamic energies that require pathways to move through the body. When emotions are left unresolved, they can become stored and create blockages that eventually lead to physical discomfort. To live a fulfilling life, it is essential to consciously work with our emotions and view them as valuable sources of information. Emotions provide insight into how we process our life experiences and can reveal deep-seated traumas and wounds that manifest as triggers. By working with these emotions, we can identify and navigate through them, allowing them to become our teachers and guides.

This Course aims to explore 5 fundamental emotions: anger, sadness,fear,joy and Love. It provides participants with a deeper understanding of how to activate and manage them. The course will also examine the impact of chronic pain on the body, which can be an indication of stagnant emotions. Emotions shape our reality and can affect our experience of life. If left unmanaged, they can create unconscious feedback loops that dictate our lives.

To become more aware of our emotions, we must differentiate between thinking about our feelings and genuinely experiencing them. While thinking about our emotions can bring initial awareness, it can also hinder the process of expression. To successfully express our emotions, we must identify the sensations within our body and release any states of contraction. The nervous system is continually regulating the balance between the body and mind, and we have the opportunity to move our emotional energy by responding to the internal messages of our body-mind wisdom.

Emotions are not meant to be suppressed but rather used as feedback to help us integrate our life experiences more profoundly. By becoming more emotionally aware, we can learn to move through emotions rather than becoming them, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling life.

Lets meet our emotions and Become our own inner WAYFINDER.