Mighty Networks — Is This Online Course Platform Worth It?

Launch Your Online Business in Just 7 Days

Today we’ll be exploring Mighty Networks — found by many to be the best community platform out there.

We’re going to answer questions like:

  • What is Mighty Networks?
  • What are the main features of Mighty Networks?
  • How much does it cost?
  • Who’s Mighty Networks for? People looking to sell memberships?
  • Sell online courses? Or people looking to build an online business?

And more.

So without further ado, let’s jump right in!

What is Mighty Networks?

Mighty Networks homepage

Mighty Networks homepage

Mighty Networks is a cloud-based platform where you can create and grow online communities first, sell membership access and courses second, and try to build a brand third.

To say the platform is packed with unique features would be an understatement — we’ll go through them all today — but at the same time, you can’t help but ask…

Would Mighty Networks be an optimal option for someone who’s looking to build an online business?

(Because it’s certainly an investment of your time and money — chances are you’re low on one of those valuable resources)

So, with that exact question in mind, let’s pick apart everything Mighty Networks brings to the table.

Mighty Networks’ pros and cons

(These pros and cons were gathered from platforms like Trustpilot, G2, and Capterra)


  • Mobile apps are available (Android and iOS)
  • Constant updates and development
  • Solid platform to build an online community
  • Easily sell memberships


  • Has transaction fees on all plans
  • The platform gets buggy from time to time
  • The customer support isn’t responsive enough
  • Limited customizability options
  • The interface isn’t intuitive enough for new users
  • Quite expensive if you’re just looking to sell courses

Interested in knowing more?

Well, buckle up because this Mighty Networks review is just revving up.

Mighty Networks’ main features

This section will discuss everything Mighty Networks has to offer, from building a community to selling online courses and everything in between.

Online community platform

When you first sign up, you’ll be prompted to create your first Mighty Network.

Source: MightyNetworks.com

Source: MightyNetworks.com

You can think of a Mighty Network as a social network dedicated to you and your community members — think Facebook, but on a much smaller scale.

This is the main dashboard you’ll be greeted with.

Source: MightyNetworks.com

Source: MightyNetworks.com

Here’s what you can do with your Mighty Network:

  • Customize your network’s profile (description, picture, colors, etc)
  • Invite members — as hosts (admins/owners), moderators (mangers/editors), or regular members
  • Set permissions for members, directly message them, discover ones that are near you, and set up welcome checklists for new members
  • Create new posts, articles, polls, or questions for members to interact with
  • Create “Topics” where you can discuss certain aspects of your community niche, and create “Events” which are basically scheduled livestreams
  • Create groups for certain members to chat with each other and join events together (can be free or paid)
  • Connect a custom domain or a sub-domain (i.e. mynetwork.mightynetworks.com)

Then, if you want to take it a step further, you can also create “Member Categories” which better describe an aspect of each member, like their profession, age, interests, etc.

You can even reorder, hide, or pin certain sections of your community feed to deliver the exact experience you want for your network members.

All of this is brilliant for someone who’s looking to build a loyal community in an isolated social network — granted, it’s going to take a huge time and energy investment to make it come alive.

Here’s the kicker, though, all that effort would mean next to nothing if you can’t turn it into a sustainable stream of income — after all, something has to put food on the table.

Memberships and online courses

Your Mighty Network is your membership site — that’s the easiest way to describe it.

Now, your network can be 1 of 4 types:

Source: MightyNetworks.com

Source: MightyNetworks.com

  • Public — Anyone can view and join the network for free
  • Private — Can be found via search engines on the web or mobile apps. Members must request to join and get approved by hosts to get into the network
  • Secret — Can’t be found via search engines on the web or mobile apps. Members must be invited to get into the network
  • Paid — Similar to Private networks. Collect payments directly on the platform with a landing page and a Stripe integration

Both the Private and Secret networks can be Paid or free, but you’ll have to collect payments outside of Mighty Networks if you choose to use them.

