Webflow vs. Wix — Top 5 Features to Look Out for When Choosing One

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You’re in the market for a new website and you came across 2 popular website builders: Webflow and Wix, but which one is the best for you?

This post was written to help you answer that exact question.

Not only will we compare their popular features, but we’ll also go deep into what makes each platform great — and not so great.

Ready to see which platform is perfect for your business? Or if there’s a better alternative out there?

Let’s find out.

1. What is Webflow?

Webflow logo

Webflow logo

Webflow is a cloud-based web designing platform that defines itself as a website builder “built for enterprise-scale growth”.

The platform, founded in 2013 by Vlad Magdalin, Sergie Magdalin and Bryant Chou, stresses that websites should be a marketing asset, not an engineering challenge.

That’s why Webflow has a fully-fledged content management system (CMS), as well.

In terms of size, there are more than 3,5 million users using Webflow to create, publish, maintain, and scale Webflow websites.

2. What is Wix?

Wix logo

Wix logo

Wix is a cloud-based website builder that utilizes a drag-and-drop editor to design and publish Wix websites in a short time with no coding experience needed.

Founded in 2006 by Avishai Abrahami, Nadav Abrahami and Giora Kaplan, Wix was one of the first platforms to offer a zero-code experience for building online websites without compromising much on functionality.

Their approach to website building is successful enough for them to call themselves the leaders in website creation (especially with more than 200 million users worldwide).

3. Webflow vs. Wix — Pros and cons

If you’re running on a tight schedule, here are the biggest takeaways for both platforms in terms of pros and cons.

3.1. Webflow’s pros and cons


  • Great level of customization
  • Large range of optimized templates
  • Build projects and test the platform for free without a time limit
  • Performance of generated websites is solid
  • Full CMS features


  • Lots of pricing plans that can get confusing
  • Has a bigger learning curve compared to Wix
  • Can get expensive compared to other builders
  • Can’t be used on Apple iOS devices
  • Some integrations/functions are missing, like native A/B testing and customer tagging

3.2. Wix’s pros and cons


  • Easy, straightforward design for newbies or advanced developers
  • Continuously updated templates
  • App market for adding additional features
  • Variety of ecommerce features like product differentiators and abandoned-cart recovery


  • Migrating Wix websites can be difficult
  • Wix’s SEO can be a pain to handle
  • The web builder might lower page loading speeds with 1 or 2 accidental editing tweaks
  • Only 1 site is included in premium plans

4. Webflow vs. Wix — Comparing features

Welcome to the face-off.

We will analyze the top features of both platforms in a head-to-head style battle.

Grab your notes, mark what you like and what you don’t like about this Wix vs. Webflow comparison, and see if we come to the same conclusion at the end.

4.1. Website builders

Both Webflow and Wix are some of the best website builders out there — but which one of them is the best website builder for you?

Both Webflow and Wix have different styles when it comes to web design, so here’s what we will account for in each website builder:

  • Ease of use
  • Style and customization
  • Website performance
  • Optimization

With that in mind, let’s see what both web designers bring to the table.

4.1.1. Webflow’s website builder — Designer and Editor

Starting off with Webflow, their Designer is made for web developers to control the layout and feel of everything your website has to offer:

Webflow’s Designer

Webflow’s Designer

The Designer has a visual interface that can be used to:

  • Create the structure of your pages and edit them
  • Drag and drop any website element like headings, videos, or images into designated sections
  • Record the process of developing your site via the audit feature
  • Create CMS databases to control dynamic content
  • Optimize website responsiveness on other devices — This is crucial, since more than 55% of web traffic comes from mobile devices

And more.

Webflow’s Editor, on the other hand, allows users to strictly manage the content of web pages.

It’s easy to use, has on-page search engine optimization (SEO), and has team collaboration access.

Webflow’s Editor

Webflow’s Editor

Digital marketing teams and copywriters can get admission to edit the content of your pages that everyone sees and interacts with.

The end results generally perform well if you know what you’re doing, and that’s true whether you’re building a personal or a professional website.

Unfortunately, there are a few limitations:

  • To some, SEO optimization is narrow
  • The builders lack multilingual support
  • The Editor feels like a sub-section of the Designer (which has similar and a bigger variety of features)
  • Doing basic actions sometimes takes unnecessary extra steps to complete
  • The Designer can be complicated, which means you might need to hire a professional to help you

On top of that, users frequently report bugs in the software.

