Complete Guide — How to Use Affiliate Marketing to Sell Online Courses

Launch Your Online Business in Just 7 Days

As a course creator, whether you just created your first online course, or already have a library of courses, there’s 1 thing you can’t say no to — getting more students.

With that spirit in mind, this post will teach you:

  • What affiliate marketing is and why you should use it to sell your online courses
  • How to setup your own affiliate program
  • Ways to build an army of affiliates that sell your online courses day and night

And the best part is that it’s very easy to implement everything mentioned in this post.

No technical or special skills are required.

In fact, in the next 10 minutes, you’ll learn how to run a successful affiliate program for your online courses.

Let’s get started!

Getting the basics right

First things first.

You probably have an idea of what affiliate marketing is, but just in case, this section will cover its definition and why is it super effective in selling online courses.

What is affiliate marketing?

What is affiliate marketing?

It’s when businesses offer their products and services to be sold by independent individuals or teams — aka affiliates — via trackable links in exchange for a commission.

Here’s an example, at, we have an affiliate program that pays 60% to our affiliates for every paid sign-up they get.

(Note: the commission is recurring and is earned monthly for as long the customer stays subscribed to any paid plan of

And if you’re thinking about whether it’s a legit way or not to build a comfortable online income, we’ve paid more than 3 million US dollars to our affiliates since we first started back in 2019 — just 3 years in.

That also means that we, as a business, have benefited immensely from our affiliate program.

(Still benefiting every single day)

And you, as an online course creator, could do so as well.

How effective is affiliate marketing for online courses?

Looking at it from a marketing strategy point of view, affiliate marketing is actually a genuine way for small businesses to:

  • Build reach in a specific industry
  • Generate more “passive” revenue
  • Build social proof

For course creators that means more enrolled students, increased reputation for their skills and results, and a sustained revenue stream to put food on the table.

So it’s not a question of “should you set up an affiliate program to sell your courses?” but rather “Why don’t you have one yet?”.

(Because you probably lack knowledge about it and may think affiliate marketing software is expensive, complicated, or time-consuming — but this post is going to fix that!)

Here’s why affiliate marketing is right for you as a course creator:

1. It’s more affordable — both money and time wise

Chances are, you’re low on one of those assets (money and time) when starting out, if not both.

This is where affiliate marketing comes in to protect you from the risks of losing money on marketing endeavors.

For example, you can spend $1000 on ads and get zero course sales.

You’re never getting that money back, nor the time you invested in the process.

The best case scenario is that you’ve learned from your mistakes and have the ability to do better next time.

But with affiliate marketing, you’ll only pay affiliates a commission when they make sales.

Affiliates will handle getting impressions, leads, and genuine course sales from interested individuals in your target market.

That means all you really have to do is to get competent affiliates to join your program for affiliate marketing to start doing its thing.

We know, easier said than done — but that’s exactly what we’re going to teach you in a few sections.

Note: affiliate marketing will also clear more time for you to work on other marketing channels.

2. Improve your SEO authority for free

It’s a given that the more space you occupy on the internet, the more you increase your search engine optimization (SEO) authority, especially on Google.

Source: Pixabay

Source: Pixabay

By more space, we mean how many quality backlinks and content on the web is referring to your business website.

This is super convenient for affiliate marketing because if you remember what we said earlier, you’re going to be sharing trackable links for your affiliates for this to work.

So imagine how many blogs, social media pages, and other content channels would be created to specifically promote your online-course business.

3. Super easy to scale

Once you set up an affiliate program, you’ll have automated payouts for affiliates, detailed analytics, and precise tracking.

The fruits of your affiliate marketing will get bigger and bigger when more affiliates join your program.

No need for you to actively work on your own affiliate program all the time.

4. Affiliate marketing is a way to build bridges

Your relationship with your affiliates is a win-win situation for everybody involved.

Granted that you’re offering them an amazing commission, they’re more than happy to use their influence and skills to bring you sales.