You can also set limits for what outside viewers can see with Paid networks (groups, online courses, events, etc) — plus, you’ll need to set up a basic landing page.

Source: MightyNetworks.com

Source: MightyNetworks.com

Mighty Networks provides a simple landing page builder that’ll help you insert appropriate content into a premade template.

It’s pretty limited when it comes to customizability, but we honestly didn’t expect more since most of Mighty Networks’ efforts are about the community aspect and not necessarily building a unique business front.

That’s pretty much the gist of what you’ll experience with Mighty Networks if you’re looking to sell memberships — if your eyes are set on selling paid online courses, though, Mighty Networks delivers on that as well.

Source: MightyNetworks.com

Source: MightyNetworks.com

As a course creator with Mighty Networks, you can — if you’re on the Business plan — create evergreen courses for either internal members of your network or external prospects (includes the membership fee).

Customization-wise, you can go beyond editing basic things like the course title to adding learning materials, setting up a learning path for students, deciding availability per platform (web, iOS, Android), setting up scheduled/drip content, and more.

That said, Mighty Networks is lacking quite a set of features, it has:

  • No instant upsells
  • No quizzes or assignments
  • No dedicated options for uploading certificates
  • No bulk or cloud importing for content

So to quickly recap what we’ve learned so far:

Mighty Networks gives you all you need to create an engaging community (and by extension run a membership site), it also delivers the bare minimum if you want to break into the e-learning industry.

A prominent drawback entails limited customizability for how your business would look and feel for your prospects.

(Side note: expect the platform to be clunky at times — buttons not being responsive, posts’ interface glitching, etc)


Surprisingly enough, Mighty Networks only provides very few templates for you to work with.

For landing pages, you have:

  • Creator Template: designed to let you display a project, blog, or course you're crafting. You can add a video at the top of the page.
  • Community Template: add a large hero image behind the text that you share at the top of the page

(Not exactly a whole lot different, and honestly not enough)

You also have an “Overview template” on the sales pages of your courses.

That’s it, no different designs to choose from, you’re just stuck with what Mighty Networks gives you — this will make your business look kind of generic in the long run.

Marketing and analytics tools

 Source: MightyNetworks.com

Source: MightyNetworks.com

By now, you should have an understanding that your revenue as a Mighty Networks host comes from 1 or more of these places:

  • Selling membership access — charge members a fee to enter your network
  • Online courses — charge members a fee to sign up for your courses
  • Groups — charge members a fee to enter like-minded groups

When it comes to pricing them, you have 3 options:

  • One-time payment
  • Subscription (monthly or annually)
  • Free

You’ll need to integrate with Stripe to collect payments.

Mighty Networks supports selling both online courses with a membership-access fee and groups with a membership-access fee as bundles.

In terms of the ways you can monetize the above-mentioned revenue streams as a host, well — other than the chance of being featured on the Mighty Networks platform — it really falls on your shoulder to market yourself and your network.

This is evident because, with Mighty Networks, you won’t have:

  • An affiliate program to run — Mighty Networks does provide an ambassador program that rewards members with badges for inviting new members, but it’s simply not enough if you’re really looking to seriously grow your network
Source: MightyNetworks.com

Source: MightyNetworks.com

  • Instant upsells and order bumps — this alone could increase your conversions by up to 30%
  • Automation rules — you can’t have auto-enrollments or auto-invites in courses or groups for certain members. You can’t set up action-based triggers for members, and a lot of things seem more manual than they should
  • Coupon codes — you’ll need to resort to creating multiple plans of the same course or group if you’re planning to offer discounts
  • Email marketing features — one could argue that having a social network would take away the need for email marketing, but it doesn’t change the fact that this marketing channel still has an insane ROI of $36 per $1 spent
  • The ability to directly sell digital and physical products — even uploaded files and documents have a size limit of 25mb or smaller

So while Mighty Networks is an excellent community builder, you can’t really treat it as an all-in-one platform that’s designed to create and market online businesses — thus, giving you the ability to live off said business.

