Follow This Simple 5 Step Guide to Create a Successful Udemy Course

Launch Your Online Business in Just 7 Days

The Udemy marketplace is one of the most well-known platforms for educators and coaches to make a living selling online courses.

If done correctly, Udemy can become an opportunity for building a source of passive income, so it’s not a surprise this business model is so popular.

In this post, we’ll help you to get started selling courses on Udemy and guide you on how to create your first online course.

Are you ready?

Let's dive in!

1. Pros and cons of creating courses on Udemy

Before we show you how to create a course on Udemy, let's first look at some of their pros and cons:


  • Gives you access to a large student base
  • People go to the Udemy platform with purchase intention
  • Has an active community of students
  • It handles the marketing of your courses
  • Offers many support resources, like articles and guides on their Teaching Center
  • Offers a native Q&A forum for students to interact with each other
  • Has a app, so your courses will be mobile responsive


  • You aren’t growing your own brand, you’re growing Udemy’s
  • You can’t build an email list because it’s Udemy who collects student data, not you
  • Udemy automatically adds their branding to your courses
  • It simultaneously promotes your competitor’s courses to your students
  • Because so many people sell on Udemy, there is a lot of competition and it’s hard to stand out
  • Udemy changes the course price based on market conditions
  • Niche courses have little to no demand
  • If your course is listed on “Udemy for Business”, you won’t be allowed to sell it anywhere else
  • Doesn’t have a built-in landing page builder, only templates you can fill in

If you’re looking for a platform where you can sell your online courses and grow your own brand and community — Udemy might not be for you.

However, if you’re not looking to build your own online business and just want to know how to sell courses on Udemy, then keep reading to learn everything you need about this platform.

2. How to create online courses on Udemy

Udemy’s homepage

Udemy’s homepage

It’s time to get into the main topic of this post — how to create a course on Udemy.

Here, we’ll cover:

  • How to select your topic and target audience
  • How to plan your format, content, and outline
  • How to record your course
  • How to upload your course to Udemy
  • How to market your Udemy course

Keep reading to learn more about them in detail.

2.1. Select your topic and target audience

Udemy’s top categories

Udemy’s top categories

It’s important to have a clear idea of your lecture's topic and target audience.

We recommend choosing a subject you’re knowledgeable in and passionate about to guarantee that you’ll deliver quality content for your students.

Udemy has the “Marketplace Insights” tool to help online course creators select the best topic based on:

  • Demand — How many people are looking for courses on specific topics
  • Competition — How much competition does your specific topic have
  • Average monthly earnings — How much you can earn from it every month
  • Top monthly earnings — The highest someone has earned in a month

After choosing a course idea, it’s time to define your target audience.

This will help you set up a learning path for your students and to define your teaching style.

Udemy students are divided into 3 levels:

1. Beginners

2. Intermediate

3. Experts

If your lesson is aimed at beginners, you must keep your course videos simple and you’ll need to explain the purpose behind everything you do.

Also, use terms and language that would be considered easy to read from a school level.

For intermediate or expert students, you can create in-depth courses, because they already have experience in the topic, so they’ll be more likely to understand topic-related terms.

After defining your topic and target audience, you can move on to plan your content’s structure.

2.2. Plan your outline

Udemy’s instructor dashboard

Udemy’s instructor dashboard

If you want to create a great Udemy course, you’ll need to structure its content into sections that will guide your student’s learning path.

Your outline must go according to your learning goals and must include practice opportunities for students to put their new knowledge to use.

When building your outline, you can add:

  • Video and text lectures
  • Quizzes
  • Coding exercises
  • Assignments
  • Practice tests

Your outline must be divided into 3 sections:

1. Intro — Capture your students’ attention with an intro video and give a brief explanation of what they can learn from you

2. Body — Teach the subject, provide value to your students, and send assessments for them to practice

3. Conclusion — Thank your learners for listening to your lectures and motivate them to put their new knowledge to use

When creating your outline, be sure that it checks as many boxes of the “Udemy Learning Experience” checklist as possible:

Udemy’s Learning Experience checklist

Udemy’s Learning Experience checklist

This checklist helps you ensure that your lectures’ content will be easy to consume for your students.

