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If you’ve been checking out the digital marketing part of the internet to give your business a boost, you’ve probably come across Ryan Deiss.

One of the most renowned names in contemporary marketing, Deiss has plenty of ventures and products behind him.

But how much does he actually know about marketing, and should you take his advice?

Today, I’m going to show you everything you need to know about Ryan Deiss, his activities, and products!

1. Who is Ryan Deiss?

Ryan Deiss

Ryan Deiss describes himself as marketer turned entrepreneur turned investor.

On his website, his activities are simply described as: Ryan Deiss and his companies basically own the internet.”

But at the core of his heart (and work), he is a marketer and will always remain so.

Featured by renowned business websites like Adweek, Entrepreneur and Forbes, Ryan Deiss started his journey of marketing by making his first sale from the dorm of his college back in 1999.

Computers and the internet were just emerging, but Ryan was one of the few fortunate ones who had access to it.

Back then, Ryan wasn’t thinking of becoming an entrepreneur.

Then, he fell in love.

He knew this girl was the one for him, but there was a problem: he didn’t have the money for the ring.

An idea struck.

Ryan Deiss

He set up his first eCommerce website to sell a few eBooks.

After making his first sale in November 1999, he continued with his gig and by the time he graduated from University, he had saved enough for that ring.

During his college years, he ran a few eCommerce websites that helped him generate a steady income.

With this steady stream of income, Ryan got married and had a baby along with a mortgage and $250k in debt before he was 26 years old.

Contemplating, he asked himself the question I’ve asked myself, and the one you’ve probably asked yourself, too:

How do I get customers consistently, and quickly?

Deiss’ idea was to simplify everything, starting from the way he did business.

And the rest is, as they say, history.

Ryan Deiss

Today, Ryan Deiss, who is 40 years old, is the bestselling author of two books on digital marketing that cover all the basics you need to make money online.

While information about Ryan Deiss’ net worth isn’t available, just one of his businesses, DigitalMarketer, earns around $10 million annually.

He’s also the founder and owner of companies such as:

His ventures employ thousands of people across the globe, and constantly rolls out new takes on traditional marketing theories.

His most popular theory is Customer Value Optimization; a methodology that’s helped numerous companies increase their sales.

Customer value optimization

(Spoiler alert: it’s a sales funnel.)

Last but certainly not the least, Ryan has managed to bring together an entire community of digital marketers, entrepreneurs and investors who want to learn from one another, and grow their ventures.


By launching and hosting The Traffic and Conversion Summit.

(Imagine Comic Con, but for digital marketing enthusiasts.)

So yeah, the guy has quite a few ventures under his belt.

But which ones can help you grow and market your business?

2. Ryan Deiss: DigitalMarketer

Ryan Deiss, DigitalMarketer

DigitalMarketer is one of the most popular marketing websites today, and Deiss is the brain behind it.

The main goal of DigitalMarketer is to find more leads, and convert them into customers who will stick with you.

DigitalMarketer promises that you don’t have to start from scratch.

They’ve done most of the groundwork, and provide advice and action plans to drive more traffic to your website, convert that traffic to qualified leads, and subsequently grow your business.

In addition to offering free guides and tutorials about digital marketing, DigitalMarketer also offers paid courses and tools.

Courses and “Playbooks” (step-by-step tutorials) range from $20 to $400.

2.1. DigitalMarketer workshops

Workshops have gone online, and DigitalMarketer has adapted to this trend.

You can pick from 18 on-demand workshops that you can get from $295 each.

DigitalMarketer workshops

Every workshop has been designed with digital marketing professionals in mind.

They cover various tactics and strategies that have worked for other marketers, and you can pick up a few useful tricks along the way.

Still, they barely scratch the surface.

And keep in mind that these workshops are targeted toward beginner marketers, not business owners.

2.2. DigitalMarketer certifications and courses

content marketing mastery

Initially designed to train their internal team, Deiss decided to make his courses available to the public.