Switching things a bit, Mighty Networks does provide native analytics and insights — if you go with the Business plan, you’ll have data ownership as well.

Source: MightyNetworks.com

Source: MightyNetworks.com

Extra features

Mighty Networks’ pricing

Source: MightyNetworks.com

Source: MightyNetworks.com

As of writing this post, Mighty Networks offers 3 paid plans:

  • Community Plan — $39/month or $33/month billed annually

You get unlimited members, your own network/membership website, insights, live streaming, access to the mobile apps of Mighty Networks, Events’ features, and priority support.

There is a 3% transaction fee on everything you sell through the Mighty Network platform.

(Total file storage is capped at 250 GB).

  • Business Plan — $119/month or $99/month billed annually

Everything in the Community plan plus the ability to create online courses (and live cohort course creation), premium analytics, members’ data ownership, and Zapier integration.

There is a 2% transaction fee on everything you sell through the Mighty Network platform.

(Total file storage is capped at 1 TB)

  • Mighty Pro — Custom pricing, you’ll need to contact their sales team

You can request custom branded apps for your networks — additionally, you’ll get an account management service, and strategy support from Mighty Networks.

Custom domains are purchased separately through Google Domains.

You get a 14-day free trial to take Mighty Networks for a test run — and 2 months off any annual subscription.

Mighty Networks alternatives

It wouldn’t be a full review without giving you alternatives that might be a better fit for you and what you’re looking for.

Systeme.io — a free all-in-one alternative

Systeme.io’s logo

Systeme.io’s logo

Systeme.io is an all-in-one platform that was created to design, launch, and grow online businesses — here are some of the tools we provide thousands of users to build their online businesses:

  • Website builder — Use proven templates with a drag-and-drop builder to create a stunning custom website in minutes (no code needed)
  • Online courses — Create, advertise, and sell courses from one place while having all the features you want like quizzes, coupon codes, etc
  • Email marketing — Set up all kinds of email campaigns and effortlessly send unlimited emails to perfectly segmented customers
  • Affiliate program management — Assemble a team of affiliates that sell your products day and night with built-in affiliate marketing administration features
  • Ecommerce and Marketing automation — Sell both digital and physical products, plus, deploy trigger-based actions and workflows to automate your digital marketing efforts

That’s really just a glimpse of what you get — advanced features like A/B testing, deadline funnels, assistant accounts, evergreen webinars, and instant upsells are all a click away.

Oh, and check this — we have more than 1000 reviews on Trustpilot with an amazing rating of 4.9/5!

Our real secret is having an outstanding customer support team that’s ready to help you 24/7 — or maybe is it our pricing?

Systeme.io’s pricing

Systeme.io’s pricing

Systeme.io’s pricing

Here are our plans:

  • Free plan — $0/month

Get yourself a free domain, a lifetime free SSL certificate, unlimited file storage, and the ability to send unlimited marketing emails.

And there’s more — get full access to the website builder and templates, a blog with unlimited blog posts, easily run membership sites, add coupons, and run your own affiliate program. No transaction fees whatsoever.

Plus, it’s free forever.

  • Startup plan — $27/month

Everything in Free plan plus raised limits on the number of website pages, courses, coupon codes, automation rules, tags, and more.

  • Webinar plan — $47/month

Unlock the ability to host up to 10 evergreen webinars and get raised limits on all tools and features.

  • Unlimited plan — $97/month

Truly unlimited.

Full access to everything we have to offer with no boundaries or limits.

Plus, get a 1-1 kickstart coaching session to get you up and running in no time.

You can save 30% on an annual subscription.

You also get a free migration for your online business — if you already have one — when you sign up for the Unlimited plan or any annual billing plan.

Sounds interesting?

Go get your free account now and experience it for yourself!


Source: LearnWorlds.com

Source: LearnWorlds.com

LearnWorlds is possibly the closest 1 to 1 alternative to Mighty Networks.

It’s a cloud-based, full learning management system (LMS), and an all-in-one platform designed to sell online courses.

Their similarities with Mighty Networks include community features, mobile apps, and online courses.