So how does Webflow fair as a website builder?

We think it’s fairly decent.

Although, it has a learning curve.

The UI is not as intuitive as Webflow would like you to think, and while the platform shows promise, you’re going to need to invest in it to unlock its full potential.

4.1.2. Wix’s website builder — 3 for 2?

Wix’s Editor

Wix’s Editor

Wix has 3 Editors:

  • Wix Editor (standard)

The standard Wix website builder takes the form of a drag-and-drop editor that requires no coding experience to get started.

Other than just dragging and dropping web page elements to build your site, users can optimize SEO, edit content in a frontend environment, and tweak all kinds of settings to push the web design process to its limit.

Web design with Wix is always mobile-responsive, and for users who want more, Wix delivers with 2 more editors, Wix ADI, and Editor X.

  • Wix ADI Editor

Wix Artificial Design Intelligence (ADI) is an AI tool developed to generate a website design based on what you tell it.

Wix ADI Editor

Source: Wix.com

It works by giving you a sequence of visualized questions and (based on your answers) the ADI will create a website that has all the elements you requested.

For example, if you input answers like “Blog” and “Online Store”, it should create an online store template that has a blog feature in it.

  • Wix Editor X

The Editor X was designed for the developers and designers’ community who want to flex their coding skills for more functionality.

With Editor X, you can access the website code and integrate custom HTML codes, snippets, and more.

Similar to Webflow, Wix Editors has dynamic databases that allow you to edit a certain layout of a collection of pages at once.

This means that you could edit the layout of your blog once and it will change for all published blog posts.

But, again, no website builder is perfect.

  • Wix websites still remain subpar at best when it comes to SEO
  • The software itself is reported to have lots of bugs once you start really growing the size of your websites
  • The save feature is unreliable
  • The performance of websites could easily drop because of small mistakes, like adding unoptimized videos or animations

In a nutshell, Wix is useful when it comes to designing websites quickly and easily in a short period of time but you’ll need to be prepared to handle all of its imperfections.


The two website builders definitely get the job done when it comes to creating powerful custom websites, but each comes with its own set of bugs and quirks. As such, it’s a tie.

Wix vs. Webflow: 1 - 1

4.2. Templates

Choosing optimized templates as the foundation of your website is a quick way to get up and running — you don’t have to reinvent the wheel for every web page you create.

And if you know anything about web design or the process of web development, you’ll know that being quick and efficient is the way to go.

That’s why Wix, Webflow, and other website builders like systeme.io provide a wide array of templates for users to utilize.

4.2.1. Webflow’s templates

Webflow’s website templates

Webflow’s website templates

We already mentioned that Webflow has advanced design customization options and how that causes an overwhelming feeling for newcomers.

They also have more than 1,000 templates, giving users ready-to-deploy pages where only your content needs to be added.

Of course, developers and designers can still edit HTML, CSS, JS code, and all the other settings to their heart’s content.

You’ll also be able to find templates in the Webflow Templates marketplace, categorized by different filters and genres.

The good news is that Webflow’s templates are mobile-responsive.

The not-so-good news is that some templates are really expensive, especially if you’re just, for example, building a personal website.

4.2.2. Wix’s templates

Wix’s website templates

Wix’s website templates

Whether you’re going to build an online store, a company website, or a profile website, Wix has pretty much covered all categories with their 800+ templates.

All Wix templates are free, responsive, modern looking, and a few clicks away from being the foundation for building the next Wix website.


While Webflow offers a bigger library of templates, Wix templates are on the same bar of quality and they’re all free. Wix takes the upper hand on this one.

Wix vs. Webflow: 2 - 1

4.3. Ecommerce

This takes the Wix-Webflow saga to new heights as ecommerce functionality helps both website builders become more than just tools for website building.

At this point, we’re entering the ecommerce platform domain, so if you’re looking to build online stores, pay attention to this section.

Take note that we’ll be discussing the features of each platform’s ecommerce plans and not all account plans just yet.

