FREE Story and Screenwriting Workshop

Services 20/04/2022
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Trevor Smith
2 years, 10 months
5 affiliates
Automated payments: no
Offer description:

This FREE workshop will teach people how to go from an idea to a completed story or screenplay in 7 EEEEASY STEPS using the EEEEasy Approach to Great Storytelling and Screenwriting.

FREE OFFER: 3 Hour LIVE ZOOM Workshop Saturday 5/7/22 10am-1pm PT

SALES PAGE: Instructor’s comprehensive 300+ page ebook, the EEEEasy Approach to Great Storytelling and Screenwriting. Discounted offer $2.49 (50% Commission).

UPSELL #1: Instructor’s LIVE 6-week Masterclass offered at a discounted rate of $95 ($475 value).

UPSELL #2: 1-hour one-on-one strategy session with workshop instructor by Zoom or phone at discounted rate of $25 (50% Commission).

Class taught by author, produced-screenwriter, award-winning filmmaker, and screenwriting instructor, Trevor L. Smith.

This offer is perfect for writers and screenwriters at any level who want to learn a proven form of great storytelling and screenwriting that has helped thousands of students all over the world.

Invite someone to this FREE workshop and earn 50% on any special offers they take advantage of.