Story Launcher's Aligned Writing System

Services 08/03/2024
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Story Launcher LLC
one year, 3 months
0 affiliates
Automated payments: yes
Offer description:
Writing a book is a lonely endeavor. Why go it alone when you can have a professional team support your creation, and you know everyone with a business or idea has a book in them?

Ideally, we love to work with our affiliates so that they know how we produce our books. No book is ever created in a vacuum! Writing a GREAT book takes a community and demands a conversation.

Earn 40% on our monthly plan or our paid-in-full option.

What are you waiting for? The muse to strike... well, guess what? The muse is finicky like that. If you don't begin writing your ideas down it may move on and find a more willing creator!

There is no time like the present to begin your book! And 3 out of 5 people have intentions to write a book now!

We are also a publishing and marketing company based in the US. And only produce and publish books having been written using our Alinged Writing Method.

Our 8-week Aligned Writing Method includes:

01 Guide 1: Preparing to Write

02 Guide 2: Writing Your Book's Mission Statement

03 Guide 3: Gaining Total Creative Clarity

04 Guide 4: Creating Your Successful Vision & Monthly Targets

05 Guide 5: Writing On Purpose

06 Guide6: Ease & Flow Of Self-Expression

07 Guide 7: Writing From Your Greatness (Preserving both Beauty & Truth)

08 Guide 8: Developmental Edits