4.3.1. Webflow’s ecommerce features

Designing a Webflow web store

Designing a Webflow web store

Source: Webflow.com

Webflow's ecommerce features are quite adequate. You’ll get:

  • Custom domains — Available through Webflow or 3rd-party providers, like Namecheap. Webflow websites get a free SSL certificate, too
  • Payment processors — These include Stripe, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay
  • Hosting — You get Amazon Web Servers (AWS) hosting. Webflow’s Site and Ecommerce plans can only host 1 published website per plan
  • Analytics and reports — Webflow provides integrations to analytics software like Hotjar or Google Analytics
  • Tax calculation — Automatic tax calculation is available on all ecommerce plans of Webflow. It varies from region to region of course
  • Team accounts — These allow you to work collaboratively with other Webflow users from a shared dashboard (billed separately from your individual Webflow account)
  • Products — Sell both digital and physical products in online stores made by Webflow. There are limits on the number of products allowed based on the different plans
  • Custom checkout — You can customize the checkout pages on your web store with Webflow to better control the shopping experience of your customers

4.3.2. Wix’s ecommerce features

Wix’s ecommerce store templates

Wix’s ecommerce store templates

Here are the features Wix's ecommerce plans will offer you:

  • Custom domains — You can get a free domain name connection for 1 year for your web store. You also get free SSL certificates on all of your domains with Wix
  • Payment processors — You can accept payments by using Wix Payments (native Wix payment gateway), PayPal, Stripe, Square, and Buy Now - Pay Later (BNPL)
  • Hosting — Once you sign up for any of the ecommerce plans on Wix, you’ll get secure hosting with secure HTTPS protocols and a 99.8% uptime average (available on any plan)
  • Analytics and reports — Customized reports are provided by Wix but only on the Business VIP plan. Alternatively, you can integrate with Google Analytics
  • Tax calculation — Wix provides auto-tax calculation for up to 500 transactions/month (depends on the plan)
  • Staff accounts — Add up to 135 staff members to your Wix website (they recommend keeping it under 50, though)
  • Products — You can sell an unlimited number of products on Wix with any of their ecommerce plans
  • Custom checkout — Wix provides a variety of options for a customized checkout experience, like a policy checkbox button, setting a minimum order amount, and more
  • Abandoned cart recovery — Integrate with apps like Carti or use the in-house automation feature to send customers emails and notifications to incentivize them to complete their purchases


Both Webflow and Wix offer a compelling range of ecommerce tools, and the fact you get powerful and free hosting with any ecommerce plan is a nice plus. It’s another tie.

Wix vs. Webflow: 3 - 2

4.4. Marketplaces

In this section, we discuss what both Webflow and Wix offer in their marketplaces to add more functionality to your websites.

4.4.1. Webflow’s marketplace

Webflow’s marketplace

Source: Webflow.com

As previously mentioned, you’ll be able to get all kinds of templates — both from Webflow and additional 3rd-party communities.

Unfortunately, this is all their marketplace offers.

They make up for it by providing a variety of integration options (more on this later).

4.4.2. Wix’s marketplace

Wix’s AppMarket

Wix’s AppMarket

Wix is massive when it comes to adding more functionality to websites through their Wix Apps.

And you’ll find any website template you want in the templates library, as mentioned earlier.


Wix is clearly superior to Webflow in terms of marketplaces by having an extensive app market that makes them more than just a web designer. Wix wins.

Wix vs. Webflow: 4 - 2

4.5. Extra features

Extra features

Source: Freepik.com

We have gone over the main comparable features of both Webflow and Wix.

But there’s more to each platform that makes for a unique experience.

Some of these features would help in the web development process and some would help in providing an overall better experience.

4.5.1. Webflow’s extra features

Alongside being one of the best website builders, here’s how Webflow goes the extra mile when it comes to web design:

  • Webflow University

Webflow University is a huge forum that has comprehensive video tutorials, a library with FAQs, and open discussions from the community about everything related to Webflow.

  • Fully integrated CMS

Webflow combines the Designer, Editor, and other aspects of the platform to create a unique experience for content management.

For example, you can create collection pages that automatically pull the same styling for all buttons from the same template, instead of individually designing each one.

  • Hire an expert

If you think Webflow is an overwhelming challenge, you have the option to hire an expert through the platform to help you build your projects.

  • Memberships

Webflow doesn't currently have a feature to help you build a membership site, but they mention on their website that it will be “coming soon”.

  • Logic rules

This is yet another “coming soon” feature that Webflow advertises on their landing page.

The premise is that you’ll be able to trigger certain actions when certain events happen.

For example, you should be able to send certain notifications of discounts on a product if it’s performing well.

