Love Like Morpheus: The Log Cabin Conversations

Relationships 27/09/2024
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Offer description:
What would it be like if LOVE guided the way we all lived and worked?

This is your opportunity to find out.

Love Like Morpheus: The Log Cabin Conversations is a 12-part program of very real conversations about the art and the heart of relationship.

At work, at home and even on your own, these conversations will equip you for relationships that are not only richer and more meaningful, but also more impactful.

Whether you are a leader or a lover, a dreamer or a doer, Love Like Morpheus: The Log Cabin Conversations will transform your relationships.

With the people you lead. With the people you love. And perhaps most importantly, with the person you are.

Work — Make a bigger impact as you build game-changing leadership and collaboration skills.

Life — Experience more connection and joy as you enrich your personal relationships.

Self — Discover ever deeper meaning as you experience unprecedented inner growth.

What You Will Get:
The Log Cabin Conversations Video Series

Join globally respected mentors Ian Hatton and Marie-Thérèse Le Roux on the deck of a log cabin in a remote forest for their conversations about the art and the heart of relationship.

These conversations cover the twelve principles from their book Love Like Morpheus in practical application. From leadership to collaboration and self-awareness to functional conflict, these twelve principles will equip you to enjoy quality, rewarding relationships in every realm of life.

The video version gives you access to the full log cabin experience, including birdsong and monkeys in the background. You can enjoy an "imperial" morning coffee with Ian and Marie and be part of their interactions.

Enjoy lifetime access to the video series online, or download them to watch any time.

✓ Authentic conversations filmed at a remote log cabin in a forest
✓ The 12 core principles of relationship from Ian & Marie's book Love Like Morpheus
✓ Online streaming or downloadable video format for your convenience
✓ Unlimited access to watch and review as and when you need
✓ A high-value weekly email to inspire you over 12 weeks

Love Like Morpheus Priority Access

Alongside your Log Cabin Conversations video and audio, you will also get…

✓ A live Zoom session with Ian, Marie and amazing people like you every month
✓ COMPLIMENTARY early access to the Love Like Morpheus book as a beta reader
✓ Your name listed in the first edition of Love Like Morpheus contributors page
✓ VIP access to the Love Like Morpheus live online book launch event
✓ Your complimentary Kindle copy of Love Like Morpheus delivered to your email inbox on launch day

About the Creators of Love Like Morpheus: The Log Cabin Conversations:
Ian Hatton and Marie-Thérèse Le Roux have spent over a century between them identifying and exploring the principles of relationship at work across the planet. Ian liberates leaders with his keynotes, facilitation and his first book, Lead Like Morpheus: The Genius of Conscious Leadership. Marie empowers experts, entrepreneurs and enthusiasts globally to share their Visionary message with the world. As speakers and mentors, they have each earned respect in their own right internationally. This project combines their expertise across the fields of leadership, communication and, most significantly, the never-ending inner journey of self-discovery. The result is an ongoing conversation that invites you on a quest to elevate the quality of your relationships — at work, in life and with self.