Launch Your Online Business in Just 7 Days

In the realm of online teaching, it’s important to remember that people are looking for a service just like any other.

The same can be said for marketing your services as a teacher i.e. garnering students or learners.

While being skilled, experienced, and qualified is, of course, important - the ultimate deciding factor for your teaching career is positioning.

However, this can become somewhat complicated.

To simplify: being able to market yourself will likely mean more students and more cash.

Though being one person - you can only handle so much.

It’s better to know that you have a consistent amount of students and in turn an income over a set period of time.

Utilizing selling platforms, video ads, and good blogging can make you money both advertising yourself and acquiring more work!

1. Why Growth Is Key To Success?

Regardless of what it is you’re teaching people how to do, the point, in this case, is whether you can make an income from it or not.

There are a lot of business tips and ideas that start coming to mind.

Remember that you’re ultimately fulfilling a goal of some kind.

Most people want actionable and easy-to-interpret steps that can quickly guide them through what they need to know.

This differs based on what you’re teaching and how you decide to layout your courses and offers.

But that’s not our job to worry about!

We’re just here to help out with the marketing of your course, so let’s take you through the options step by step!

1.1. How To Create A Regular Stream Of Clients

Once you’ve set up your course work, you don’t have to worry about lining up future classes or clients.

Most people in this line of work don’t tend to spend much time thinking about digital marketing.

Thankfully, digital marketing is also incredibly simple to learn and easy to pick up.

Granted that your course work is valid, your positioning and branding are accurate and your experience is relevant - it’s simple!

The key to unlocking greater earning potentials from your teaching career lies in utilizing your marketing and payment systems.

By ‘marketing’, we’re of course referring to everything from your social media presence to your website and payment methods.

You should consider this from both an aesthetic point-of-view and logical functionality.

Concerning ‘payment systems’, you should remember that you want it to be as easy for both you and your clients.

This means easy and user-friendly, trusted, and secure payment methods for clients and neat, professional invoicing and automation for your business upkeep.

But we’ll get into that shortly.

Let’s first focus on the principles at hand.


1.2. Consistency Is the Key!

Although we tend to not want to have to worry about much more than only one task at a time, the modern world is all about multi-tasking.

At least, if you’re trying to cut costs that is!

As an individual tutor though, knowing how to create your own revenue stream can help you make more cash.

This might require more work and effort, but trying it out will allow you to gauge your personal earning potential.

Being able to make a supplementary income can often really help your general income.

However, launching your series of lessons to make a full-time career out of it is somewhat of a full-time job unto itself.

It also doesn’t pay you until you manage to get the principles correct.

We wouldn’t want to discourage you from trying though!

Given the high demand for affordable and practical education these days, people are often willing to try a few lessons.

Of course, certain pre-requisites can affect the outcome of your business.

Like anything in life though, people want their money’s worth when they’re buying a product.

So your marketing will only really work well if your clients are satisfied with the service and they leave good reviews.

This part is up to you!

Remember, there are lots of ways to ensure that your course work is structured correctly to help this.

We are only providing information on how to present yourself to the public in terms of your back-office and marketing systems.

Your success will depend on unique marketing, a good brand, and ultimately a good product.

2. How to Harness the Power of Social Media

The world has been massively shaped by the influence of social media in the past two decades.

Digital marketing only came into its prime as a result of social media.

The two work incredibly well together.

Being able to make the most out of your marketing campaigns or even everyday passive advertising is important to creating awareness online.

People need to know about your business, and they need to know what you’re offering if they’re to ever become a customer.

Social media can help you achieve this and at a reasonably low cost as well.

2.1. Facebook

Facebook is probably the most commonly utilized social media platform in the world.

People will always gravitate to the platform and businesses do as well.

It has one of the largest dedicated networks in the world.

Plus, most people on Facebook tend to utilize apps or payment methods that share data with Facebook.

This is immensely beneficial for your business in terms of your advertising.

Facebook links across a variety of different platforms including Google.

This means that most data across these platforms conglomerates in a few specific hubs (in corporate terms).

This data helps algorithms link your business data, products, offers, etc.

with other users who are looking for your product/service.

