Launch Your Online Business in Just 7 Days

We’ve just launched a brand new course, How to make your first $1,000 online, to the marketplace for our affiliates to promote.

We’ve already sold this product to our own list and it was converting at 13%!

But you may be wondering...

1. What is the marketplace? marketplace marketplace

You may have heard of websites like ClickBank which is an online marketplace where vendors can connect with potential affiliates.

Commission rates and product prices are listed with other resources to help affiliates make sales for the vendors.

This enables vendors to make more sales and affiliates earn a commission on each successful sale made, excluding refunds. also has its very own marketplace where we make it easy for our affiliates to find offers that they may want to promote.

2. A new, high-converting offer

How to make your first $1,000 online Offer

How to make your first $1,000 online Offer on the marketplace

If you choose to promote our course, you will earn 60% commissions on the frontend and lifetime commissions on the backend.

In How to make your first $1,000 online, customers learn:

  • The tried-and-tested method that allowed our founder to build a profitable blog that made $3,000 per month on autopilot
  • The new method that allowed him to sell high ticket offers ranging from $6,000 to $20,000 each
  • The easiest method to make your first $1,000 online

We even include bonus material such as the exact script that our sales team uses to bring in over $82,000 per month selling high ticket offers.

And a list of 101 of the most lucrative niches to go into when starting a business online.

All this for just $7!

It's no wonder why this course is having such a high conversion rate.

3. Anatomy of a high-converting sales funnel

3.1 A simple, but effective squeeze page

The squeeze page of the How to make your first $1,000 online course

The squeeze page of the How to make your first $1,000 online course

In the marketplace, you will get the option to send traffic to our squeeze page for the course.

This simple page only asks for their email address and has one button to click on.

We keep the design sleek and simple to draw your lead's attention in and not allow them to get distracted.

After your lead provides us with their email address they are directed to our next step.

3.2 Free access to the first module

Free first module page of How to make your first $1,000

Your leads are thanked for their email address by getting access to the first module for free.

In this module they are introduced to all the concepts that will be covered in the course.

Concepts like:

  • The tried-and-tested method that allowed our founder to build a profitable blog that made $3,000 per month on autopilot
  • The new method that allowed him to sell high ticket offers ranging from $6,000 to $20,000 each
  • The easiest method to make your first $1,000 online

After they have the low-down on exactly what they are getting in the course and just how valuable it is to them, they will find that again on this page there is only one button that they can click.

And now this is where our whopping 13% conversion rate comes from.

If they click on the button on this page they are lead directly to...

3.3 A Kick-Ass Payment page

The payment page for the How to make your first $1,000 online course

The payment page for the How to make your first $1,000 online course

The payment page could be the final chance to get the potential customer on board.

This is why we include EVERYTHING that they will get when they choose to make the purchase.

We even list it again next to the area where they will be filling in their details so that they are always aware of exactly what they are paying for.

We also keep the design corresponding with the other pages so that the customer recognizes the visual theme of the company.

And these elements are how we secure our 13% conversion rate on this page.

Launch statistics of the course How to make your first $1,000 online

To compare, (an authority site in online advertising) described what a good conversion rate is:

"Across industries, the average landing page conversion rate was 2.35%, yet the top 25% are converting at 5.31% or higher. Ideally, you want to break into the top 10% — these are the landing pages with conversion rates of 11.45% or higher."

Even if your leads don't watch the beginning of the course and therefore do not see the payment page, they are still automatically subscribed to an email campaign that does all the selling for you.

Now we can take a moment to look at this email campaign.

3.4 Expertly-crafted email campaign

The email campaign that we designed to sell this course is made up of 4 parts.

Below we will list the main element of each email so that you can use them in your own future email sequences.

  • Email 1: Offer free access to the first module. People like to see exactly what they are paying for, and you can use the introduction of a course to give them this value. In the first module they get to know their lecturer and what the course content is. This valuable information is integral to converting them into a paying customer.
  • Email 2: Focus on the best bonus. Tell the prospects about the best bonus that you have included in the purchase. Explain how it helped you and how it could give them the same, or similar results.
  • Email 3: Create urgency. Inform your prospects that time is running out to get the deal. A sense of urgency is what a lot of people need to spring them into action to get something that they need. Use this natural human quality to lead your prospects to getting what you are offering.
  • Email 4: Reminder. In the final email you should remind your prospects of the amazing deal that they are getting with your offer. List the attributes and bonuses that you will be offering. And remind them that time is running out.

Dashboard view of email sequence

The choice is yours!

Whether you choose to send your leads to the squeeze page and have them get our email campaign, or you send your own emails to promote and just send them directly to the payment page.

You get 60% commissions on the frontend.

And because we have our own autoresponder, none of your leads will slip through the cracks.

Our strong affiliate tracking will know if your lead only makes a purchase six months or one year from now.

Even longer!

You can rely on our tracking to provide you truly lifetime commissions on any sale we make to the lead you brought our way.

4. How can I get started?

All you have to do is check out the offer on our marktetplace and start bringing in traffic.

Check out the offer on our marketplace now!

Not an affiliate yet?

Sign up for our affiliate program here.

(You don’t even need to have a account)

Other posts about affiliate marketing:

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The New System to Launch

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What you'll learn:

  • How to start your first online business in 7 days
  • How to master a high-income online skill
  • The secrets to scaling your business to the next level

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