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You don't need the best Shopify course to understand how affiliate marketing can help your eCommerce business.

You may find that it works even better than a b2b referral program because it targets marketers who are already good at reaching your target market.

In this article, you'll learn 12 ways affiliate marketing can transform your eCommerce site.

1. More Traffic

Web Traffic

When you run an affiliate program, you'll find that you'll have other people promoting your business.

This exposes your business to a broader audience.

In effect, you'll find that your website will have more traffic as a result.

As more people promote your business, your eCommerce traffic also increases.

NOTE: You can only track your traffic increase if you have installed analytics on your website.

Be sure that everything is in place before you launch your affiliate marketing campaign.

This will help you to see if your traffic has increased as a result of the campaign.

2. More Sales

You can also experience an increase in the total amount of sales on your eCommerce website because of your affiliate program.

Affiliate marketing works by letting other people promote your website for you.

When they do this, you can get more people on your website.

Even if they don't buy right away, they will still get exposed to your brand and your products.

If you have a high converting sales page, you can easily convert these people into buyers.

3. More Subscribers

Another aspect of your website that will experience a drastic increase is the number of subscribers you have on your website.

Subscribers are essential because you need to reach out to your audience whenever you have a new product or a new deal.

You want to be able to reach them with one email broadcast message.

But you can only do that if they are on your list. If you have an email capture form on your eCommerce website's front page, you can quickly funnel the traffic that comes in and convert them into subscribers.

4. More User Generated Content

As more people promote your website, you'll find that they will talk about your brand and your products and services everywhere.

You may see reviews about your products on social media, blogs, and micro-influencer websites.

How can these reviews affect your business?

Well, they can act as user-generated content, which is excellent for SEO and boosting your social proof.

This shows that your brand and products have actual users, and it will encourage other people to buy from you.

5. Higher Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Lifetime Value

Customer lifetime value is how long a customer will stay with your brand while using your products.

It is a value that indicates how loyal they will be to you.

Ideally, you'll want customers with higher customer lifetime value.

If they have high LTV (lifetime value), you don't have to convince them to buy from you.

They will do so because they already know and trust and like you.

The great thing about affiliate marketing is it can help you attract people who will be your brand's customers for a long time.

It means that they will not only buy from your store one-time.

But they will stick with you and stand by your brand for a long time.

6. Better Social Proof

Social proof is essential for the success of your eCommerce business.

You'll need positive reviews so that your potential customers can find something when they search for your name on the Internet.

Fortunately, you don't have to force this if you have an affiliate program.

With marketers promoting you left and right, you will inevitably have better social proof.

7. Better Brand Recognition

One of the hardest things that you must overcome as a new brand is brand recognition.

This is a problem that used to plague brands like Drum Set Lab and Hunting Bow Lab, but they can overcome it by implementing an affiliate program.

With an affiliate program, you have more people talking about your brand - This creates better brand awareness or recognition.

8. Better Brand Recall

Did you know that customers have to see your name at least nine times to remember you?

Fortunately, affiliate marketing allows you to do this through your affiliates.

You have more people promoting your brand, so there are more chances of being seen on the Internet.

9. Better Search Engine Rankings

The requirements for higher search engine rankings have changed so much over time.

Some factors that now contribute to these rankings are user-generated content and product reviews.

Affiliate marketing helps you to improve this because you will naturally have new product reviews because of your campaign.

10. Convenience

You'll love affiliate marketing because of the convenience.

Instead of simply asking your customers to promote you, you can have a system where you can see your affiliate's performance and pay them accordingly.

All are automated because of the system.

11. Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation

With an affiliate marketing program, you don't have to worry about doing your marketing every day.

Your affiliates will promote your brand for you.

So marketing is entirely automated, but it is also more effective in driving traffic and sales.

12. Capture the Attention of Influencers

If you want to capture influencers' attention or at least go viral, you have to give them something worth sharing. An affiliate program can help you do that.

You can launch an affiliate program with an exclusive commission to encourage influencers to promote you.

13. BONUS: Lower Cart Abandonment

Cart abandonment is always an issue for eCommerce websites.

There is nothing more devastating than having a potential customer bail when they are about to check out.

Even cart abandonment software will not be able to help you in this predicament.

But the social proof will. Because of the need for social proof, affiliate marketing can be quite valuable in driving your eCommerce business to success.

As you can see, there are so many ways affiliate marketing can positively impact your business. But you can only feel the benefits once you have launched your program.

So do that and see how much it helps your eCommerce website.

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