Εbook 1000ευρω with Affiliate Marketing

Services 01/12/2023
Commission rate
20% - 50%
First tier
Second tier
Commissions earned
All time
Past 30 days
Sales page:
Savvas Lemontzis
one year, 8 months
5 affiliates
Automated payments: yes
Offer description:
I create a digital product an ebook where I explain everything that someone need to make his start on Affiliate Marketing. With this ebook you are going to learn techniques to grow your social media cloud and also you find out how to start from scratch without followers or big social media acounts.
My funnel has two steps number one the ebook and number two a coaching session.

I give commision 50% for the ebook Funnel Step 1
and 20% on coaching session Funnel Step 2

Already the ebook has very big success with more than 1000 sales and more than 20 thousands on revenue. Take the opportunity to have a big part of the next sales

Language of the product and the funnel is GREEK.