The Dissolve Anxiety Program

Health 25/07/2021
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Sales page:
Matthew Tweedie
3 years, 11 months
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Offer description:
We are a coaching and training company that has expertise in the mental health space. I have been in the field of mind mastery and expanding human potential for the past decade. This course offers over 35 modules of content and education focussing on anxiety and how it effects people from all walks of life. The models discuss how anxiety manifests in a person's life, what is actually happening in a person's mind when they are experiencing anxiety and goes into great detail about the mindset required to overcome anxiety permanently.

The course helps a person resolve anxiety in 90 days or less. There are testing tools and exercises outlined to track progress and for self-reflection included in the process. We design the first two weeks of the course for a person to absorb all the information and psycho-education required to be free of anxiety. After two weeks of tracking stress levels and frequency of anxiety, time to dive into the tools for resolution.

The last two modules of the course are a culmination of all the tools that I personally use in my one-on-one coating programs to help people re-wire their mind and gain permanent resolution from anxiety. There are hypnotic meditation tools to settle the nervous system and take someone out of the fight and flight response. There are specific self hypnotic tools that can help people both address a specific anxiety and also techniques to resolve generalised anxiety, too. Besides all the plug and play tools that can be used right away, we have also included a step-by-step tutorial of how to create customised hypnosis audios to resolve any persistent anxieties for personalised self-reprogramming.

Go from over thinking, overwhelmed and over it to calm relaxed and at peace in 90 or less.

Intuitive concepts and strategies that anyone can pick up and apply rapidly and naturally. It’s a plug and play system for resolving anxiety. This information-packed course is one of the most comprehensive programs on the market for people wanting to overcome anxiety from their own home. It is a culmination of 10 years of my working with clients and students. I have personally studied the most advanced and powerful modalities in the psychotherapy, hypnosis and psychology field. I have also worked with thousands of individuals putting together a synergy of these tools and helping them become empowered. The result of all of this time and energy is the dissolve anxiety program. It is designed to show you everything you need to know to become calm, relaxed, confident and anxiety free and living your best life.