  • Integrations

With Webflow, integrations are in big numbers and act as compensation for the lack of a proper marketplace.

Some of their popular integrations include Shopify, Zapier, and Crisp.

4.5.2. Wix’s extra features

Not only is Wix a powerful website builder, but they also include additional features to help improve the functionality of your website:

  • Memberships

Wix offers their users the ability to create membership sites, members-only pages, and more.

If you'd like a full, in-depth review of their membership features, check out our article here.

  • Mobile app

Unlike Webflow, Wix has a mobile app called the Wix Owner app where you can customize and manage your website on the go.

The app, however, is more suitable for tracking the performance of your website than anything else.

  • Hire a professional

Similar to Webflow, you can hire a professional to help you with building and publishing your websites.

  • Logo Maker

The Logo Maker is an AI tool designed to help you create brand logos for your business with . . . 50/50 results.

A lot of the time the logos are quite generic, but if you’re willing to put in the effort, you might get some decent designs.

You can also hire a designer to do it if you don’t want to deal with the AI tool.

  • Social media integrations

Easily link all social media accounts to your website through website widgets (like Facebook or Instagram).


Both platforms offer extensive features (only the most important ones were mentioned in this list) and as such, it’s a tie.

Wix vs. Webflow: 5 - 3

5. Pricing

Now we’ll discuss probably one of the most important factors when deciding between Webflow and Wix.

Both Webflow and Wix don’t really make their pricing plans straightforward, so this section will give you a clear overview of everything you need to know.

5.1. Webflow’s pricing

Webflow’s pricing tactics are confusing, to say the least.

The platform has 3 sets of account plans:

  • Site plans
Webflow’s website plans

Webflow’s website plans

There are 5 Site plans to choose from:

1. Starter Free

2. Basic — $15/month

3. CMS — $20/month

4. Business — $45/month

5. Enterprise — You’ll need to contact the Webflow sales team to get custom configuration and pricing

The Starter plan comes with a webflow.io domain, 50 CMS records/assets, and 1 GB of bandwidth.

These features grow/get replaced with better ones as you scale with the pricing plans.

  • Ecommerce plans
Webflow’s Ecommerce plans

Webflow’s Ecommerce plans

Ecommerce plans simply unlock the ecommerce tools in the platform if you’re looking to run an online store business with Webflow.

There are 3 Ecommerce plans:

1. Standard — $42/month

2. Plus — $84/month

3. Advanced — $235/month

The Standard plan comes with all of the features in the CMS plan, 500 items (the number of products, their variants, CMS assets, and categories combined), a 2% transaction fee, and a $50K annual sales volume limit.

These features grow/get replaced with better ones as you scale with the pricing plans.

  • Workspace plans
Webflow’s Workspace plans

Webflow’s Workspace plans

Workspace plans are for team collaboration purposes and they don’t resemble Site plan alternatives.

This means if you sign up for one of these plans you’ll still need a Site or an Ecommerce plan to publish websites with Webflow.

There are 4 Workspace plans:

1. Starter — Free

2. Core — $28/month

3. Growth — $60/month

4. Enterprise — You’ll need to contact the Webflow sales team for pricing and custom configuration

The Starter plan lets you invite 1 team member and work on 2 unhosted websites. These features grow as you scale up in the plans.

Both the Starter and Core plans have Webflow branding on their websites and there’s no password protection either.

So, you can use the completely free version of Webflow but it’s not recommended when it comes to publishing your websites and projects.

5.2. Wix’s pricing

Wix’s pricing is a bit clearer.

It has 2 sets of account plans:

  • Website plans
Wix’s Website plans

Wix’s Website plans

There are 4 Website plans on Wix:

1. Connect Domain — $4.50/month

2. Combo — $8.50/month

3. Unlimited — $12.50/month

4. VIP — $24.50/month

With the Connect Domain plan, you get a custom domain, 1 GB of bandwidth, and 500 MB of storage space.

These features grow/get replaced with better ones as you scale with the pricing plans.

The VIP plan also gives you 1-year access to both the Visitor Analytics app for customized traffic reports and the Site Booster app which Wix says increases the performance of your SEO.

Also, if you sign up on their website, Wix has a free plan that comes with 500MB of storage — it has Wix branding as you may expect, and very limited features.

