Launch Your Online Business in Just 7 Days

2020 has been a hard year financially, and you might be looking for extra ways to boost your bucks while still working your 9 - 5 (or, you fancy becoming the next Kim K).

This article will show you how you can smile all the way to the bank by cashing in on something we all do every day - social media.

So, let’s learn how to “make it rain”!


1. How to make money with YouTube

YouTube logo

YouTube logo

YouTube has 1.9 billion users logging in every month — that’s half the internet!

500 hours of video is uploaded to the site every minute by users all over the globe.

The trick to making money on this platform is by becoming a YouTube Partner.

YouTube Partners have multiple income stream opportunities ranging from YouTube

Premium subscription fees, ads with AdSense, features that access your viewers’ wallets directly like Super Chat, channel memberships, and the merchandise shelf.

1.1. YouTube 101

  • Step 1. Start a Youtube channel!
  • Step 2. Make sure your channel meets the YouTube Partner Program requirements. This means that you need a minimum of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours (in the previous 12 months.) So how exactly do you get more of those precious YouTube views? Simply:
  • Step 3. Set up an AdSense account
  • Step 4. Explore all of the monetization features
  • Step 5. Submit to ongoing reviews.

As a YouTube Partner, your channel will be held to a higher standard, according to YouTube. Be sure to follow all policies and community guidelines and ALWAYS stay on the right side of copyright laws.

1.2. How to Monetize with YouTube

Each monetization channel has different eligibility requirements.

For Example:

Ad revenue: to earn ad revenue, you must be at least 18 years old, and you must create advertiser-friendly content.

The less controversial your videos, the more YouTube advertisers will be comfortable running ads on your channel and, obviously, the more moola you’ll make!

YouTube Premium revenue: if a YouTube Premium member watches your video, you’ll get a portion of their subscription fee. (This one is automatic, which is nice.)

Channel memberships: to sell channel memberships to your subscribers (i.e. your fans opt-in to pay you an extra amount), you need to be at least 18 and have more than 30,000 subscribers.

Merchandise shelf: to sell merch from YouTube’s merchandise shelf, you must be at least 18 years old and have at least 10,000 subscribers.

Super Chat payments: if you want your fans to have the ability to pay to have their messages highlighted in your live chats during your live streams, you must be at least 18 (and live in a country where the feature is offered).

2. How to Make Money using Twitter

Twitter logo

Twitter logo

2.1. Step 1: Create an awesome Twitter profile.

  • Add links to your website if you have one, and links to your other social media accounts
  • The trick to this is making sure it looks like you put some effort into your account. (It shouldn't look like a dodgy account used by trolls)
  • A profile photo of yourself or your company logo
  • A relevant username and Twitter handle (your name or company name)
  • An engaging bio
  • A link to your blog (if applicable)
  • A completed Twitter profile will help your followers get to know you and build a trusting relationship with you or your brand.

2.2. Step 2: Getting a following

How do you grow your Twitter following you ask?

Well, we all know that accounts with zero followers will not boost engagement.

The easiest way to get more followers the right way (and not buying fake followers from those that sell them) is simply by being active and consistent.

You’ll need to post regular content and interact with users on Twitter by retweeting, liking, and commenting.

Make sure the content you share on Twitter is relevant to your niche or your industry and use hashtags to widen your reach.

You can’t be tweeting about politics the whole time when you’re in the business of selling beauty products! See what I mean?

Some more hacks that will get you on the road to more followers:

  • Take some tips from them
  • Add your Twitter handle to your email signature along with your other social media handles, if relevant to your business
  • Promote your Twitter profile on other social media platforms

Now that you know the basics of Twitter, let’s get into the exciting stuff!

2.3. Step 3: Get your Tweets Sponsored

When you have established yourself on Twitter with a large following of engaged fans, companies will actually pay you to tweet about their products, services, or brand.

If you’re popular on Twitter, you can simply reach out to the brands you love to promote their product and get paid to tweet.

Alternatively, there are a number of online platforms that'll help you connect with companies looking to pay for tweets.

These include:

  • SponsoredTweets
  • PaidPerTweet

These platforms connect brands with influencers or users with popular profiles.

2.4. Step 4: Harness the Power of Affiliate marketing

This is not only for bloggers and YouTube promoters.

Affiliate marketing, in a nutshell, is just promoting other people’s products.

When someone buys the product via the link you shared, you make a commission.

One of the great things about affiliate marketing is that you don’t need to have a huge Twitter following to be accepted into affiliate marketing programs.

To find affiliate products you can promote on Twitter, create an account on an affiliate marketing network like:

  • ShareASale
  • Amazon Associates
  • FlexOffers
  • ClickBank

Try to put some thought into the products you promote and make sure they align with your brand.

For example, if you’re promoting SaaS (Software as a Service) products, find out which platforms pay top dollar. offers an outstanding affiliate program that pays you 60% lifetime, recurring commission on any product you sell! WOW!

3. How to Make Money Using Pinterest

Pinterest is a photo-sharing network, but it can be much more if you use all the opportunities it presents.

In November of 2013, Pinterest had 70 million users and received 2.5 billion page views per month. So you have all that traffic right, why not use it?