You should also take advantage of the “Bonus Lecture” option.

Udemy lets you use this lecture for:

  • Promoting other courses
  • Providing coupon codes
  • Giving referral links
  • Offering other products and services
  • Presenting affiliate links to supplementary materials

Before creating a “Bonus Lecture” make sure you are following their Rules and Guidelines to prevent suspensions.

Their “Bonus Lecture” rules are:

  • Don’t reference Bonus lectures in any other Udemy space
  • You’re only allowed to add one “Bonus Lecture” per course and it must be placed at the end
  • No other lecture titles can include the word "bonus"
  • Resources, like PDFs, must be included within the “Bonus Lecture”
  • Must not be available as part of the “Free Preview”
  • Its title must include the word “bonus”
  • Your “Bonus Lecture” content must not be mentioned in the lecture title or description

After planning your course’s structure and ensuring it’ll give a great learning experience, you can start recording your Udemy course.

2.3. Record your course

Udemy’s video support

Udemy’s video support

Now, let's get started with the most important part of the course creation process — recording the course.

This part tends to scare away newcomers from selling online courses on Udemy, but it doesn’t have to seem so complicated.

You don’t need expensive tools to record your courses, but your video, audio, and delivery quality have to be up to Udemy’s standards.

Let's talk about them in more detail below.

2.3.1. Video

As an instructor, you’ll have the option to either record yourself, your screen, or both — this will depend on your content.

A good video by Udemy’s standard is:

  • Around 2-10 minutes long (practical courses can last longer)
  • In a resolution of 1080p or a minimum of 720p
  • In a 16:9 aspect ratio
  • Clear and not blurry
  • Steady, not shaky
  • Appropriately zoomed and well-framed
  • Well lit and without visual distractions

For recording, Udemy mentions that many instructors use the following cameras:

  • Your iPhone (iPhone 4 models and above)
  • Your iPad (iPad 2 models and above)
  • Webcams (Logitech Brio Ultra HD or Logitech C922x)
  • HD Flip cameras (Flip Ultra HD or Sony ZV-1)
  • GoPro cameras (GoPro Hero 9 or GoPro Hero10 Black)
  • Most DSLR cameras (Canon EOS Rebel T7 or Nikon COOLPIX B500)

For screencast recordings, Udemy suggests:

  • Camtasia
  • Screenr
  • Snagit
  • Quicktime
  • iMovie
  • Screenflow
  • CamStudio
  • Microsoft Expression

Udemy doesn’t mention a specific video editing software, so feel free to use the one you prefer.

Now, let's take a look at their audio standards.

2.3.2. Audio

If you want your students to have a pleasant learning experience, then having clear audio is non-negotiable.

Udemy has a list of microphones mostly used by their instructors:

  • Blue Yeti
  • Blue Snowball
  • Samson Go Mic
  • Sony ECM CS3 (lapel mic)

You can use other microphones as long as they have good audio quality.

Udemy supports many audio formats, but MP3 and AAC provide the best upload experience.

2.3.3. Delivery

Your delivery is how you present your content and how you speak during the recording process.

For optimal delivery, you have to:

  • Use a straightforward speaking style
  • Have very few “umms” and “ahhs”
  • Use an enthusiastic and energetic tone of voice
  • Have a clear pronunciation of words
  • Include a correct use of pauses

Getting great delivery might take some practice, but don’t worry if you make mistakes.

You can always fix the errors in the editing process.

If your course covers these points, you’re good to upload it to Udemy’s platform.

2.4. Upload your course to Udemy

You can upload your lectures individually or you can use Udemy’s Bulk Uploader.

Either way, follow these steps:

1. Log into your free Udemy account

2. Click on “Teach on Udemy” and select “Become an Instructor”

Udemy’s sign up form

Udemy’s sign up form

2. Click on “Teach on Udemy” and select “Become an Instructor”

3. Answer the questions and click on “Continue”

Udemy’s course form

Udemy’s course form

4. Click on “Create Your Course” and fill out the form

5. Add your course’s title, then select “Create Your Course”

Udemy’s course page

Udemy’s course page

6. Click on “Curriculum” to upload your content and resource materials individually or on Udemy’s “Bulk Uploader” to upload your videos at once

After uploading your course to the Udemy marketplace, you’ll need to fill out the course landing page template to make it easier to discover inside Udemy’s platform.

