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Services 22/08/2024
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EDA Academy
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Offer description:
Enhance your verification skills with this SystemVerilog Assertions (SVA) course. Learn to use Boolean expressions, sequences, and properties to write effective assertions. Discover immediate and concurrent assertions, sequence operators, and coverage metrics to identify design issues and ensure thorough verification. Gain practical skills to apply SVA techniques, improving the reliability and efficiency of your design verification.

Assertions are embedded pieces of code that act like observers. They can be inserted anywhere in the design code. When used in a verification environment, assertions help to identify design bugs earlier and more easily. This method is a highly efficient way to improve work productivity. Through assertions, we can capture specific design behaviors and gain detailed knowledge of how the design should operate. Assertions are crucial for increasing the observability and controllability of a design. Assertions are a language for describing design behavior. Their syntax is fundamental, requiring systematic learning to use assertion-based verification techniques effectively.

Assertion-based verification provides an effective way to improve verification quality by offering better controllability and observability of design bugs. Using assertions ensures that interface designs are executed correctly. They help discover deep design bugs, identify hard-to-find corner cases. We can also analyze and improve test cases in simulation through coverage environments with assertions.

Our course focuses on the basic syntax of the SystemVerilog Assertions (SVA) language, which is part of the SystemVerilog language defined in the IEEE 1800 industry standard. We cover key terminology, the four verification directives (assert, assume, cover, and restrict), and the four structural levels (Boolean expressions, sequences, properties, and assertions). We also discuss the basics of immediate and concurrent assertions.

The course provides a detailed look at simple Boolean expressions, sequences, sequence operations, coverage, and reusable properties in SVA. Through analyzing and studying specific cases, we summarize methods for writing concise and efficient property codes. This course will guide you on how to apply assertion-based verification techniques in real projects, making it an essential skill for starting practical projects.