Audacity University

Infoproducts 03/08/2024
Commission rate
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Second tier
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Sales page:
Rafael Kruger
one year, 3 months
1 affiliate
Automated payments: yes
Offer description:
The most disruptive psychological knowledge paired with cutting-edge neuroscience, plus all my insights from working with people from over 20 countries.

4-years Psychology Curriculum:

– Demystifying Jung Fundamentals

– The Psychological Types Unraveled

– The Art of Dream Interpretation

– Active Imagination Deciphered

– Animus and Anima – The Hierosgamos

– Conquer The Puer and Puella Aeternus – Overcoming The Mother and Father Complex (Bonus #1)

– Katabasis – The Shadow Integration Manual (Bonus #2)

– Obliterate Procrastination – Master Your Habits, Unleash The Flow State, and Create an Audacious Life (Bonus #3)