Smart Stewards Academy Membership

Money 12/01/2025
Commission rate
0% - 10%
First tier
Second tier
Commissions earned
NGN 0.00
All time
NGN 0.00
Past 30 days
Sales page:
Smart Stewards
one year, 9 months
0 affiliates
Automated payments: no
Offer description:
6-week access to our Smart Stewards Academy

Understand how to lead your money, and start to enjoy the money game
Learn How to Make More Money. Stuck with one source of Income? Learn how to do more.

How to reprogram your relationship with money so that you stop feeling guilty every time you spend.
Why traditional financial advice like ‘save more’ and ‘live below your means’ will always leave you stuck—and what to do instead.

How you can stop borrowing money each month and actually start growing your wealth without a huge salary.

And much more.