Integrative Immunity Workshop

Health 10/05/2022
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Sarah Lepsy
3 years, 10 months
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Offer description:
Integrative immunologist Dr. Benoit Tano teaches those with chronic immune conditions to get to the root cause. You will leave with actionable steps to get your body back in balance. Dr. Tano will answer questions live, and a replay will be available.
The workshop takes place via Zoom on May 28th at 9 AM Central.
The price is $297.
Benoit Tano, M.D. is A Specialist, Pioneer, And the Foremost Expert in The Field of Integrative Immunity. Dr. Tano Is the Founder of the Integrative Immunity Health System (I-IHS) PC, Located in Edina, Minnesota, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and Bismarck, North Dakota. He Is Johns Hopkins Fellowship Trained in Allergy and Clinical Immunology and Authored the Amazon Number One Bestselling Book, The Layman's Guide to Integrative Immunity. He Combines His Vast Expertise in Allergy, Clinical Immunology, And Hormone Imbalance Syndrome to Treat the Root Causes Of 21st-Century Chronic Diseases.