CASE STUDY: 52 sales @$900 each ($43,000) in 96 Hours

Money 20/02/2024
Commission rate
0% - 50%
First tier
Second tier
Commissions earned
All time
Past 30 days
Opt-in page:
Sales page:
No Paycheck Needed System Of Income
2 years
19 affiliates
Automated payments: yes
Offer description:
Many folks don’t make $43,000 working a whole year at their 9-5.

The crazy part is Tom did it with no video, no webinar, no phone calls, and no funnel.

This case study leads to the 2-Page Google Doc Cash Machine where I pay out 50% commissions within 5 days of the sale.

The subscriber will get a series of case studies over the course of 5 days along with other emails that help to pre-sell them on using the 2-Page Google Doc Cash Machine offer!

There are 4 choices the subscriber can choose from.

1. Muscle Car Kit - This is the base level that goes into the entire strategy with templates and other extra tools such as the Buyer Frenzy Offer Tool. The price is either 2 payments of $125 or a single payment of $199.

2. Turbo Kit - This next level offers everything from the Muscle Car level but adds in some additional bonuses such as the Zoom Appreciation Call and the Second Helping campaign. The price is 3 payments of $150 or one payment of $399.

3. Ferarri Kit - This level offers all of the above and Audience Multiplier Campaign to reall get their sales popping like popcorn. The price is either 4 payments of $200 or a single payment of $599.

4. Bugatti Kit - This level gives everything above plus sublicensing rights to resell the 2-Page Google Doc Cash Machine for 100% profits. The price is either 10 payments of $99 or a single payment of $699.