For that, you need:

  • Your course title — Write a specific and realistic title that’ll catch the attention of potential students
  • A subtitle — Give your Udemy students a brief overview of what your course is about
  • A course description — Tell your students all the essential details they need to know about your course, like:
  • Level of skill
  • Course length
  • Number of lectures
  • Types of projects
  • Content
  • A course image/thumbnail — Create a clickable image that will attract your students
  • A preview video — Give students an insight into what to expect from your course
  • Your instructor profile — Market yourself and show your experience to your students

After filling those details, submit it for review and Udemy’s team will either approve it or tell you what needs to be improved.

Once approved, you can start marketing your course.

2.5. Market your Udemy course

Udemy’s bulk coupon creation page

Udemy’s bulk coupon creation page

To drive traffic to your course, you need to set up a digital marketing strategy — but first, you must improve your course landing page’s SEO.

This way, Udemy’s search engine will pick up your course and show it in the search results when potential students are looking for lectures on a similar topic to yours.

Plus, using the correct keywords on your landing page will increase the chances of it appearing on a Google search.

To get the best keywords, Udemy suggests:

  • Brainstorming search terms that your target audience would use to find your course (AnswerThePublic can help you with this)
  • Using an SEO tool (like SurferSEO) to collect keywords from Google and add them to your landing page
  • Using Udemy’s “Marketplace Insights” tool to search your topic and collect Udemy-specific keywords and modifiers

If you’re new to selling courses on Udemy, you could look at the landing pages of the top courses to get an idea of how to properly distribute the keywords.

After optimizing your course landing page, you can improve your marketing efforts with:

1. Paid advertising — Pay for Facebook, Google, or YouTube ads to promote your course.

2. Free advertising — Promote it on your own website, YouTube channel, Facebook groups, email list, etc.

Paid advertising is probably the easiest way, but it can quickly become expensive, so you’ll need a generous budget to invest in it if you plan to use it long term.

There are ways for you to get free traffic, but it takes time and involves building your brand outside of the Udemy platform.

However, with this method you can:

1. Build your own platform

2. Grow your online presence

3. Create your own online business

4. Build credibility

5. Grow an email list of people invested in your content

6. Use email marketing strategies to promote courses to your email list

7. Give an affiliate link or coupon to your followers as incentives to purchase your courses

You can build a successful business and use Udemy as a medium to sell courses instead of on your own website.

If you can’t invest in advertising or you don’t have your own site, you can rely on the Udemy platform to do it for you, but its effectiveness will depend on how optimized your course landing page is.

There are some methods you can use to improve your course and make it stand out from the rest.

Let’s examine them below.

3. Tips to improve your online course

Even if your course checks all the boxes from the Udemy Learning Experience checklist, there are still ways to improve it:

3.1. Make your content easier to understand

Making your course’s content easier to consume will aid the learning process by complementing many of the points previously mentioned.

You can make your course more comprehensive by:

  • Explaining visual elements — Always state what’s on-screen and avoid using words that rely on sight, color, or direction
  • Speaking plainly and simply — Don’t use figurative speech and take your time explaining topics and terms that will help your students to better understand your course
  • Providing captions — Use captions as an alternative for students to consume your content without depending on audio

These methods are meant for every student, not just those that have some form of disability — which is what most people think when talking about accessibility.

3.2. Script your content

Scripting your content will help you prepare a smooth delivery to make your course easier to understand.

How you script your course is up to you, but here are some best practices you can follow:

  • Keep it simple and use short and clear sentences. This will make it easier to remember when recording
  • Explain terms and acronyms that your students might be learning for the first time
  • Describe visuals, use terms consistently, and avoid using too much slang to make it easier to understand for international audiences
  • Keep your students engaged by using stories, examples, and reflection questions
  • Use a friendly, approachable and knowledgeable tone and let your students know that it’s okay if they need help

We recommend practicing reading your script out loud as if you were recording.

