Dot Com Truths Tech Support membership

Services 13/06/2022
Commission rate
First tier
Second tier
Commissions earned
All time
Past 30 days
Sales page:
Eran Bucai
2 years, 8 months
166 affiliates
Automated payments: yes
Offer description:
The Dot Com Truths (DCT) tech support membership is a hands-on membership that helps course creators, membership site owners, coaches (or entrepreneurs aspiring to be any of the above) with the tech struggles that occur in starting and growing a business.

You receive 20% commission, recurring, for life.

DCT is the most hands-on tech support membership for removing technology from being a roadblock in starting, launching and growing your online business.

The DCT membership is an implementation-focused program designed to provide you with the ongoing tech support you've been wishing exists so you can finally get your products and services sold online with confidence.

Summary of the DCT membership and how it works:

Once a week (usually more often), I meet with you and other DCT members for Q&A session on any of your tech issues. We share screens and resolve any challenges on the spot.

However, there is no need to wait for the group call to get help if you're stuck.

You are given a VIP email address to email me and my team and get help in under 24 hours through email/video tutorials.

The DCT membership is here to provide you with under-24 hours of tech support and access to me and my team to help you in your journey from an idea to living off passive/recurring income with your online business.

If we can't resolve the issue in an email (sometimes it's easier to just hop on a Zoom call), I have a Tech Coach available for you to hop on a Zoom call and assist you.

The goal is to consistently automate and systemize more and more of your business.

There are over 100 people in the membership already.

Most of the DCT members have worked with me 1-on-1, and I have access to their website. This makes it possible for me to login to their website platform and record a tutorial just for them to help resolve any issues.

Dot Com Truths membership is there to help entrepreneurs overcome their tech struggles and empower them to use technology to grow their businesses.

The transformation of being a DCT member is going from an idea to living off passive/recurring income. This is explained in detail in the membership PDF brochure which you are encouraged to read. Visit

Here is what your referrals get:

Under 24-hours of tech support through email with fast responses and video tutorials.

Access to short 1:1 Zoom calls on-demand with my Tech Coach Team when you're stuck and need 1:1 support.

Weekly Group Training Calls

Virtual Co-Working sessions

All the courses I have released previously and will release in the future (so long as you remain a member)

This is a membership you can be proud to promote!

Any questions, reach out to