This means your ads can be set to appear in front of the kinds of people who are more likely to click on them.

Placing your product in front of people who tend to make online payments more often drives conversions and engagement.

Facebook logo

This principle applies to all forms of digital marketing, as most platforms that compile large volumes of data tend to integrate it better.

Some better than others, of course, but that’s where numbers come in.

Facebook has over 2.3 billion users and at least three hundred million daily.

The greater your market reach, the greater your earning potential!

Setting up an advertisement on Facebook can be as simple as clicking on the ‘Promote Post’ button on your page’s specific posts.

Facebook, thankfully, provides the opportunity to run dedicated or scheduled ads that are promoted across the platform.

These are the same as the kind of ads you’re likely to see on Google or traditional website ads.

You can set a tonne of different variables for the ads though and for a largely free-to-use platform, Facebook’s built-in analytics will do everything you need it to.

Google Analytics, Ah-refs, Short-stack, and even Hootsuite will allow you to not only automate your marketing process but make analytics easy.

2.2. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is still one of the best platforms for connecting with business people.

Of course, Facebook is great for growing awareness and reaching out to tonnes of potential clients, but LinkedIn lets you hone in on your marketing.

When you’re looking to grow your coaching business, remember to market to people who are likely to need the skill or service.

It’s designed to allow for growing both your business and your business network.

It also allows for a great deal of mass-email functionality.

This helps you engage and grow your network.

It can be utilized for free, but for a cheap rate, offers you a great deal more and without much need for plugins.

This feature allows you to create groups as you would as a page on Facebook.

You can then grow your network by inviting people who would be interested in your services via the group.

Even if you don’t get that much engagement on your page, regularly updating your social media pages across all platforms helps SEO.(search engine optimization)

These mentions and interactions will help your paid advertising and website become more visible, so long as you link all the traffic to one place!

It’s also important to remember that LinkedIn is perfect if you’re offering post-graduate tutoring and modern-day tech upskilling etc.

Remember to think for the professional and business world here!

Everything from coding skills and languages in general, to marketing techniques, accounting skills, and even presentation skills are likely winners.


2.3. Instagram

Instagram has become a much more popular platform for businesses in more recent years.

Ever since the shop feature has been integrated, everyone from business owners to influencers have been cashing in on it.

Instagram is one of the easiest platforms to market yourself on.

While garnering engagement can be difficult, with the right use of hashtags and good presentation, you can get quite a lot out of Instagram.

Good engagement on Instagram also really helps your SEO.

But besides that, you can create a neat and efficient mobile payment method for users to utilize for your services professionally and safely.

People tend to spend money in places they feel safe on the internet.

Because Instagram is something we’re most familiar with regularly, people tend to feel more comfortable making payments on it.

Now you can direct your marketing campaign to your Instagram account and advertise to people within Instagram itself!

With DMs, hashtags, and group messages - you can reach out to people about your offer. The more you message, the higher your likelihood of conversions.

Just don’t get too spammy!

Paid ads tend to generate a lot of traffic if you position your ad well and make the offer clear.

Remember, most people aren’t always looking for lessons until they see an offer that entices them.

Convincing a potential customer by providing the benefits of learning is a good practice.

So keep that marketing campaign going steady and remember to diversify your social media platforms!


3. Online Selling Platforms or E-commerce Sites

The internet economy is made up largely of online selling platforms.

Sites like these help to allow small businesses to function within cheaper parameters and often broaden their market reach quickly.

They’re crucial for growing your online business.

Let’s see how to use them!

3.1. Shopify

Shopify is a very popular e-commerce website that makes online selling much easier.

You can create a digital store for as little as $29 a month.

The website has a very dedicated user-base and lessons are highly popular on the market as well.

This means that you have a good chance of finding people who will take interest in your lessons.

Just be sure to get as many good reviews on your storefront as possible!


3.2. Fiverr

Fiverr is an online selling platform that has helped many independent sellers market themselves to a broad audience.

Online lessons are very popular here.

It’s important to remember that the service is geared towards quick, cheap, and effective products.

People generally start their stores with low-price offers and detail greater costs based on additional services offered etc.

In other words, you would have a basic option of whatever you’re teaching at price x.

