Launch Your Online Business in Just 7 Days

How do you grow online traffic without breaking the bank?

Brian Dean and his company, Backlinko, figured out the secret long ago. You need to help your target audience find a path to your digital “front door.”

How? Through the wizardry of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Okay, maybe you don't need to channel your inner wizard to win online.

However, some days ranking at the top of the search engine result pages (SERPs) for keywords does seem like magic — especially if you're not leveraging the expertise of people who have been where you are and cracked the code for success.

Are you publishing great information online for your ideal customers to discover and still not ranking on the SERPs?

You're not alone.

You can't just hope that the search engines find you. Or that your ideal customers stumble across your business.

To get those ideal customers and consumers, you need to shine a bright light on the path to your own “front door.” One that signals, "I'm open for business and here to help."

It’s not a groundbreaking concept — you want customers to discover you and purchase your offer.

But the methods you need to get there will require breaking new ground.

Obviously, you want online visitors to do more than just find you and purchase one time.

You want them to be so hooked on your content that they want to link to your website, allowing others to find you too. This happens through the “magic” of backlinks.

Think of it as the equivalent of digital word-of-mouth with a big SEO payoff.

Brian Dean can teach you how to use backlinks to grow traffic and rank higher on SERPs.

Who is Brian Dean?

who is Brian Dean

Brian Dean

If someone mentions SEO, what names typically come to mind?

In our opinion, the top SEO experts are Neil Patel, Rand Fishkin of Moz, and of course, Brian Dean of Backlinko.

These luminaries in the “dark art” of search engine optimization make better search rankings look like magic.

All these experts put out regular, consistent content to their audiences about the constant changes in Google algorithms, and Brian Dean is one of the best when it comes to SEO.

Dean has grown his online audience to over 193,000 monthly visitors with an impressive 800,000+ backlinks to his site.

Brian Dean got his start online in 2010 and learned very quickly how important it is to rank with the major search engines (primarily Google).

According to Dean, "I knew that search engine optimization was going to be HUGE. So I read everything I could about SEO from forums and blog posts. And I worked my fingers to the bone putting the advice I read into practice."

Ranking at the top of search results on Google is no easy task.

You can't produce excellent content and simply hope that you get discovered by search engines.

Dean learned this the hard way.

He was checking all of the usual boxes and still not seeing any results.

Does that sound familiar?

He was trying things like:

  • Regularly producing new, quality content
  • Using keywords within the material to signal his knowledge and expertise in that area
  • Optimizing tags, titles, and descriptions for the search engines
  • Promoting his content on different social channels like Facebook and Twitter

Dean discovered that doing all the above worked for big established brands — but not for “unknowns” like he was at the time. He set out to learn how to crack the code of SEO for someone just getting started.

In its simplest terms, Dean'sSEO That Works” course emphasizes the importance of promoting your content after you publish it to earn backlinks. When Brian Dean learned how important it is to earn those backlinks, Backlinko was born.

Backlinks signal to search engines like Bing and Google that other people find value in your content. The higher the quality of backlinks, the higher the search engines rank your site.

Pretty simple, right?

If you're new to SEO, you're probably wondering how quality is determined.

Dean discovered (like many people that have tried to crack the code of SEO) that “quality” means looking for reputable people and brands with massive amounts of backlinks of their own to link to your website pages or blog.

Google's search algorithm is famous for using backlinks as a source for signaling the relevance they use to rank sites.

It isn’t just about the keywords that you use on your site and blog pages. The value is in what happens after that content is live on the website.

Backlinks signal authority when other people choose to link to your content.

Dean discovered the misguided "Field of Dreams" methodology of "build it, and they will come" doesn't work for emerging businesses.

Why does SEO matter to your business?

backlinko home page

Blacklinko home page

Every business, organization, or idea needs customers to be successful.

Even if your only goal is to get an idea out into the world, you still need an audience to hear it.

Karl Kangur, founder of the SEO agency Business Media always tells his clients, "SEO is one of the best investments you can make if you're building a business for the long-term. No other marketing channel can give you this type of scale and reach for free."

There are a couple of ways to get that audience.

As much as we would like to believe that Google simply wants to help us get free leads from search results, we know there’s a bigger picture. They want to sell advertising alongside those search results.

They can't do that altruistically. They're running a business, just like you.

Google wants your customers to find you in that free search engine only if they can put other relevant ads around those search results.

Google's hope is that the searcher might click on the ads over your link you earned in Search, so they get paid for giving that searcher the best options.

Some of your competitors may not have the time or inclination to follow a plan like Brian Dean's “SEO That Works” to rank #1 organically. Instead, they “pay to play.”

It’s a decent strategy if your business has more money than time.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t describe most businesses, which are usually short on both.

Think about it: if more people are interested in bypassing the effort required to rank on SERPs and are willing to buy a spot with Google, the higher the cost per click at Google's auction, right?

