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A good conversion rate sits somewhere between 2% to 5%.

According to a recent study, the average landing page conversion rate across all industries stands at 4.6%.

With 285,000 websites making use of at least 1 landing page in the last year, there’s definitely something going on that we don’t know yet.

In this article, we’ll show you 7 of the best sales page templates from, how to structure them, and how to use them to convert leads into customers.

Let’s begin!

1. What is a sales page?

Sales page

If you’re new to the online sales game, you might not know what a sales page is or what purpose it serves.

In short, your sales page is a step in your sales funnel that exists to persuade visitors to buy what you’re offering.

A long-form sales page works similarly, but it relies on written content to achieve the same result.

The best sales pages convert consistently because they make the reader feel like they have no choice but to act.

To achieve this, you need engaging copy, attractive imagery, and a clear call-to-action (CTA) to get visitors to buy.

If you’d like to learn more about sales pages and funnels, you can read our in-depth article here — otherwise, let’s continue!

2. Long-form sales page templates

2.1. Template 1: Video marketing

A template for video marketing

A template for video marketing

Our first sales page template starts with a video at the top.

Here’s where you would briefly explain your product or service, its features, uses, and how this could benefit your viewer.

Your video should identify:

  • The pain points your customers are facing
  • The solution to these problems
  • What your customers would experience when they use your product or service
  • The larger vision you’re trying to build

Try to keep your video around 1-2 minutes to retain your visitor’s attention.

Wistia suggests 30 seconds for an offer, 60 seconds for an explainer, and no more than 90 seconds for a testimonial or overview.

Make sure to test out plenty of headlines in this video section as well.

Creating a video might seem like a lot of work, but with a conversion rate of 86%, there’s no doubt you’ll reap the rewards of your labor.

Scrolling down from here, readers will find plenty of headlines to break up the text.

In between these headlines, you want to continue teaching your customers about the benefits of your product or service.

To entrepreneurs, new and old, we recommend reading the text we’ve placed in between the headers — these provide a great outline and helpful tips to improve your sales page structure:

A template copy piece with tips

A template copy piece with tips

Continue to focus on convincing and explaining rather than selling.

Once you’ve preached the benefits, and explained what your product or service could do for your customers’ lives, you can start showing them exactly what your product is and why they need it.

Transition into your solution

Transition into your solution makes this easy because our templates outline everything for you.

There’s even a designated space for written testimonials from customers and a vibrant call-to-action (CTA) button.

All you need to do is fill it in with great copy using the tips from our examples, and you’re good to go!

What we like about this template:

  • There are frequent headings to break up the text and make it easier to follow
  • A video at the beginning helps to summarize your product or service for visitors who want all the necessary information quickly
  • Social proof at the bottom with photos of real people builds trust

2.2. Template 2: Use striking visuals

Incorporating visuals to grab attention

Incorporating visuals to grab attention

Our second template uses the power of visual marketing to convert warm leads into paying customers.

With infographics improving user engagement by 40%, visual content is one of the best ways to keep visitors on your sales page.

The quality of your visual content might also be more important than you think.

A few years ago, Google did a study that showed that first impressions are made within the first 50ms after viewers were introduced to different visual marketing materials.

You’ll need to make sure your visuals line up with your online brand and that they’re pleasant to look at, otherwise you’ll struggle to rake in those sales.

This template works great for any business or service where you need to showcase what you do rather than talk about it.

You can also include your prices at the bottom of the page, each with its own Buy Now button.

Different pricing examples

Different pricing examples

This template helps you to build your client up, talk about your offer’s benefits, and then hit them right away with the buy button so that your visitors know exactly what you want them to do.

Sometimes this is the best route to take.

What we like about this template:

  • There’s an assortment of images that improve readability by giving visitors a chance to catch their breath from reading
  • The name and email form is above the fold
  • It gets straight to the point with pricing info at the bottom

2.3. Template 3: Introduce your benefits first

A template example showcasing your benefits first

A template example showcasing your benefits first

What sets this template example apart is that your visitors see your benefits the second they land on your sales page.