There are many ways to make money with Pinterest — let’s take a look at some of them.

3.1. Step 1: Build an audience

Choose a target audience e.g. women who want to know how to do DIY renovations. Create a Pinterest account and add boards that attract this audience.

Get followers to your boards. You don’t need many followers to sell to your audience.

Once you have a solid following (1000 plus), marketers will approach you with offers.

3.2. Step 2: Get Sponsorships

After finding your footing, you can then select companies offering products that appeal to your audience.

Share your Pinterest account’s statistics with the companies you approach, and ask for sponsorship.

Offer them a deal, e.g. they can use their branding on your account for an agreed-on duration.

3.3. Step 3: Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing on Pinterest isn't only for well-established brands.

Take advantage of this beginner-friendly way of cashing in on Pinterest.

Find companies that sell products that align with your brand and that you can promote, then, sign up as an affiliate.

Promote the products on your boards, using your personalized affiliate links and, BOOM, money!

3.4. Step 4: Use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to gain traction

People have to be able to find your pins and boards easily, so using SEO strategies is the best way to get your account some traction.

Not only will you be found on Pinterest, but you’ll also be found via search engines like Bing and Google.

Make sure that your “About” section on your profile is on point.

This is where people will get the first impression of you.

Ensure you’re descriptive and don’t alienate anyone before they’ve had a chance to engage with your content.

Pins allow 500 characters for a description, so make the most of it by adding keywords and other SEO strategies.

Make your keywords flow and not the spammy dodgy trend that’s been doing the rounds lately.

4. How to Make Money using Snapchat

Snapchat logo

Snapchat logo

Snapchat is a great platform to make money.

Snapchat enables its users to make tonnes of money thanks to “Snapchat Premium”. Users can share explicit images confidentially.

With Snapchat, you can sell selfies, emojis, masks, and filters. You can also use the app to video call.

Snapchat has been around for eight years, and its daily active users surpassed 118 million.

According to a study conducted in 2016, Snapchat had more daily video views than Facebook and more active daily users than Twitter.

4.1. Step 1: Build an Audience

Snapchat has great monetary potential.

You can leverage the connections that you make on Snapchat to make money online.

Use other social media platforms, like Facebook, to add your friends and personal contacts to Snapchat.

  • Promote other people on Snapchat so they can reciprocate
  • Put your Snapcode in posts and articles
  • Post to your story daily and consistently but be careful not to overdo it
  • You can activate a coupon that offers a discount, promo code, or cashback

4.2. Step 2: Promote

You can use your Snapchat platform to promote content products such as ebooks, video courses, or audio programs that align with your brand to sell to your followers.

4.3. Step 3: Affiliate Marketing

You’re also able to do affiliate marketing on this platform and use SnapAds to make money.

These two options don’t bring in a heavy load of money, but if you’re consistent the coins add up.

5. How to Make Money with Instagram

Instagram logo

Instagram logo

In less than seven years IG has taken the world by storm.

I don’t think anyone expected this simple photo-sharing app to become the Beyonce of apps.

It has quickly doubled its user base in the last two years to 700 million users.

Its growth has exploded since it launched Instagram Stories in August 2016.

Let’s talk about what you really want to know. How to make $200 to $10,000 per month using Instagram.

With a vastly diverse audience on Instagram, everyone has an opportunity to make money.

5.1. Step 1: Grow your audience

As I’m sure you’ve seen these influencer accounts have massive followings.

Now you don’t have to have a huge following, but you should have some reach.

Use hashtags and engage with influencers and brand pages till they notice you and the content you put up.

Also, don’t be afraid to approach micro-influencers to collaborate if your brands align.

A successful IG strategy is to have giveaways.

How they’re typically done is that a growing account will give away a product with a call-to-action

If you and three of your friends follow, like images, and repost you’ll stand a chance to win.

This gains huge traction and numbers grow like crazy until it’s time for the draw.

What’s important though, is that your posts have engagement from your followers, and you don’t find yourself stuck with ‘ghost followers’ who don’t like or engage with your content.

To stand out make sure your captions are on point, have high-quality pictures, and produce video content.

Whether it's on IGTV, your stories, or on interactive video posts.

5.2. Step 2: Sponsored posts

This is the most common way of making money on IG.

We’ve all seen the #ad Kim Kardashian-West made famous, now the question is — can you do it with your few thousand followers?

People with over 7 million followers get paid up to $150,000 per post.

However, this sponsored ad feature is not viable for someone with a small following of a few hundred.

If you have a following of more than 3000 and great engagement levels with your audience you’re good to start.

You can now reach out to brands and request sponsored posts.

Once you gain traction you won’t need to do this as brands will be knocking at your door (sliding into your DM’s) with their sponsored ad requests.

6. Final Thoughts

So I hope this article has inspired your inner entrepreneur and that you’re ready to coin it using YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, and Instagram.

A few takeaways that apply across all platforms:

  • Stay true to your brand and be authentic
  • Engage and learn with those who’ve made it on the platform
  • Be consistent and don’t drop the ball because you’re easily forgettable on social media

Most importantly HAVE FUN!

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