Roth IRA Conversion Planning

Money 19/01/2024
Commission rate
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Second tier
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Past 30 days
Sales page:
Number Crunch Nerds
one year, 7 months
2 affiliates
Automated payments: no
Offer description:
The product itself is a template to help plan for Roth IRA Conversions. The sales pitch is a series of 4 videos. By the time people get to Video 3, they are hooked. The product practically sells itself. This product is literally something that every American Taxpayer (which is basically every American over the age of 18) can use for tax planning. It's a $40 offer with a 50% commission. Right now sales are 4 to 20 units per day. Just get your audience to this page and the 4 part video series does all the selling. This product is for any audience interested in money, finance, tax, investing or stock trading. Great for any audience dealing with retirement.