Then a slightly more comprehensive package and a slightly higher price.

The idea is that the first price should be as low as possible.

This is what helps you land your customers as most put their lowest prices forward on Fiverr.

It makes it a very highly competitive platform, but granted that you set up your courses and marketing correctly, picking up loose clients or even groups from this app should be easy!

Remember, marketing your services to whole businesses or companies is ideal.


3.3. Udemy

Udemy is probably your best bet for finding the right online selling platform.

There are only so many ways to ensure that you’re finding the right target market.

Udemy is kind of like the ‘LinkedIn’ of teaching platforms.

The whole site has been designed around catering for both tutors offering classes as well as those looking to learn.

But really, it’s like the central hub for where people on the internet go to learn specific courses and techniques, etc.

So, ensuring that you can either link out to your website from Udemy or build your network of students or potential clients on the platform is a really good idea.

It is free to create an account - which means you don’t have to worry about upkeep costs or your profit margins being too high.

That helps to grow your side-income or increase your overall income.

Your digital marketing campaigns will help to grow awareness about your various e-commerce sites, platforms, or storefronts.

This ultimately means a more consistent and steady flow of customers for your coaching business.


4. Video Content and Podcasts

Video is the new way to go when it comes to online marketing.

This applies to a lot more than just marketing these days.

It’s the preferred method of communication for a large majority of internet users.

Because a large portion of your classes and teaching will be done via this form of communication, it pays to know about it.

It can also be really useful for spreading the word about your business or even offering free lessons to garner more clientele’.

Let’s find out how video can change the way your business functions.

4.1. Video Content

In this case, video content is best used in a passive sense.

It’s important to remember that most people will likely use something like Youtube to search for something they want to learn.

You can find almost anything on Youtube these days when trying to learn something.

If you are planning on offering a few free tutorials on Youtube then be sure to add as many links to your website as possible.

you can earn a decent amount from Youtube alone if your videos are popular enough and commercialized.

However, it should always be used in conjunction with your business’s traditional marketing techniques.

This is a great way to increase revenue and traffic to your website. It’s also immensely helpful for SEO and will help you grow your coaching business.

coaching business

4.2. Podcasts

Using podcasts is much like using video to advertise.

It’s often just a lot easier to set up and create content for.

There are several different ways to attract more coaching clients with them.

Platforms like Apple Podcasts on iTunes, as well as Spotify and Soundcloud.

These apps allow for a specific category dedicated purely to learning channels.

They tend to gain pretty steady traffic. People are always looking for free and useful information.

So being able to pre-record a few episodes, or update your website with a monthly or weekly podcast is useful.

Remember, you can talk about anything from the industry and related news, to actual course material and free-samples of your work.

Just make sure it isn’t boring - as this could disinterest people.

So be certain to hire a sound-engineer if you’re unfamiliar with sound production.


5. Classic Digital Marketing

Ultimately, the basis for growing any business online works entirely with classic digital marketing.

This includes things like Google Ads and other advertising affiliates such as ClickFunnels and tools like

These allow you to promote your business in a more conventional sense on the internet. This means adverts on websites, Youtube videos, Facebook ads, etc.

These tools will help you promote your coaching business.

5.1. Tools and Tips

So, while the above-mentioned platforms are some of the more conventional methods used, it’s important to remember that there are loads out there.

Software platforms like help you monitor and track all the cash you make from your advertising affiliates.

As well as managing and setting up your online e-store, the platform allows you to customize all of your payment methods.

This means you can drive all the traffic from your Google Ad campaigns straight to your website.

You can also utilize Ah-refs to help specify all your backlink data and funnels and discover deeper market research.

Although just ensuring that all the adverts are linking back to your website is enough, Ah-refs gives you a lot more analytical data. logo logo

6. Conclusion

Growing your list of students or coachable clients can take time.

So remember to stick to the guidelines even if you’re not getting an immediate response.

Remember, special offers and free-trials are tools to promote your coaching business.

Once your clients have tried your service, they’re more likely to want to invest in it.

If you want to establish long-term clients, then is probably also the best way.

This is a trial and error process, but by utilizing these skills, tools, and tips, you can get a good starting point for the journey ahead!

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