  • Business and ecommerce plans
Wix’s Ecommerce plans

Wix’s Ecommerce plans

Wix offers 3 Ecommerce plans (features grow as you scale the plans):

1. Business Basic — $17/month

2. Business Unlimited — $25/month

3. Business VIP — $35/month

With the Business Basic plan, you get unlimited products, unlimited bandwidth, and 20 GB of storage space.

It doesn’t have automated sales tax calculations, subscriptions, or multiple currencies though.


Even on their most expensive plan, you’ll still save roughly $200 with Wix compared to Webflow. Wix is the obvious winner.

Wix vs. Webflow: 6 - 3

The numbers are in, and it looks like Wix wins this battle.

However, depending on how you’d like to build and manage your website, which web design platform should you go for?

6. Webflow vs. Wix: Which web design platform should you go for?

Use Wix . . .

If you’re looking for a quick website launch, an established app marketplace to easily add more functionality to your website, and you’re willing to pay more for such convenience.

Use Webflow . . .

If you’re looking to invest time or money into making beautiful websites that have the performance behind them — and if you are willing to use code to unlock their full potential.

So for businesses - especially small business owners - both Webflow and Wix offer an easy way out of the grueling web development process.

If you aren’t happy with these 2 platforms, let’s offer an alternative.

7. Systeme.io — The best alternative if you want more of both worlds

systeme.io logo

systeme.io logo

Systeme.io is an all-in-one solution built from the ground up to create, refine, and scale online businesses.

That means that systeme.io has the easy approach of Wix, like the drag-and-drop website builder, the free premium templates, and more.

It also means that systeme.io websites generate the same solid performance as Webflow websites, with superb SEO efficiency.

But a successful online business is more than that, it takes maintaining, marketing, and getting creative with it.

That’s why systeme.io goes further and provides features like:

  • Launching email campaigns
  • Creating your own affiliate programs
  • Designing webinars and online courses
  • Creating a blog space

And more!

But we believe that all that isn’t the best part about systeme.io — the best part is actually the pricing!

7.1. Systeme.io’s pricing

systeme.io’s pricing plans

systeme.io’s pricing plans

Systeme.io's pricing is easy, we offer 4 plans:

  • Free
  • Startup — $27/month
  • Webinar — $47/month
  • Unlimited — $97/month

Each of our plans comes with unlimited emailing, file storage space and student access.

You can also create an affiliate program and accept payments using Stripe or PayPal at no extra cost.

On our Free plan, you’ll get:

  • 3 sales funnels
  • 1 custom domain
  • 1 email campaign, automation rule, workflow and tag
  • 1 blog space and 1 course to design and sell

And much much more.

Webinar creation is only available from our Webinar plan, but if you scale with our Unlimited plan, you’ll get unlimited everything that systeme.io could offer you (including free web migration).

Before we wrap up this post, let’s look at some burning questions users had with Webflow and Wix.

8. FAQs for Webflow and Wix

This post took some extensive research to craft, here are a few questions that kept showing up.

8.1. Is Webflow good for building business websites?


Webflow was built with scaling in mind, and how it fuses the visual building experience with code to achieve any desired outcome when website building, makes it a good pick for businesses.

8.2. Which is more expensive, Webflow or Wix?

This depends on the features you’re looking for.

You can start using both Webflow and Wix for next to nothing, but Webflow would technically cost you more once you start scaling up.

That said, Wix websites can’t scale up with you after a certain point because of the limitations on their high-end plans.

8.3. How long does it take to get good with Webflow?

Considering everything you can learn on the Webflow University forum, it can take anywhere from a week to a month or two to really get the hang of everything Webflow has to offer.

8.4. Do you need a designer to build your Webflow site?

That depends on your personal preference.

While in theory, anyone can build a Webflow website, you’ll need time to learn what many think is a complicated platform.

If you’re a business owner, you’re most likely going to hire a designer to save you time while you focus on other aspects of your business.

If you’re an individual looking to build a personal website, you can definitely invest time to master Webflow.

9. Conclusion

Both Wix and Webflow are solid when it comes to website building.

In fact, they’re probably 2 of the best in the website building industry as a whole.

To quickly recap what we covered today:

  • Wix is easier, and more convenient to start with
  • Webflow is more complicated at first, but has potential as a long-term solution
  • Wix’s high-end plans end up being limited once you grow to a certain point

Systeme.io is an inexpensive, scalable, more feature-rich alternative to both Webflow and Wix.

If you’re not happy with what they have to offer, give us a shot today!


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