Pregnancy Diet Secrets

Health 13/04/2022
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Sales page:
Dennis Amartey
2 years
3 affiliates
Automated payments: no
Offer description:
From everything about healthy diet plan, managing calories, controlling cravings, vegetarian diet plan, food safety measures to supplements to take, passing food allergy, relieving morning sickness and postpartum depression diet - We have included every single thing you need or will need to have a healthy & happy pregnancy.
Get the maximum out of our video tutorials that are...
• Must have to maintain nutrition during pregnancy
• Vital in improving your health & eating habits
• Effective in eliminating all your doubts about foods habits
• Proficient in encouraging proper fetal development
• Key Component for transforming all your pains into joy

This is a complete collection of 15 High Definition videos with step by step content. Here’s the breakdown:
• In Video #1: Which is the Introduction video, you will get a detailed explanation of what will be included in the complete training, so that you can have a clear vision of what to expect from it.
• In Video #2: You will be introduced to the healthy diet-plan during pregnancy
• In Video #3: You will know how many calories to consume during pregnancy
• In Video #4: You will learn everything about pregnancy cravings & ways to beat them
• In Video #5:You will learn all about eating a vegetarian diet during pregnancy
• In Video #6: You will learn all about the foods and beverages to avoid during pregnancy
• In Video #7: You will learn the food safety measures to take during pregnancy
• In Video #8: You will learn about the supplements during pregnancy: what’s safe and what’s not
• In Video #9: You will find out how to navigate pregnancy with a food allergy or food intolerance
• In Video #10: You will learn all about your body’s nutritional needs during pregnancy
• In Video #11: You will learn all about the pregnancy myths related to food - Demystified
• In Video #12: You’ll learn everything about the tips for relieving morning sickness through food
• In Video #13: You will learn the dos and don’ts for a gestational diabetic mother
• In Video #14: You will find out what happens if a pregnant mother does not eat properly
• In Video #15: You will learn about how to eat your way through postpartum depression