The DigitalMarketer courses cover a wide variety of marketing topics:

  • Content marketing
  • Search marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Copywriting
  • Digital marketing
  • SEO

There are a total of 11 certified courses to choose from, with each starting at $495.

And since you’re getting a certification, you can add it to your resume.

Still, I’m not sure that’s very useful for business owners.

It works a lot better for pro marketers.

2.3. DigitalMarketer Playbooks

DigitalMarketer Playbooks

We all love checklists, right?

However, checklists don’t really tell us how to do something - they just tell us what needs to get done.

Deiss’ Playbooks are more like a combination of checklists and step-by-step tutorials.

Whether you’re creating new campaigns, or improving your sales copy, DigitalMarketer offers comprehensive checklists, i.e. Playbooks.

There are a total of 15 Playbooks available on the website for $27 each.

Personally, I find the Playbooks to be a little underwhelming.

They’re good if you’re a total beginner, that’s for sure.

However, you can get that information online for free, and invest your $27 into something else (for example, an all-in-one tool to run your business).

2.4. DigitalMarketer membership programs: DM Insider

DigitalMarketer membership programs: DM Insider

In addition to courses, workshops, and step-by-step tutorials, Deiss’ DigitalMarketer also offers 3 membership programs, the first of which is DM Insider.

DM Insider is a premium program with:

  • 30+ marketing guides
  • Audits
  • Scorecards
  • Weekly newsletters

You’ll also get weekly invites to live sessions where you can learn from the best.

Plus, the Insider Memo is a weekly newsletter that is jam packed with content aimed at helping your business grow.

All of this is free!

2.5. DigitalMarketer membership: DigitalMarketer Lab Plus

DigitalMarketer membership: DigitalMarketer Lab Plus

If you want to level up your skills, Lab Plus is a decent solution.

From training templates, to swipe files, you’ll get plenty of marketing resources, as well as:

  • Courses and certifications
  • Workshops
  • Playbooks
  • Access to a private Facebook community

DigitalMarketer Lab Plus will set you back for $95/month, but there’s a 14-day free trial.

Personally, I’d advise against this one.

Yes, DigitalMarketer has useful content but interestingly, their most useful content is their free content.

Paid programs are mainly for professional marketers, not business owners.

2.6. DigitalMarketer membership: DigitalMarketer Lab ELITE

DigitalMarketer Lab ELITE

Ryan Deiss knows how dynamic the world of marketing is.

There was a time when ranking on Google was a breeze, and ads were cheaper than a bottle of Coke.

But in the new age of social media, influencers and the entire customer base shifting online, the reality is starkly different now.

This is where DigitalMarketer Lab ELITE comes in.

It promises to give you a shot.

With this program, you get a documented strategy that shows you how to:

  • Acquire customers
  • Track actionable metrics
  • Create scorecards for leads and contacts

In short, Deiss is going to teach you how to create a sales funnel.

Digital marketing sales funnel infographic

What I personally dislike about Lab ELITE is that it covers some pretty basic concepts, and makes them out to be revolutionary.

Sales funnels have been around for a very long time, everyone uses them because we have to use them.

They automate customer acquisition and retention.

In short, sales funnels make us money.

Now, the 90-day marketing plan is nice (and so are live sessions), but what isn’t nice is the price.

Lab ELITE is $295/month, which is just too much for what Deiss offers.

2.7. DigitalMarketer HQ

DigitalMarketer HQ

DigitalMarketer HQ was designed for your internal team and their training.

If you already have a growth team, this program will give them the edge they need to bring in more leads and convert them into customers.

Some of the stuff DigitalMarketer HQ covers includes:

  • Training automation
  • Marketing news and updates
  • Strategy and planning
  • Implementation advice

In short, the DigitalMarketer team will train your staff, but you’ll have to get in touch with them for a quote.

Be prepared to learn about significant sums.

