Ultimate Podcasting Pack

Templates 30/03/2024
Commission rate
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Second tier
Commissions earned
All time
Past 30 days
Opt-in page:
Sales page:
Information page:
one year, one month
10 affiliates
Automated payments: no
Offer description:
The Ultimate Podcasting Pack is a digital bundle of time-saving templates for new and seasoned podcasters for starting, growing & monetizing your podcast. It also includes resources for being a guest on podcasts to expand your reach, visibility & authority.

Squeeze Pae: https://www.podcastingpack.com/

Sales Page: https://www.podcastingpack.com/podpack

You can see the affiliate details & a link to the assets (images & swipe copy) here: https://www.podcastingpack.com/affiliates

Become an Affiliate: Share this offer with your audience for 40% commission!

Here are some of the items in the Ultimate Podcasting Pack:

🎙Starting Your Podcast:
➡️ Podcasting on Purpose Masterclass
➡️ Podcast Episode Planner
➡️ Podcast Show Notes Planner
➡️ Podcasting on Purpose Workbook
➡️ Podcasting Checklist
➡️ 75 Tips from Podcasting Experts & Famous Podcasters
➡️ Podcasting Glossary
➡️ Podcaster’s Affirmation

🌿 Growing Your Podcast
➡️ Podcast Media Kit Canva Templates
➡️ Elevator Pitches for Podcasters & Expert Guests
➡️ Podcast Flyer Templates
➡️ Podcasting Design Pack (Canva Templates)
➡️ Business Cards for Podcasters & Speakers
➡️ Podcasting Email Templates
➡️ My Stories Journal + Story Prompts Cards

👏Being a Guest on Podcasts:
➡️ Grow Your Business as a Guest Expert Toolkit
➡️ Speaker One-Sheet Canva Templates

💰Monetizing Your Podcast
➡️ Podcasting Promo Mockup Templates
➡️ 11 Ideas for Monetizing Your Podcast
➡️ Course Creation for Podcasters
➡️ Group Growth Masterclass
➡️ Influence Formula Masterclass
➡️ Mini Membership Masterclass