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A healthy mind in a healthy body, as the ancient Romans used to say.

Let me be completely honest for a second: all of us who are entrepreneurs need to recognize our risk. We’re all guilty of going beyond our limits.

Now, that can lead to amazing results. We start businesses from scratch, and plop down in bed at night happy with our achievements.

However, we push our bodies too hard, too.

Endless hours of sitting, running from one place to another, and stressing above the human limits.

It takes its toll. And in the long term, our entrepreneurial lifestyle exhausts us.

Fortunately, there are entrepreneurs who’ve struggled with the same thing and now have great advice to share.

Craig Ballantyne is one of them.

Today, I’m going to show you everything you need to know about Craig Ballantyne:

  • Who is Craig Ballantyne?
  • What does he do?
  • How does fitness work with business strategies?
  • Alternatives to Craig Ballantyne’s programs

Let’s dive in!

1. Who is Craig Ballantyne?

Caig Ballantyne

“You can’t have a seven-figure income on a five-figure lifestyle.”

This is the first aphorism which Craig Ballantyne not only came up with, but also firmly believes in.

A bestselling author of books on how to build a business and come out of the rat race of entrepreneurs, Craig Ballantyne has also made a name for himself with his venture like EarlyToRise.

He firmly believes that, to make your first million, you have to work smart - not just hard.

(This is something I often talk about, too.)

In Ballantyne’s words, almost everyone is a self-proclaimed entrepreneur with an idea that will change the way things work.

However, very few ideas actually turn into profitable businesses.

Sometimes the idea is not great, sometimes an entrepreneur fails at execution, and sometimes things just don’t add up.

If you’re in this stage where you are ‘struckling’ (stuck and struggling - a term coined by Craig himself), you’re not alone.

And Craig’s guidance and step-by-step guides to achieving your goals might just be the thing you are looking for.

Caig Ballantyne

Similarly, if you’re struggling with getting leads, customers and traffic to your website (let alone converting them and bringing in revenue), you need to look for alternative approaches.

This is even more important if you’re feeling like everyone around you is making bank with products worse than yours.

And if you’re all worn out after the week is done, and have no freedom compared to your 9-to-5, Craig might just have the resources you need to break free.

Ballantyne’s advice and strategies come from his own setbacks, failures, and experiences.

He’s not preaching anything he hasn’t practiced.

Personally, this is what I consider to be the main difference between him and other entrepreneurs-turned-coaches who wax poetic about making it big without having personal experience, or guidelines to help you do it.

Caig Ballantyne

That is what makes him believable and sets him apart from other entrepreneurs-turned-coaches waxing poetic about how to make it big on your own without any set documents and guidelines.

It is all about clear plans and dedication with Craig, and that’s why he’s worth the review.

1.1. How does working out figure into Craig Ballantyne’s story?

Young, stuck, broke, and binge-drinking his way through life as a personal trainer in Ontario, Canada, Ballantyne felt miserable.

Craig Ballantyne working out

In his heart, he knew he was doing it all wrong and wanted to change his life and his approach.

And he did, but not without the help of his mentors.

He put in hours of dedication and commitment to the idea of building an empire.

And just like Rome, his empire wasn’t built in a day either.

It took him years, and a system he followed earnestly to build the seven-figure businesses he envisioned early on.

Craig Ballantyne

Today, he owns businesses in five different niches, and has also the honour of being the author of three books (one is a Wall Street Journal bestseller) on creating wealth and improving your health - two things he is most passionate about in life.

Currently, Craig Ballantyne’s net worth is estimated at $15 million.

When he established himself as an entrepreneur, he didn’t stop there.

To him, there was no point in amassing all this information about how to earn your first seven figures with your own business, without sharing it with others.

Craig Ballantyne family

This is why he started mentoring other people who were looking to do the same.

From entrepreneurs and CEOs, to business titans and even working dads and high school teachers, he has coached and mentored people from all walks of life.

From a young and broke personal trainer to the successful entrepreneur he is today, Craig Ballantyne has come a long way.

Now he’s helping others get the same level of success through business coaching, lifestyle training, and more.

2. Craig Ballantyne: Early to Rise review

Early to Rise review

Everyone has this ideal dream of doubling their income, working less and spending more time doing what they love.

But not everyone is ready to put in the initial hours of groundwork and build everything from scratch.

This is where Craig comes in.

After doing it himself, he firmly believes you can do it, too.


With Craig Ballantyne’s Early to Rise.

With EarlyToRise, Craig offers science-based systems and structures that have been specifically designed to help you.

Each trick and strategy in the books will help you sell more and better.

Craig Ballantyne's strategy
  • Wealth building (investing and personal finance)
  • Self-improvement (time management, productivity, habits)
  • Lifestyle (work-life balance, hobbies, dealing with stress)

The blog comes with plenty of guides for every topic; from slashing your work hours from 40 to 12.5/week, to dealing with the pandemic and growing your wealth.

There’s a little bit of everything, which makes it an entrepreneurial lifestyle project.

Fortunately, this one also includes wellness and work-life balance.