2.8. Is DigitalMarketer worth it?

If DigitalMarketer sounds like your cup of tea, I encourage you to read my in-depth DigitalMarketer review here.

Personally, while I think that DigitalMarketer is a great idea, it works more like a full stack academy for professional marketers.

As a business owner, you won’t get industry-specific advice.

Instead, you’ll get crash courses that give you a broad general knowledge without specific tactics that are proven to work in your industry.

At the same time, you can get that information online for free.

Their blog has plenty of useful guides.

3. Ryan Deiss: Books

Deiss also wrote 2 books about digital marketing that have turned into bestsellers.

Are they worth it?

Let’s take a look!

3.1. Ryan Deiss: The Invisible Selling Machine book review

The Invisible Selling Machine book

The ultimate goal of doing business is to generate money even while you’re asleep.

Thanks to automation, this is 100% possible.

In his book, The Invisible Selling Machine, Ryan Deiss explains how to do it by creating and automating your sales funnel.

Of course, he doesn’t call it a sales funnel (for him, that’s passe), but he talks about the 5 phases of the customer life cycle.

Then, he explains how to automate each process crucial to converting them so that you’re actually getting customers even when you’re not working.

Unsurprisingly, the entire system hinges on email marketing, which has one of the highest returns on investment out of all marketing methods ($44 for every $1 you spend).


The Invisible Selling Machine’s reviews on Goodreads are mixed, depending on the level of knowledge.

If this is the first time you’re hearing about sales funnels, then yes - the Machine is going to be very useful.

But if you’ve been running your business for a while (or reading this blog for a while), then you’re not going to be rendered speechless.

3.2. Wait, what is Ryan Deiss’ Machine?

The 5 phase follow-up machine

Do you need a screwdriver?

Quick answer: no.

Long answer: no, this is a case of potato - potahto.

Deiss has come up with his own name for sales funnels; automated systems that adapt to your customers’ journeys and use every stage of the journey to convince and convert them.

Look at this ClickFunnels’ diagram of sales funnels and spot the differences:

Product sales funnel

When you put Deiss’ Machine in practice, it does exactly what a sales funnel does. It attracts, convinces, and converts.

This second diagram is waaaay easier, right?

Yep - that’s because it’s made to be easy.

Unfortunately, Deiss tends to over-complicate just so his system sounds more revolutionary.

At the end of the day, he’s teaching you how to theoretically create a sales funnel.

What Deiss is missing in the practical aspect of it.

Yes, you could use dozens of tools he offers to automate your sales funnel.

Or you could just... y’know, get an all-in-one tool like and automate your funnel from a single platform: workflow builder

Whoever said sales funnel automation had to be complicated was lying

So don’t worry, you’re not missing out by not buying Deiss’ books or participating in the DigitalMarketer courses.

You can learn everything you need to know about sales funnels here (for free).

3.3. Ryan Deiss: Digital Marketing for Dummies book review

Digital Marketing for Dummies book review

Ryan Deiss also co-authored Digital Marketing for Dummies.

Just like the rest of the ‘for Dummies’ series, it’s a book meant to clarify the basic concepts of digital marketing to people who haven’t interacted with it before.

The core idea behind Deiss’ Digital Marketing is that your digital marketing strategy has to be top-notch and relevant.

With the dynamics of digital marketing changing almost every day, adapting is the new keyword you should get comfortable with.

From Ryan Deiss’ SEO and SEM take, to other examples and methods, the book is a good crash course in digital marketing.

Again, pay attention to all the mentions of systems to convert customers. Yep, he’s talking about sales funnels!


Again, Goodreads reviews of Digital Marketing for Dummies are pretty mixed.

I wouldn’t put it in my cart just yet, especially because by now we’ve all realized that Deiss might have been one of the first to leverage digital marketing, but his tactics are household staples by now.

And if they’re something new to you, trust me, you can get information similar to what Deiss charges for online for free.

