Unlock Secrets to Sibling Harmony

Services 08/01/2025
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Roselyn Owen
2 years, 5 months
0 affiliates
Automated payments: no
Offer description:
Online mini-course, comprehensive notes, for families who want to stop all the arguing, and fights that kids have.

PLUS a personal consult with the trainer.

The course will cover:

1. How to handle kids fighting and arguing, without losing your kids' love and respect. NEVER again will you be trapped as the judge or jury, when kids are fighting! You will enjoy having the kids fight MUCH less.

2. Building Strong Sibling Bonds
Discover how you can create your own happy cooperative family where everyone contributes to the family culture. Wouldn't it be nice when everyone adds positively to the family vibes?

3. Common Traps For Parents:
What are the pitfalls that don't help? What you need to know to get things on track so everyone is valued and treasured.