A few issues arise with the strategy of buying your way into the search results page:

  • It's a hamster wheel that you can never jump off from, you'll always pay to rank in results
  • You're likely to keep paying more as Google figures how to get the most out of their “auction” with higher prices to win
  • Don't forget, you have to convert those clicks into sales at a rate that pays back your initial expense

If you decide that you'd rather invest the effort in a course like “SEO That Works,” you must be willing to follow the materials and do the “work” as the name implies.

How Brian Dean is different

the SEO marketing hub

Blacklinko website

If you discovered a hack while competing and rising to the top in the competitive world of SEO, would you leverage it or keep it for yourself?

Dean decided to share his best practices, tips, and tricks to make magic happen for online business owners.

What is the SEO That Works course?

“SEO That Works” has gone through several versions over the years.

Depending on when you're reading this, you'll be able to add your name to the waitlist, so you'll be notified the next time that Dean opens enrollment.

There are many SEO "experts" and courses online. You have free ones who shout, "join my mailing list so I can sell you something later,” and then there are experts like Brian Dean.

He has earned the authority to charge a premium based on his results and the testimonials of his course alumni.

Dean has pages of testimonials and stories from passionate community members who tout their success using Brian Dean's method for ranking on SERPs.



The cost and value of SEO That Works

Premium content with access to one of the premier experts in the field comes with a hefty price tag.

Brian Dean and Backlinko offer a wealth of free SEO information on the blog, but subscribing to the “SEO That Works” course is $497 a month (or almost $6K a year).

You aren’t just paying for the method that Brian Dean used back in 2010 to get to the top of SERPs for SEO.

With course alumni, you also get everything that he and his team have learned to stay on top.

After all, Google and the search engines are continually changing the algorithms that impact businesses like yours.

Who is SEO That Works really for?

SEO traininig for more traffic

Blacklinko website

It's not for the “dabbler” (you know who you are).

The dabblers are looking for a quick fix for their SEO woes and just want to sprinkle a little “SEO That Works” magic dust on it.

As with anything worthwhile, you get out of it what you put into it.

3,154 have taken the course from Backlinko.

Rubbing a little SEO on your site content won't fix your poor ranking results on SERPs.

It's a disciplined practice.

Not everyone can rank #1 on SERPs for their market and keywords. It requires a plan, a practice, and a commitment to doing the work every day.

As we mentioned earlier, one of the core tenants of Dean’s methodology is getting others who are already linking to websites and blog pages like yours to link to you.

How many responses do you think you'll get if you cold call 100 blogs or companies to ask them to read and link to your content?

Would you be happy with twenty responses? Ten?

Unfortunately, it’s more likely to be one to two, but that 1-2% response rate begins to multiply when you earn new, high-quality backlinks.

Dean teaches students of his course how to reach the right site owners to ask for the right links.

Are you ready to sign up for the challenge of building relationships and continually earning links?

If so, then “SEO That Works” can guide you down the path of how to do it for your business.

What’s in the course?


the content of brian's course

The tides of SEO are always shifting as search engine companies continue to optimize their algorithms.

Brian Dean and his team at Backlinko have to continuously evaluate those changes and incorporate them into both their free content and paid courses.

What you will learn from Brian Dean:

  • Current SEO trends
  • How to avoid costly mistakes
  • Where to find the people linking to keywords you want to rank for
  • How to create and leverage a "power page" (often referred to as a pillar page) for keywords
  • The writing frameworks that engage audiences, convert them to consumers, and get them to return to your site

Is the course worth it?

Brian Dean's course

Brian Dean's course

We like to measure our success online by the number of leads we gain and convert, right?

There are two general paths to get those leads: paid (traditional) or free (earned) advertising.

First is good old traditional advertising. You know how this works. You open your wallet and spend money on ads.

When you do it right, you get the message out about your product or service to your ideal customers.

They open their wallets and make a purchase.

Simple, right?

It hasn’t changed for hundreds of years. If you had a business in the 1800s, you still needed customers just like today. The way that you reached customers has evolved, but fundamentally they're the same.

Today, many of us give Google or Facebook money, rather than lean on traditional media outlets for our ad spend.

Next, there are earned, organic leads from SERPs that feel “free” when they're approached with the right strategy.

If you want to rank at the top of search results to earn free, organic traffic, it’s well worth it to take Dean’s course the next time it's available.

It’s up to you to decide if you're ready and willing to do the work that his $497 a month course instructs.


SEO isn't easy.

It takes years to rise up in the search engine rankings to earn those “free” clicks.

To accelerate that process, Brian Dean created a course based on years of research and refinement of the art and science of SEO.

If you're willing to invest the time and money it takes to learn the best practices for your business through Dean’s training, you can grow your online audience and improve your search rankings.

If you're ready to launch your online business but don’t know where to start, can help.

We offer a comprehensive marketing platform to launch and scale your business so you can take it to the next level with strategies like “SEO That Works.”

Sign up for's free plan to see the difference a single, full-scale platform can make.

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