EarlyToRise also includes a few paid programs:

2.1. The Ballantyne Method review

The Ballantyne method

The Ballantyne Method is a coaching program for burned-out entrepreneurs who are desperately struggling to increase their sales and decrease their work hours.

The entire process takes place in a few steps:

  • Evaluate your goals and current situation with the Ballantyne Method Cheat Sheet
  • Talk to Ballantyne’s team during the Ballantyne Method audit, and find extra ways to make more money from your business
  • Create a revenue strategy (i.e. 2x Game Plan Blueprint)
16 Fast Cash Profit Activators book review

The entire Ballantyne Method hinges on the so-called C.A.S.H. Profit Activators, programs and blueprints for various sales methods.

Ballantyne’s C.A.S.H. Profit Activators include:

  • The New Client Floodgate Funnel - A system with sales messages you can easily set up to convert more leads
  • The 3-Day Cash Machine Series - Sales scripts
  • The Hidden Profits Referral Script - Referral campaign template to maximize the value of your existing customers, and get them to invite their friends
The Hidden Profits Referral Script book review
  • The Magic “Get Paid Your Worth” Script - Another script for increasing your revenue by increasing the perceived value of your products
  • Social Media Selling System - Strategy for selling through social media

You’ll also get access to Ballantyne’s older sales and copywriting resources.

The Ballantyne Method

In addition to these sales systems (mainly sales scripts), you’ll also get resources for improving your lifestyle since that’s Ballantyne’s signature focus:

  • The 10 Less MAGIC TIME Formula - A time management training system
  • The Ultimate Guide in High Performance Leadership - Detailed blueprints and walkthroughs for managing your business and your team

The entire program takes place through 12 weeks, and you’re getting access to a community, as well as live group training and coaching.

This helps you dive in deep into all the methods and strategies, and personalize them for your unique business.

Craig Ballantyne help

One of Craig Ballantyne reviews

The Ballantyne Method coaching and training program is $1,500 (or you can pay in 3 installments of $525).

Is this a lot? Yeah, it is.

But at the same time, if you wandered around the internet trying to find these resources yourself, you’d spend a lot more time.

Ballantyne offers everything in one place + coaching with his team.

All in all, the main thing I like about this program is that you get feedback from professionals on how to actually implement strategies.

2.2. Craig Ballantyne’s Social Story Selling System review

Craig Ballantyne’s social media Instagram

Ballantyne’s Social Story Selling System is a video course that focuses on turning your Instagram account into one of your main lead generation channels.

Look, let’s be real: Instagram is becoming huge. It has over 500 million of daily active users - just for Instagram Stories.

Now, your Instagram account can be a piece of useless PR, or it can become a source of high-quality leads.

Ballantyne starts with the EPS formula: earnings per follower.

If you’re not making money weekly off your Instagram followers, Ballantyne says you’re doing it wrong.

Social Story Selling System

Just some of the things you’ll get in the Social Story Selling System include:

  • Sales script - Similarly to the 3-Day Cash Machine series, you’ll get a sales script
  • Social Story Selling schedule - Social media schedule templates you can easily plug in
  • Content creation system - Tips for creating content that convinces and converts, and turns your online brand into a thought authority

You’ll also get a few bonuses, as is customary with these kinds of programs:

  • Monthly “Ask the expert” live training
  • 5-email sequence for increasing sales
  • DMs to convert skeptical prospects

All in all, the Social Story Selling System is a good course for maximizing the value of your social media.

Ballantyne also uses tried and true tactics, and the course is updated to reflect the recent algorithm changes.

Ballantyne’s social media

Ballantyne’s Social Story Selling System costs $397 (you can pay in multiple payments, as well).

This isn’t a small price, but it’s a valuable course, so if Instagram is one of your main lead gen channels, it’s worth considering.

2.3. Early to Rise newsletters

Ballantyne also offers two newsletters with advice for entrepreneurs.


Wealth Confidential is EarlyToRise and Craig Ballantyne’s monthly newsletter with the most important information regarding personal finance, and investing.

They source it from experts at those topics.

Wealth Confidential is a follow-up to Craig Ballantyne’s Perfect Day Formula:

  • Create your personal 10 Commandments for wealth, success, and happiness
  • Organize your life with Ballantyne’s “5 Pillars of Success” offering time management and productivity tips
  • Create the vision for your Perfect Life

All in all, this is a combination of business, investment, and life advice.

You can try Wealth Confidental for free, for 14 days. After that, Wealth Confidential is $27 per month.

Ballantyne newsletter

The second Early To Rise newsletter is Life Hacks.

Again, this particular newsletter is a by-product of the Millionaire Morning, and expands on the subject.

From parenting tips and relationship guidance, to productivity hacks, money-saving insights, and workouts, it’s all about that sweet, sweet work-life balance.

In Craig’s own words, Life Hacks will teach you...

Ballantyne newsletter

Of course, Life Hacks is a premium newsletter. You can try it for free, and after that, Craig Ballantyne’s Life Hacks is $7 per month.

