Inner Bloom: Women's Wealth & Wellbeing Academy with MRR

Services 01/04/2024
Commission rate
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Second tier
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Past 30 days
Sales page:
Making Cents for Life
2 years, 4 months
1 affiliate
Automated payments: no
Offer description:
Introducing Inner Bloom - the first of it's kind - Women's Wealth & Wellbeing Academy.

We have collaborated with over 50+ experienced female coaches & healers from around the world to bring to you all in one space a platform packed with courses, masterclasses, workbooks and audios to support you with "Blooming" into a better version of yourself because when you feel better on the inside, life gets better on the outside.

The Academy will teach you all about personal development & growth, but also provide you with everything you need to know about empowering, building & growing an online business, including a Digital Marketing module with 22 PLR guides to get you started.


1. DO I HAVE TO SELL THE COURSE? NO! This is completely optional. Some people like to purchase to access the many different training modules to apply to their own personal growth journey. Others purchase with clear intent to resell it. This choice is completely up to you.

You Can do this in three different ways:
- You can re-sell the access to the Academy for 100% profit for as many times as you would like and for however long you would like.
- You can apply what you have learned to scale your own business & personal growth.
- You can take the PLR guides that are included and sell them either individually or bundle them up.

● CAN be Sold - YES
● CAN sell resale rights or master resell rights - YES
● CAN add the product into your product bundle or package and sell for a higher price - YES
● CANNOT be added to a paid membership site
● CANNOT give the product away for FREE
● CANNOT be downloaded and uploaded into another host or platform
● CANNOT offer the product as a bonus to another product you are selling. However, you can offer other bonuses to this product when selling - YES
● You CANNOT sell the product on auction sites such as - NO
● You CANNOT use nor sell this product in a dime sale event, under any circumstances at all
● Videos CANNOT be Modified in ANY WAY
● Product minimum sale price is $222 however product can be sold to the price of your choice, any price point above $222