4. Ryan Deiss: Blueprint for branding

Ryan Deiss: How to Architect a Branding Blueprint

Back in the day, Deiss offered sales funnel blueprints.

They’re no longer available. However, he’s now offering a branding course: Architect a Brand that Builds Authority & Actually Increases Sales, AKA: Ryan Deiss' Branding Blueprint.

The course consists of 4 lessons and it’ll take you less than 4 hours to complete.

By the end of it, Deiss promises you’ll have built an online brand and successfully increased your sales.

My question is: how?

how to architect a branding blueprint

Here’s what you’re going to learn in Deiss’ Branding Blueprint:

  • What branding and positioning are
  • 5-step system for reverse-engineering authority
  • Scaling with soul
  • How to identify authority amplifiers
  • How to use direct response and emotions to connect with your audience

At the end, he promises you’ll learn how to do all of this in sync with your funnels, so they convert even more.

Personally, I think this is a relatively solid course.

If you’ve never thought about branding and copywriting, it can help you brush up on your skills.

Deiss’ Branding Blueprint costs $295, so the decision is ultimately up to you.

5. Ryan Deiss podcast

Ryan Deiss speaking

Don’t have the time to spend on online courses, certification classes and books? Not sure they’re worth paying for?

No worries, I think DigitalMarketer and Ryan Deiss’ free resources are better anyway.

Podcasts included.

Ryan Deiss doesn’t run his own podcast per se, but his website, Digital Marketer has 2 podcasts that are just like the blog: useful, and informative.

5.1. The DigitalMarketer podcast

The DigitalMarketer podcast

The official DigitalMarketer podcast is hosted by Garett Holmes and Jenna Snavely.

The podcast focuses on interviewing experts at content and digital marketing.

They’ve seen it change over the years, and successfully adapted.

From building micro-moments with your customers, to scaling your six-figure business to a seven-figure business, there are plenty of topics that the DigitalMarketer podcast covers.

And with each episode, you learn new things that might work for your own strategy.

Some of the episodes are also more actionable, with specific advice for creating the perfect newsletter, and mastering Google Ads for lead generation.

All in all, it’s a good mix of digital marketing content!

5.2. Perpetual Traffic by DigitalMarketer podcast

DigitalMarketer podcast

Perpetual Traffic is a weekly podcast hosted by Amanda Powell and Ralph Burns.

This one has been around for a long time, and the archive has over 250 episodes.

It’s also significantly more actionable, covering topics such as:

  • How to create your YouTube channel
  • Getting clicks and bringing in more traffic to your website/blog
  • Facebook advertising
  • SEO

Perpetual Traffic is true to its name, focusing on getting you consistent and high-value traffic that converts.

6. Are Ryan Deiss and DigitalMarketer worth it?

Ryan Deiss

Yes! Their free resources are amazing. I always like checking out the website to see if something changed (e.g. those pesky social media algorithms).

However, I don’t think the paid content is very useful for business owners.

I also take offense at Deiss not mentioning that there is a really, really easy way to automate your sales funnels.

7. An actual selling machine

selling machine

There’s actually a tool that completely replaces different marketing software you need to create and automate your sales funnel:

  • Website hosting - replaced
  • eCommerce store - replaced
  • Email marketing - replaced
  • Marketing automation - replaced
  • Affiliate marketing - replaced
  • SEO and blogging - replaced
  • Dropshipping and selling physical products - replaced
  • Selling digital products, services, memberships, online courses, webinars - replaced

And more!

Sold separately, all of these tools would cost you at least $500 per month - even before you’ve started making money.

But within one tool, they can be as little as $0/month.

That's right!

We're now offering a freemium plan!'s dashboard's dashboard

That’s why we built

My team and I worked hard to replace our own ineffective sales funnel tools, and to bring down the costs so that we can actually earn some money from our projects.

It resulted in, an all-in-one marketing and eCommerce tool.

It has everything you need, and that’s a promise.

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