Profit Engineers Monthly Mentorship Group

Services 04/01/2024
Commission rate
First tier
Second tier
Commissions earned
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Past 30 days
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Annette Brown, CPA
4 months
0 affiliates
Automated payments: no
Offer description:
The Profit Engineers Community is a monthly interactive mentorhship group for small business entrepreneurs that will equip you with the tools, skills and knowledge necessary to change your financial trajectory and set you on a path to financial independence.

What will be covered?
▸ Establishing a profitability model for your business
▸ Identifying your top clients
▸ Creating a systematic marketing plan
▸ Creating a financial plan
▸ Creatiing metrics for your particular industry
▸ And much more

▸ First Friday of everymonth via zoom
▸ Live sessions gives you an opportunity to ask your questions in live time
▸ Opportunity to work on your instruments and tools with other skilled entrepreneurs
▸ Sessions will be recoreded in case you have to miss the live session.