You don’t have to memorize it, but you should be able to recall the key points and keep a consistent tone throughout your lectures.

3.3. Include assessments and practice activities

Most courses have practice activities to give students an opportunity to use their new knowledge and assessments to test their understanding of a topic.

For your practice activities, provide your students with:

  • A clear description of the activity, its instructions, its benefits, the objective, and needed materials
  • An estimation of how long it’ll take to complete
  • Sample solutions for learners to examine their own work
  • The resources they’ll need
  • A checklist with required standards

Plan your assessments based on the topics you believe are the most important for your students to learn.

The most common types of assessments are:

  • Quizzes — Perfect for fact-based courses where the student does a quick check to confirm their level of understanding of the topic
  • Practice test — Prepare your students for a final exam and give them a realistic exam experience
  • Capstone project — Make your students use their new skills and knowledge to create something related to the course’s end goal

These activities will give your students a way to measure how much they’ve learned and what points they need to focus on.

If you’re still doubtful about how to build a successful online course, you can get our Launch it! guide to learn everything you need to create and sell your course:’s “Launch it” course landing page’s “Launch it” course landing page

With our “Launch it” course, you’ll learn:

  • How to create a course that sells
  • How to make your first sale in 7 days
  • How to double your profits and build a sustainable online course business

You’ll also get a fully-stocked "launch kit" that will help you kickstart your course's initial launch.

Interested? Get a preview of the first video and get a taste of its content!

Now, let’s take a look at how much an Udemy instructor can make on the platform.

4. How much can you earn?

Before we get into how much you can earn on Udemy, you should know that to create paid courses you must become a premium instructor.

Otherwise, you can only upload free courses.

To do that, follow these steps:

1. Build a course

2. On the course management page, head to “Pricing”

3. Click on “here” to apply as a premium instructor

Udemy’s course pricing page

Udemy’s course pricing page

4. Fill out the form, send it, and wait for approval

Once approved you’ll be a qualified instructor.

It's not possible to say exactly how much you’ll earn, because it depends on:

  • The demand for courses of your niche
  • The number of competitors
  • Changes in the “Instructor revenue share”
  • How the student reached your course

If students enrolled in your class thanks to your marketing efforts, you’ll get 97% of the revenue, but if a student buys your course after clicking on a Udemy advertisement or from an Udemy search, you’ll only get 37%.

So, to make more money from being an Udemy instructor, you’ll have to promote your courses yourself.

Keep in mind that the revenue split from Udemy search results has changed many times in the past and has been gradually decreasing the earnings of course creators, so it’s possible that they’ll reduce it again in the future.

For these reasons, it’s not possible to tell you precisely how much you’ll earn on Udemy.

We can, however, offer you a better alternative where you can sell your courses and keep all the profits.

5. — A better alternative for creating and selling courses logo logo is a free all-in-one platform where you can create, promote, and sell your online courses with powerful tools that will let you build and grow your career as an online instructor.

If you’re looking for a platform that will let you collect student data to build and market your brand, then is the perfect choice for you.

With us, you’ll get:

  • An intuitive course builder — Instantly build your courses without needing to be tech-savvy
  • A drag-and-drop editor — Create your own site to grow your brand
  • Email marketing tools — Build an email list and launch email marketing campaigns to promote your courses
  • A funnel builder — Create a sales page for your course and set your price
  • Automated workflows — Automate your business to promote and sell your online courses for you

Our course creator makes it easy for complete beginners to create their first course.

To do it, follow these steps (you’ll need a account):

1. From the Dashboard, click on "Product/Sales", then select "Courses" online course

2. Click on "Add a new course" online course stp

3. Fill in all the necessary fields and click on "Save"

4. Click on "Add Module", and name it

Module name popup

5. Click on "Add lecture", to add as many lectures as you need online course

You can also build a course bundle to sell more courses at the same time.

