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Promote this course and earn 60% affiliate commissions.

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This is an American English Online Course designed to transform your life by perfecting your English and increasing your Professionalism, Credibility, and Career Success!

The course content includes:

Building vocabulary

Intensive focus on prepositions

How to use Do and Make correctly

How to think to increase speaking confidence

Learning to perfect English from recordings with one-on-one clients

Exact English to use to build business relationships

Common English mistakes to avoid


How to practice speaking

Job interviewing - the American way

Keys to communicating effectively in business

How to email

Leadership tips

How to ask for help, cooperation, and collaboration in English

How to apologize in English

Finding your voice

Business wisdom

Expressing kindness in business

You will be sending people to the opt-in page, which will bring them to my 18-minute video before they purchase the course. The video will provide them with free, important value that will help them to feel comfortable about purchasing the course.

Thank you for helping me to help others!

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Since English is the business language of the world, speaking English at the highest level of fluency is one of the keys to experiencing more business success.

Many people were hired for their ability to speak multiple languages, but the mistakes that they make when speaking English and the lack of confidence that those mistakes cause them to feel, keep them from communicating in the most effective, professional way in every business situation.

They’re missing out on important business relationships, they’re not seen for the full value that they have to offer, they are not always understood, and they are not advancing as far as they would like in their careers.

PERFECT BUSINESS ENGLISH clients are perfecting their English and speaking in a more professional way – because they’re doing some things a little differently.

Instead of going back to their old grammar books or learning bits and pieces of information, trying to figure out how to put it all together, they’re learning what to say and how to say it in the most professional way – as it relates to their actual business.

They’re improving their English quickly, because they’re getting the help that they need, starting where they are, right now!

They’re building the confidence that they need to make their ideas heard and understood.

They’re learning communication skills that are increasing their ability to compete more effectively in the English-speaking business world.

They’re gaining more respect from colleagues and clients.

And they’re learning how to think – to make the entire process easier and more fun.

Ready to learn more?

Click the link below to watch a short video. (Your affiliate link)

It’s a must-watch for anyone who needs to polish their English to build confidence, to earn trust and respect, and to open career opportunities.