LinkedIn for Academics: Course, Coaching & Community

Services 30/08/2024
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Marina Silva-Opps
6 months
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Automated payments: yes
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Promote this offer and earn 45% affiliate commissions (plus lifetime commissions on the backend)!


I've created a comprehensive program called LinkedIn for Academic Career Success, designed specifically to help academics optimize their LinkedIn profiles and achieve their career and entrepreneurial goals. There are only a handful of resources specifically designed for academics, from graduate students to full professors, that provide course content and a learning community space.

This program includes 19 video lessons, 19 detailed PDFs, 3 engaging 60-minute group coaching sessions, and access to a supportive community space for discussion and networking.

Whether you're a graduate student, postdoc, or seasoned professor, this course will guide you in expanding your network, building your personal brand, and finding new career opportunities—including transitioning to new industries, discovering collaborators, or even identifying potential supervisors for early-career academics.

We received incredible feedback from our recent beta testers, and the program is currently available for just $49.

You can either direct people to the sales page where they can get a sneak peek of the course for free, or, if you have an email list, you can send them straight to the sales page. Although I have primarily focused on academics, other professionals could also benefit from this program.