This template breaks up the text by using graphics and photos to help keep visitors’ eyes on your page.

Additional graphics to improve user experience

Additional graphics to improve user experience

Scrolling down, you’ll further hammer on your benefits with a list that explains why your product or service is the best on the market.

Sometimes it helps to include competitors in your copy and explain why readers should choose your product over theirs.

Comparing yourself to your competitors

Comparing yourself to your competitors

For example, is available at a fraction of the cost of ClickFunnels, but it does the same thing on a simpler and easier-to-use platform.

What we like about this template:

  • There’s plenty of social proof to build trust
  • Graphics and images make the content easy to digest
  • The Q&A section at the bottom is a great way to address some final objections by giving your prospects the answers they need

2.4. Template 4: Use social proof

A template with a data chart

A template with a data chart

This template uses plenty of elements of social proof to convert leads into buyers.

It’s important that you include as much social proof as possible — this could be:

  • Customer testimonials or case studies
  • Statistics or product facts
  • Celebrity, expert, or social media mentions
  • Crowd mentions (Eg. “50,000 websites use us for . . . ”)
  • Certification testimonials testimonials

If you’re selling a product or service and you’re new to the game, it’s likely that you don’t have a lot of buzz surrounding your name.

As a result, very few people might trust what you have to offer.

It’s easy to make great claims about your product, but prospects will only believe you when it’s backed up by great social proof.

That’s why it’s important to gather testimonials and make sure that you can back up your claims with real results.

What we like about this template:

  • Displaying screenshots of reviews is a great way to build trust
  • You can add a graph to further boost your product claims
  • The step-by-step sections make it easy for any visitor to follow

2.5. Template 5: Introduce yourself

Sometimes your audience wants to know more about you.

There are some cases where pulling back the curtain on your sales page works best.

This template would be perfect for businesses where personal relationships are essential.

For example, if you’re a personal trainer or a coach, your customers might want to know more about you because they’ll be spending a lot of time with you.

Tell your customers about yourself

Tell your customers about yourself

This template does a great job of breaking up the content with plenty of personal profiles where you can share more about yourself and explain why people should work with you.

An important note to remember is that you should always speak of yourself in a way that benefits your customer (as you would when writing copy).

If your skills, experience, or even awards can’t give your customer the results they need, don’t mention them.

You’ll only come off as egotistical.

What we like about this template:

  • Showing vulnerability helps sell products with emotional triggers (tell your story)
  • Showing personal profiles of you and team members is a great way for visitors to familiarize themselves with your business
  • It gives potential leads the opportunity to find you on social media

2.6. Template 6: Offer instant access

Give your customers the option to sign up or buy quickly

Give your customers the option to sign up or buy quickly

Let’s turn the tide a little.

While some customers enjoy reading a long-form sales page, others might not have the time to sit and read a 5,000-word sales page.

This is where a short-form sales page comes in.

Using the tips from Template 1, you’ll need to create a well-informed video in order to convert your visitors.

Short-form pages work great for e-commerce or book offers.

If you’re trying to sell a book, you could use this template to explain what the reader will find in the book, how it will benefit them, the changes they’ll experience, and what they need to do to get a copy.

The eye-catching and immediately visible buy button will help your visitors act quickly on the available offer.

What we like about this template:

  • Short-form sales pages work great for simpler products
  • Limiting your sales page to a single video means less clutter and makes the buying process more straightforward
  • Including buttons like “100% Satisfaction Guaranteed” and “Secure Payments” help build trust between you and your potential customers

2.7. Template 7: Multiple CTAs

A template offering multiple CTAs

A template offering multiple CTAs

Our final example is a combination of Templates 5 and 6.

This template also offers plenty of opportunities for your audience to get to know you.

It starts with a video followed by 2 CTA buttons.

