Money Wound Medicine™ Program

Money 07/12/2023
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Sales page:
Emily Wilcox Coaching
one year, 6 months
1 affiliate
Automated payments: yes
Offer description:
Get to the source of your money drama, permanently heal it, and begin building more wealth. This program offers unique and potent healing of your underlying money wounds that block you from wealth.

Program includes:

15 Hours of On-Demand Healing ($1,500 Value)
Self Hypnosis Tracks for Effortless Subconscious Reprogramming ($188 Value)
Guided Visualizations & Healings ($333 Value)
Fill-in-the-Blank Journal Prompts for Deep Integration ($17 Value)
Opportunity to share your money healing journey on The Joyous Path to Millions - a Top 3% Global Podcast ($555 value)
Six live coaching calls each year with Em ($888 value)
Access to all program updates & enhancements for life ($1,447 value)

TOTAL VALUE = $4,928

Today's Price = $1,997 pay-in-full or payment plans as low as $697/month

Get a 50% commission on this highly rated program.