3. Craig Ballantyne Books

Interested in Ballantyne’s programs and theories, but not sure you want to pay hundreds of dollars for them?

Good news: Craig Ballantyne wrote 3 books on entrepreneurship and work-life balance:

3.1. The Perfect Week Formula by Craig Ballantyne book review

The cover of the book: The Perfect Week Formula

The Perfect Week Formula: Build Your Business Around Your Life, Not Your Life Around Your Business is perfect for achieving both business success, and work-life balance that makes sure you’re enjoying your life with the money you’ve made.

Ballantyne shares systems that have worked for him, and shows you how to apply them to your life.

Personally, I find the book to be the best fit for entrepreneurs who are constantly grinding and sorely need a break.

3.2. The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne book review

The cover of the book: The Perfect Day Formula

The Perfect Day Formula: How to Own the Day And Control Your Life is Ballantyne’s book that covers personal productivity, making the most out of your day and consequently, your life.

It’s not that long (around 150 pages), and offers plenty of actionable insights so it sure looks like Ballantyne is practicing what he preaches.

If you’re struggling with time management and productivity, working too much without getting consistent results, you’re going to love this one!

3.3. Craig Ballantyne: Unstoppable book review

The cover of the book : Unstoppable

Unstoppable: How to Get Through Hell, Overcome Anxiety, and Dominate in Business and Life is by far one of the most popular books Craig Ballantyne wrote.

In Unstoppable, Ballantyne shares his systems for overcoming obstacles most entrepreneurs face; from burnout, to feeling overwhelmed all the darn time.

Judging from the reviews, you’re going to like Unstoppable if you share similarities with Ballantyne including: anxiety, starting from the bottom, and wanting to desperately rise to the top.

4. Craig Ballantyne workouts

Let’s not forget that Ballantyne originally started out as a personal trainer.

It’s no surprise that he has quite a few workout and training programs to help you whip your mind and your body into shape.

Keep in mind, Ballantyne is against crunch fitness and excessive cardio.

4.1. Craig Ballantyne: Turbulence Training

Craig Ballantyne: Turbulence Training

Turbulence Training is one of the most popular workout programs that Craig Ballantyne has to offer.

If you sign up for Turbulence Training, you’re going to get:

  • 24 at-home workouts
  • The Turbulence Training program guide
  • The Turbulence Training exercise guide
  • Nutrition plan
  • Thermo-30 workouts
  • Craig Ballantyne 4-minute miracle workouts
  • “Buff Dudes & Hot Chicks” workouts

Thermo-30 workouts supposedly include workouts that can help you burn fat even on the go, and the “Buff Dudes & Hot Chicks” program is where Ballantyne shares how our role models get to look that good.

Turbulence training review

The entire Turbulence Training program costs $47. This is not a lot per se.

As for the reviews, people seem to like their results.

I don’t think you can go wrong with exercising.

However, make sure you consult your doc before paying for this program.

4.2. Craig Ballantyne: Bodyweight workouts

As a part of his Turbulence Training program, Craig Ballantyne also offers bodyweight workouts.

Again, he emphasizes that they’re a much better alternative to highly-strenuous cardio.

Bodyweight workouts branch into two segments: for men, and for women.

Turbulence training review

Ballantyne’s bodyweight workouts for women include a digital training manual to help you burn fat, and get your body into shape so you can keep kicking a$$ on your entrepreneurial journey.

You’ll get:

  • Information about the benefits of Turbulence Training, bodyweight workouts, and required lifestyle
  • Workout guidelines
  • Introductory, beginner, and intermediate level Turbulence Training workouts
  • The original Turbulence Training program

And plenty of other training regimes!

The program will set you back for around $50, which isn’t a lot if it’s something you need.

As always, check with your doc first.

Craig Ballantyne: Turbulence Training

For men, the Turbulence Training workouts include:

  • l A 136-page book with exercise routines (for beginners and advanced learners) that take around 24 weeks to master
  • 1 hour MP3 audio going over the details of Turbulence Training

You’ll also get 7 bonuses with specific workoutsfor different goals, and nutrition guidelines.

The entire package costs $97.

Personally, I think it might be better to go with the OG Turbulence Training at $47.

It’s cheaper, and it comes with videos, instead of just PDFs.

5. Craig Ballantyne alternatives

Our man Craig sure mixes a lot of things, but at the end of the day, he offers well-known systems.

So if you’re interested in the ideas, but not sold on his programs and coaching, consider some of these Craig Ballantyne alternatives:

5.1. The Bulletproof Diet PDF by Dave Asprey

The cover of the book: The Bulletproof Diet

Dave Asprey is another entrepreneur who decided to start thinking about the way he treated his body.

And The Bulletproof Diet, his book, is a culmination of his health and wellness research.

Unlike Ballantyne, he doesn’t base his book on intense workouts.

Instead, he talks about the value of your nutrition, and promises you’ll stop counting calories.

5.2. A better alternative to learning about sales systems

In addition to his workouts, Ballantyne also talks a lot about sales funnels and sales scripts.

Now, that’s all well and good, but that’s theory.

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