Offering a CTA right away will help you easily convert visitors who are ready to buy, no matter what you say.

For people who might need some more convincing, this template offers additional copy, as well as space for testimonials, to help get them on your side.

Space to write convincing copy

Space to write convincing copy

What we like about this template:

  • This straightforward sales page helps those who are ready to buy get there quicker
  • Social proof at the bottom provides that last push to convince people to buy
  • Multiple add-to-cart buttons create many opportunities for leads to take action

We’ve given you some great examples to use when creating your long-form sales page, but perhaps you’ve decided you’d like to create your own structure from scratch.

How could you do this?

Let’s find out.

3. How do I write a long-form sales page?

Before you decide to put pen to paper, you first need to conduct extensive research into your copy and what you want to achieve from it.

Let's take a look at these top-notch questions and tips from the experienced marketer, Bob Serling:

1. What is the goal of your copy?

Do you want your visitors to subscribe to a newsletter or purchase your products or services?

2. What is the major goal you're trying to achieve?

Look at this project 6 months from now. If it could accomplish just one critical task, what would it be?

3. What other goals would you like to achieve with this project?

This will keep you motivated to further improve your project and business growth.

4. Is there anything about your product or company that will lend credibility to your sales pitch?

This could be awards you’ve won, how long you’ve been in business, the results your product produces, etc.

Remember: These factors are only useful if they can demonstrate a true benefit for your customer. Don’t use your advertising just to brag.

Gathering this information will help you see what you can leverage to get your customers to take the action you want as quickly as possible.

5. What product or service will you be selling?

Know your product inside and out. Don’t try to sell too many products at once.

Stick with one, unless you’re writing a product catalog.

6. What are all the features of your product?

  • How many different models or colors are there?
  • How does your product operate? Is it efficient and economical? Is it easy to understand and use?

7. What relevant facts and figures have been gathered around your product?

  • Are there any studies that can back up your product claims with facts and figures?
  • Is there an industry trade council that can give you meaningful facts, graphs, charts, and statistics about your product?
  • How does it compare to your competitors’ products?

8. What are the major benefits your customer gets from your product?

To understand what a benefit is, you need to know how it differs from a feature: A fact/feature is something your product does, whereas a benefit is something your product does for you.

Benefits are also directly related to features. List all your features and then go through that list and identify all the benefits.

For example, a fact or feature of a Deluxe Autowasher is that it reduces water usage when you’re washing clothes.

The benefit is that you save money on your water bill.

9. What major benefits do your customers get from doing business with you rather than doing business with your competition?

Once you know which benefits you offer that your competition doesn't, you gain a powerful marketing advantage called the Essential Selling Advantage (ESA).

This could be something from either your company or product that benefits your customer and could include:

  • Best price or service
  • Largest selection
  • Highest quality
  • Strongest guarantee

If you’re a new business and don’t have a key benefit yet, poll some of your likely customers and find out what would motivate them to change from your competition to you.

Use their answers to define your ESA.

Domino’s Pizza does this perfectly — “Fresh hot pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes or less… or it’s free.”

A good ESA is clear and concise, without being unnecessarily lengthy.

10. What profile does your ideal customer have?

  • Where do they live?
  • How old are they?
  • What’s their education level?
  • What are their hobbies and interests?
  • What’s their income?
  • How does your customer see him/herself?

The more accurate your customer profile is, the more accurately you’ll address your customers’ needs when you write your copy.

11. What type of guarantee do you offer?

This could be a 90-day, 1-year, or lifetime guarantee.

Stick with long guarantee periods to show your customers that you trust your product.

Alternatively, you could also offer money-back guarantees to remove the risk from your customers’ shoulders.

12. What level of service and support do you offer?

This needs to be exceptional. Always.

Terrible service and support leave negative reviews, which could hinder future sales.

Your customers’ happiness should be one of your top priorities.