But what’s absolutely beautiful — while this relationship is maintained and nourished — is that you’re constantly networking with brilliant people to grow with and build your online business.

How do I create an affiliate program to sell my courses?

Source: Giphy

Source: Giphy

An affiliate program is a piece of software that’ll help you manage all of your affiliate marketing efforts.

The first thing you’re going to do is figure out where you’re going to host your online courses.

For this, you have 3 options:

1. Host your courses independently, and join dedicated affiliate marketing networks

This is probably the most time-consuming route you can take.

It will require you to create your own website first and upload your courses there.

Then you want to join affiliate networks like ClickBank or FlexOffers to access a large pool of affiliates that’ll promote your course.

But to be frank, this method isn’t ideal for course creators, simply because of the nature of these networks and the products they usually sell.

Plus, the number of platforms you’ll deal with can get distracting.

2. Upload your online courses to multiple course platforms

For this option, you can upload your online course library to platforms like Udemy, Skillshare, and the likes of them.

This is great because you’ll have access to a larger base of students, but what’s not-so-great is that you’ll have to play ball with their own affiliate programs that allow affiliates to promote your courses.

This means, it’s their affiliates, and it’s their rules regarding commission, payout cycles, what’s permissible and what’s not, etc.

3. Upload your online courses to an all-in-one platform

If you’d like more control, then you can choose a platform like where you can upload your courses, sell them, and manage your affiliate program with a few clicks.

Usually, all-in-one marketing platforms come at a high price tag, which is understandable when you consider how much functionality they provide.

(Ehm, we’re happy to say that we’re practically a unicorn when it comes to pricing — but that’s a chat for later)

Note: these 3 options aren’t mutually exclusive, for example, you can still choose an all-in-one platform and upload your courses on places like Udemy.

But say you want full control and went with option 3 first, that’ll let you:

  • Customize your program rules, from commissions to cookies and everything in between
  • Pick and choose your own affiliates
  • Grow your online-course business as a whole

Let’s give you some affiliate marketing training to run the best affiliate marketing program possible!

What do you need in your affiliate program?

Every successful affiliate program will take care of these elements:

  • Amazing offer

If you want skilled affiliates to promote your online courses, then you better offer them an amazing commission for each sale they make.

And we’re not talking about a fixed number or range here, we’re talking about a percentage of the retail and/or discounted price of your online courses.

Somewhere between 30% - 60% is highly attractive, especially if you price your online course to be more than $100.

  • A landing page for your offer

For those who don’t know, a landing page is a post-click web page that online traffic “lands” on after clicking on an ad, social media posts, or other resources.

You’ll need to have a landing page that affiliate links lead to.

Depending on what it is, and what it contains, affiliates would build their marketing efforts around it.

  • A tool for generating tracking links and cookies

In your designated platform for affiliate marketing, you probably have a section where you can customize the links that would be given out to affiliates.

Most of the time, it’s not more than just choosing your landing page and setting a cookie duration for the links.

If you don’t know what that last part means, it simply refers to the amount of time an affiliate would be credited for a sale after someone from their audience clicks on their affiliate link.

Usually, the industry standard is 30-60 days.

If we use that as an example, anyone who clicks on an affiliate link of one of your affiliates will have 30-60 days to purchase your online course and that affiliate would still get a commission from the sale.

  • Onboarding process for affiliates

You’ll need a streamlined way of getting affiliates to join your program.

It starts with promoting your affiliate program — coming up in the next section — and continues with affiliate training.

You’ll need to be 100% on the same page as your affiliates regarding your online courses.

Try to come up with resources that convey your message, what you stand for, your story, and what you want to achieve.

But don’t stop there, make sure that your online courses are detailed in terms of their value, impact, and benefits.

This will immensely help affiliates promote your online courses and position your affiliate program to be as attractive as it could be.

Important note: you’ll also need a different landing page from the one we mentioned earlier — this one should allow visitors to sign up and become affiliates.