To do it, follow these steps:

1. From the Dashboard, click on "Products/Sales", then select "Course bundles"

How to create a course bundle

2. Click on the "Create" button, insert a name, and click on "Save"

create a course bundle

3. Select your bundle, click on "Add a course" and choose the courses for your bundle

create a course bundle

Lastly, with you can upload your courses to our marketplace and set their price and commission rates for affiliates:’s marketplace’s marketplace

To publish your course to our marketplace:

  • Sign in to your account
  • Create your course with our course creator
  • Build a sales funnel with our funnel builder
  • And click on the button at the top right corner of your sales funnel page to upload your course to our marketplace’s sales funnel page’s sales funnel page

We also have some additional features to help grow a successful business.

A great example of one of our successful courses is Eran Bucai, who (after using built his own coaching and mentoring business:

Eran Bucai’s homepage

Eran Bucai’s homepage

Bucai took advantage of our integrated tools and created a Website DIY Course where he teaches his clients how to build an online business on our platform and create their own streams of passive income.

Eran Bucai’s online course

Eran Bucai’s online course

In his Website DIY Course, he covers:

  • How to set up your account (profile, payment gateways, custom domain name, etc.)
  • How to build a webinar landing page
  • How to create an online course
  • How to build a blog
  • How to write an email and set up automated email triggers

And much more!

With all we have to offer and everything you have to gain, how much would it cost you?

5.1. Pricing

Each of our 4 pricing plans comes with unlimited file storage and students:’s pricing plans’s pricing plans

1. Free — $0/month for 1 course and up to 3 sales funnels

2. Startup — $27/month for up to 5 courses and up to 10 sales funnels

3. Webinar — $47/month for up to 20 courses and up to 50 sales funnels

4. Unlimited — $97/month for unlimited courses and unlimited sales funnels

Sign up for our Free plan to build, sell, and market your courses and upgrade to a paid plan once you’ve seen results.

We’ll be waiting for you!

6. FAQs about Udemy

Before we wrap this up, let’s answer some frequently asked questions about Udemy.

6.1. What is “Udemy for Business”?

It’s Udemy’s subscription service that brings education and training aimed at teams and businesses.

You’ll have to contact Udemy’s sales team to set the price based on the needs of your company.

6.2. Who can teach on Udemy?

Anyone can sell a course on Udemy, as long as it doesn’t teach one of the following restricted topics:

  • Sexually explicit content — Excludes courses on safe sex, consent and communication
  • Nudity — Excludes fine art, medical or anatomical illustrations
  • Dating — Excludes marital counseling or discussions on intimacy focused on strengthening overall relationships
  • Weapons instruction — Excludes courses on disarming an attacker
  • Violence and bodily harm — Excludes martial arts training or substance abuse recovery programs
  • Animal cruelty
  • Discriminatory language or ideas
  • Illegal or unethical activities — Excludes courses on finding cheat codes or coupons
  • Misinformation and misleading content
  • Sensitive or inappropriate topics or language
  • Content for young people

To upload a free course, you won’t need to wait for approval, but if it’s paid, you must send an application to become a premium instructor.

6.3. Who owns the course content?

The course creator remains the owner of the content and can sell it on other platforms and remove it whenever they want.

6.4. How much does it cost to create Udemy courses?

Creating an online course and uploading it to Udemy costs nothing, but you still need the equipment to make your course.

To effectively determine how much it’ll cost to create your online course, you’ll need to decide on the equipment and software that you plan on using.

7. Conclusion

Udemy is a great platform to start selling your online courses, because you only need to upload them and the platform will take care of the marketing for you.

However, you won’t have control of the pricing and if you want to make a living selling courses on Udemy, you’ll need to do the marketing yourself.

This is because instructors are earning less every time there is a change in Udemy’s revenue share policies.

You also can’t build a brand in Udemy, because you can’t grow an email list, which is essential if you’re a serious educator/coach.

With’s all-in-one tools, you can create your courses, build your brand, grow your email list, and market your products while keeping complete control over your courses’ pricing and earnings.

Also, you have the option to publish your course in our marketplace, build an army of affiliates, and set commission rates to get people interested in promoting your course.

Our Free plan gives you all the tools you need to get started and create your first course and you can upgrade to a paid plan after you’ve seen results.

Sign up and build a successful online course with today!

Other posts about online course platforms:

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