13. What is the average dollar amount of a typical purchase?

This helps you target your ideal customer (those who can afford your product).

Also, if you’re introducing a new product to the same market you’re already servicing, keep your price close to the prices of other products you’re already selling.

These questions were taken from Bob Serling's Power Copywriting for the Internet. If you’d like more tips and tricks from his book, click here.

We understand that all of this might be a lot to take in, so once you have all the information for your sales page, take a break.

Give yourself a day or two to relax and then jump into the next section: Structuring your sales page.

4. How to structure a sales page

There are 10 steps to follow when creating a general long-form sales page:

4.1. Headline, followed by a sub-headline

Your main headline must absolutely command your reader’s attention by promising a solution to their most critical needs.

This could be:

  • The major benefit your customer gets from your product (most effective option)
  • A powerful offer
  • A FREE offer
  • A special, limited-time offer
  • A positive and strong testimonial
  • A warning to the reader — “Don’t buy without reading” or a warning to a verified and shocking statistic that needs your reader’s attention
  • A message targeting a particular audience (if you only want that group’s attention)

4.2. Images and graphics

Images can affect where your visitor’s eyes go. Ideally, these should be placed above the fold, but you’ll need to test where you put them.

Depending on your niche, less might be more.

Test your conversion rate with and without images, and see which works better.

When should you use graphics?

If you decide to go for a cleaner look that doesn’t use a lot of images, a little style applied here can be beneficial.

Most people prefer black text on a white background, but there are other color combinations that look very appealing.

A great example is Uber’s landing page for drivers:

Uber's landing page for drivers

Uber's landing page for drivers

If you discover a color combination that looks good visually, without obscuring your message, feel free to use it.

A couple of graphic techniques to use are a box around a particularly important testimonial or an illustration next to your ordering information.

Crazy Egg does this well by using illustrations to gain the trust of their customers:

Crazy Egg’s pricing page

Crazy Egg’s pricing page

This helps highlight the message and perks it up a bit.

4.3. Video

As previously mentioned, your video should summarize your copy.

If you decide to incorporate video into your sales form, consider placing it above the fold where users can see the video and choose to play it (unless the video is auto-play).

An auto-play video is great for grabbing a visitor's attention and functions best when it’s muted.

This works great for video testimonials or to showcase your product.

When sound immediately starts playing on a sales form, it could come across as intrusive to the visitor and might scare them off.

Test out your videos with and without sound, and pay attention to how your conversion rates might change.

You can also add a Youtube QR code to your physical marketing materials that can help your prospects access your sales videos.

4.4. Brief copy

This point is where you’re going to unleash your copy.

Here, you’ll start by simply explaining the basic elements of what your product or service is, and how it benefits your potential customer.

This should be short — between 4-6 sentences.

It’s recommended that your long-form sales page should be about 5,000 words or more.

4.5. Call to action

After your brief introduction, you can place your first CTA.

There might be some readers who need more convincing, and that’s fine.

Early CTA buttons are there to accommodate readers eager to convert.

4.6. Trust signals

These are essentially the social proof you’ll use as persuasion techniques to further convince your readers to trust you and ultimately make a purchase.

Some sales pages have their social proof displayed at the end of the page; however, we recommend sprinkling these resources throughout your copy.

After all, if your reader doesn’t trust you from the beginning, why would they bother reading all the way to the end?

4.7. Benefits of the product or service

This point is pretty much self-explanatory. Here you’ll start to hammer down on your benefits using bullet points.

Create a powerful list with as many benefits as you can possibly think of.

In addition to loading up on value, there are 2 more reasons for creating a bullet list:

  • It provides your customer with all the information they need to know that your product will solve their problems
  • Bullet points help you cover every possible benefit that's relevant or applicable to your customer

4.8. Explanation of the product or service

In this section of your sales page, you should go into the details of your product.

Mention all the facts and features of what you provide.

Here you can also mention the price, as well as your guarantee.