(Your affiliate marketing software should let you customize this page, or at least provide a link to it)

How to promote your affiliate program for free

 How to promote your affiliate program for free

The affiliate marketing industry is worth a staggering $12 billion globally, and you can easily have your piece of that pie.

That is if you use some of these ways to promote your affiliate marketing program to bring in skilled affiliates on board.

Your goal when using these marketing channels is to send traffic to your affiliate-program landing page so they can sign up and become affiliates.

Note: All of these strategies can be utilized for free if you’re already engaged in their respective marketing channels.

We also know that you can also run paid ads and get paid traffic, but that’s a whole topic on its own.

Email marketing

If you know that email marketing has a return on investment (ROI) of $42 for each $1 spent, then you probably have an email list.

If you don’t, then please start building your email list today, it’s not an exaggeration if we say your success as a course creator could depend on it.

Back to our topic though, you can easily mention your new affiliate program in your newsletter or even in a dedicated email.

After all, there’s a good chance that your list members have already gone through your online course and they’re happy to promote it by sharing their own results.

If you’re not comfortable with email marketing for whatever reason, content marketing is the best next thing.

Content marketing

Starting a blog is one of the most successful ways to promote anything — yes, your online course affiliate program included.

Case in point, you’re reading this very blog post and our hidden agenda is to show you how awesome is and how it can actually help you.

You can quickly mention your affiliate program as a small pinned pop-up on the side of your posts, at the main menu and at the end of your page, and wherever it feels sensible to do so.

Great content has massive convincing power and can help turn visitors into potential affiliates.

Note that great content isn’t restricted to just blogging, the same principles can be applied to:

  • YouTube channels
  • Social media accounts
  • Content-sharing websites like Pinterest

The downside to this method is that it takes time to reach your audience and hook them to become affiliates — this will bring faster results if you directly promote your online course(s).

If waiting to get results isn’t on your game plan, you can try the next option.

Affiliate marketplaces

Definition: an affiliate marketplace is a place where you can promote your affiliate program — and for affiliates to choose programs they want to promote.

These marketplaces were created to serve the goal you want — get affiliates to join your program, fast.

You see, from an affiliate point of view, tracking multiple programs is tedious.

They’d rather have a singular dashboard to monitor all of their affiliate marketing efforts across different programs.

Good examples of these networks are Commission Junction’s marketplace (widely known as CJ), and’s marketplace.


Here’s how the’s affiliate marketplace works:

1. For creators and merchants

If you’re looking to sell your product (digital or physical), simply navigate to the sales funnel that has your product — like an online course for example.

Then head over (on the top right corner) and “Create marketplace offer” on’s marketplace.

After that, you can set your commission rates.

(You can set 2 tiers of commissions)

Easy peasy!


Alternatively, you can create your own affiliate program and then put it on the marketplace.

Just head to “My affiliate program” under “Products/Sales” and the menu, and start configuring right away!

Affiliate program dashboard in

Affiliate program dashboard in

You can easily set the payout commission, minimum payout amount, and more.

2. For affiliates

If you’re an affiliate, head over to’s marketplace and select the offers or affiliate programs you want to promote.

Navigate to the “Affiliate Programs” page, then choose an offer you like, and you’ll access the following details:

  • The seller’s description of the offer
  • The seller’s information
  • Commission rate and amount of commission earned over time
  • Sales page link
  • Opt-In page link

Just choose a course or offer you’d like to promote, then click the “Promote Offer” button (as seen below):


Once you click the button, a pop-up (with your affiliate link) will open.


That’s it! Ensure to copy the affiliate link and easily start promoting the selected offer.

Note: not all affiliate-marketplace platforms are free to join.

Build industry partnerships

The Internet is chock-full of websites that review and compare products and services that people care about.

Review websites attract lots of traffic because they rank difficult keywords that most product vendors would take a long time to rank for.

And if you get their goodwill, you could potentially put your affiliate program in front of thousands of affiliates who are ready to “catch the next best thing”.