But unlike Mighty Networks, LearnWorlds focuses its efforts on selling courses rather than building a community, and that means you’ll get some solid features, like:

  • Interactive course material
  • Certificates, quizzes, and assignments
  • A drag-and-drop website builder
  • Coupons
  • Affiliate program management

Notable drawbacks include transaction fees on the starting plan, lack of advanced tools like A/B tests and automation rules, and a lot of the desired features are locked behind the pricier plans.

Speaking of which, they have 4:

Source: LearnWorlds.com

Source: LearnWorlds.com

1. Starter — $29/month

2. Pro Trainer — $99/month

3. Learning Center — $299/month

4. High volume & Corporate — custom pricing, you’ll need to contact sales

(You don’t get white labeling options until unlocking the Learning Center plan — up till that point, you’ll have LearnWorlds’ branding)


Source: Udemy.com

Source: Udemy.com

If you’re someone who’s looking to upload their courses and would rather not deal with hassles like building sales pages or running affiliate programs, then Udemy will give you just that.

With more than 68,000 instructors on the platform, Udemy is a powerhouse of an online learning and teaching marketplace.

You can start as an instructor for absolutely free, and become a premium instructor soon after.

Here’s what you can do with Udemy:

  • Share the same streamlined and repetitive process to upload your course to a marketplace that has 185,000+ online courses
  • Offer quizzes
  • View analytics and students’ interactions
  • Manage your account through a mobile app — students can view their courses through the app as well

When it comes to splitting the paycheck:

  • Instructors take 97% of sales revenue generated by students using the instructor’s coupon or referral link when purchasing the course
  • Instructors take 37% of sales revenue generated by any other methods (Udemy’s marketplace or ads for example).

Mighty Networks — should you use it?

Let’s put things in perspective.

Here’s what you can do with Mighty Networks:

  • Build a community that thrives on engagement between hosts and members, as well as between members themselves
  • Easily sell membership access to the community and groups within the community
  • Sell courses if you sign up for the Business plan ($119/month)
  • Get access to mobile apps on iOS and Android devices — plus, get your branded apps if you sign up for Mighty Pro
  • Integrate with Zapier to unlock much-needed functionalities

Here’s what you’re going to have to put up with:

  • Your business would look kind of generic
  • Transaction fees on everything you sell on top of the monthly/annually subscription that you pay
  • A learning curve — not only for you but to your community members as well
  • Pay for Zapier and other platforms you’re going to need to fully run your business
  • Limited file storage

And finally, here’s our recommendation:

If you’re someone who has a goal of building a community in an isolated social network — and can’t compromise on that goal — then Mighty Networks is a good option for you.


If you’re someone who’s looking to build an online business that generates enough income to live off, then Mighty Networks could feel like an uphill battle rather than a useful tool.

(Especially if you’re starting from the bottom with no following, not a lot of funds, or both)


Is PayPal available as a payment gateway for Mighty Networks’ users?


PayPal isn’t available on Mighty Networks.

Is Mighty Networks free?

You can try Mighty Networks for a 14-day free trial. (No credit card required)

After the trial period ends, you’ll need to upgrade to one of the paid plans if you plan to continue using the platform.

Who is Mighty Networks for?

Mighty Networks is best suited for individuals, non-profits, and brands looking to grow and/or maintain a following in an isolated social network.

Mighty Networks review — conclusion

Can Mighty Networks be a better alternative to your Facebook group?

Absolutely yes.

Can Mighty Networks build you a sustainable business that generates recurring income?

Yes, but at a cost.

Between transaction fees, lack of marketing tools, and having to integrate/pay for other platforms to reach the full potential of your online business…

You’re going to need to invest a lot more time and money than first anticipated.

Luckily, systeme.io doesn’t have those drawbacks.

While we don’t offer full community features, we strike a bullseye of providing you with a platform that grows with your online business.

(And still give you all the essential tools from the start)

But don’t just take our word for it, try systeme.io for free and leave us a review!

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