The guarantee should include simple conditions for your customer if they aren’t happy with your product for any reason.

Your guarantee needs to shift the risk from your potential customer’s shoulders onto yours.

This also shows your customer that you trust your product. It’ll make them become comfortable with you, which will help you close the sale.

4.9. More CTAs

Close your sales form with a final vibrant call-to-action to grab the readers who made it to the very bottom of your page.

4.10. Test and tweak

Once you’ve completed your structure, tweak it for any mistakes or areas that can be improved.

Test how your customers respond to your sales form, and optimize your page for better conversions.

When structuring your sales template, you might ask “Do long-form sales pages still work?”

Don’t worry, read on for the answer!

5. Are long-form sales pages worth it?

Before answering this, you need to understand that the length of a sales page doesn’t matter as long as it’s interesting.

Crazy Egg proved this with a study where they took a sales page and created a new version that had 20 times more content than the original.

After comparing the conversion rate of these pages in multiple split tests, they discovered that the longer sales page outperformed the original by 30%.

Companies that increase their number of landing pages from 10 to 15 also increase their leads by 55%.

So yes, people still love to read, if the content is interesting — if you don’t believe us, ask SPIN Selling author, Neil Rackham.

By now you know what you need to research and you know how to structure your long-form sales pages. Let’s look at where you can do this.

6. Get started with's homepage's homepage

As an all-in-one platform, incorporates online marketing and automation as a means to help businesses grow.

You could say building sales pages is one of our many superpowers.

Our easy-to-use drag-and-drop builder makes quick work of creating sales pages from scratch — or you can opt for an even quicker route using our proven templates.

But what do we offer, and what does it cost?

Great questions! Let’s answer them!

6.1.’s features has everything you need to build your new business to towering heights.

We offer:

  • A sales funnel and landing page builder to help you bring in new customers
  • Email marketing tools to share with the whole world what you have to offer
  • A website builder that will see your business website go live in minutes
  • An affiliate program to help you spread your products or services and generate a passive income
  • A course builder to help you teach other entrepreneurs your skills
  • Automation tools to help your business manage itself on autopilot

We also offer a set of core features included in every one of our plans:

  • Unlimited emailing, file storage space, and membership site members
  • Zero transaction fees when you use our Stripe or PayPal integrations
  • Our affiliate programs and marketplace
  • Deadline funnels for your limited-time offers
  • Expert online support, available 7 days a week, that will get back to you in under 2 hours

This is quite a handful, so let’s look at what it will cost you.

6.2.’s pricing’s pricing plans’s pricing plans

Our Freemium plan is perfect for startups — it requires no card details when you sign up, and it’s also free forever.

This plan includes:

  • Up to 2,000 contacts for your emailing list
  • 3 sales funnels with 10 sales funnel steps
  • 1 blog
  • 1 membership site
  • 1 automation rule and 1 workflow
  • 1 tag and 1 email campaign
  • 1 one-click upsell and 1 order bump
  • 1 A/B test
  • 1 custom domain

Our pricing plans and their features scale as your business does.

You can choose to be billed monthly or yearly, with the latter saving you 30%.

Our pricing plans are as follows:

  • Startup plan ($27/month or $228/year) — Comes with free web-migration
  • Webinar plan ($47/month or $396/year) — Comes with 10 evergreen webinars
  • Enterprise plan ($97/month or $828/year) — Comes with a 1-on-1 kickstart coaching session
  • Custom plan (for +15k contacts) — Can be billed up to $547/month for a maximum of 100,000 contacts

Starting a business has never been as affordable and easy!

7. Conclusion

In this post, we’ve given you everything you need to make a booming success from your long-form sales pages.

Once you’re ready to create a successful sales page, head over to to get started for free!

Our zero-experience-needed builder will have your sales pages done in 30 minutes or less.

We also offer a bunch of features to help you further expand your business.

What are you waiting for? Let’s capture those leads right now!

Other posts about sales funnels and pages:

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