Here’s how you can do that as a course creator:

  • Find review websites that have good authority in your niche (i.e. ranking on the first page of google for multiple keywords related to your online courses)
  • Reach out with a simple message explaining who you are and what you want
  • Carefully and briefly explain the unique value proposition (UVP) of your affiliate program (why is it worth their time?)
  • Invite them to watch one of your courses for free (so they can validate what you’re selling)
  • You can offer special affiliate links that have discounts as special perks for them being partners

Important: this can — and should — also be expanded to other marketing channels like social media influencers, YouTubers, and the likes. — Upload your online course, and sell it with your own affiliate program logo logo has been mentioned multiple times throughout the post, but what exactly is our platform?

We’re an all-in-one marketing platform that was built to launch, maintain, and scale online businesses.

— Cool, but how precisely?

Simple, we provide all the tools you need to operate an online business:

1. Online courses — Upload, market, and sell all of your online courses from the same place

2. Website builder — Build a stunning website with a drag-and-drop editor and a library of proven templates, no code is required

3. Marketing automation — Deploy action-based triggers to run your digital marketing efforts on auto-pilot

4. Email marketing — Easily run all kinds of email marketing campaigns to perfectly segmented users

5. Sales funnels — Build a visualization of web pages that describe your customers’ journey

6. Affiliate marketing management — Fully run your own affiliate program

And for that last bit, you’ll get the exact same piece of software that we use to run our own affiliate program.

(In fact, everything you interact with on our website was solely built with

This means that you have the power to replicate the same results)’s affiliate program dashboard’s affiliate program dashboard

We have paid over $3 million in commissions to our affiliates, and even more in additional commissions on multiple backend offers.’s pricing’s pricing structure’s pricing structure

It’s worth remembering that all our pricing plans (free and paid) allow you to do the following:

  • Send unlimited emails to all your contacts
  • Have unlimited hosting and file storage
  • Get an unlimited number of students to view/buy your course
  • Get 0% transaction fees on everything you sell. You get all profits of your efforts
  • Set up, manage, and integrate your affiliate program with your sales funnels and websites
  • Get a custom domain, and a lifetime SSL certificate to secure your business online

See what do we mean by “all-in-one”?

With that said, our platform has 4 scalable pricing options:

  • Free — $0/month
  • Startup — $27/month
  • Webinar — $47/month
  • Unlimited — $97/month for’s Free plan is forever-free, we won’t ask for your credit card details or information when you sign up!

Paid plans would raise the limits you have in the Free plan, and once you sign up for the Unlimited plan, you’ll get limitless access to all of our tools.

Furthermore, you get a sweet 30% discount on all annual plans with the option to migrate your entire online business into


Do I need an affiliate marketing course to start with affiliate marketing?


but you definitely don’t need a paid course to start with affiliate marketing — any successful affiliate marketer would tell you that much.

That’s because you’ve got plenty of affiliate marketing crash courses on YouTube, and there are detailed guides on how to start all over the internet from respectable platforms.

What does it take to run a successful affiliate marketing business?

Affiliate marketing works best when you diversify your programs, keep track of your performance, and double down efforts on well-performing affiliate programs.

It also doesn’t happen in an instant, it tends to take more time than other business models to build considerable amounts of income.

Can I learn affiliate marketing for free?

Yes, you can.

As an affiliate marketer, there are plenty of free affiliate marketing courses that’ll teach you everything you need to know to get started with affiliate marketing.

You can also count on trial and error to improve.

Paid affiliate marketing courses are there to accelerate your learning process, help you avoid pitfalls, and unlock some technical knowledge on the high-end.


With the e-learning market expected to grow globally by almost $240 billion by 2022, it’s safe to say that this is the best time to harness the power of affiliate marketing to promote your online courses.

If you’re selling course bundles, individual courses, or course memberships, you need a robust affiliate marketing program to help promote your courses.

And we’d be more than happy to make that a reality for you with

Sign up today for free and start publishing your offers on our affiliate marketplace (and your own affiliate program) for thousands of affiliates to see!

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