7 Simple Strategies to Help You Get More Coaching Clients

Launch Your Online Business in Just 7 Days

99% of individuals and companies reported that they’re “satisfied or very satisfied” with the coach they’ve hired — no wonder this industry is currently on the rise!

Because of the competition, attracting new coaching clients can be tricky.

But there’s good news too!

In this post, you’ll discover how to identify your ideal coaching client and how to get more prospective clients overall.

1. Who is your ideal coaching client?

Source: BrightAcademy.online

Before we delve into strategies to help you get more clients, you should pause and identify your ideal client.

This is a transitional moment for your coaching business because it helps you:

  • Get to know how to build your brand
  • Customize your online appearance
  • Increase sales

To discover who your ideal client is, ask yourself these 6 questions:

1. What does a day in your ideal customer’s life look like?

2. Where do your customers hang out? (Digital and physical spaces)

3. What channels do your customers use when they’re in research mode?

4. What are your customers' main challenges and frustrations and how can you help them with those?

5. What are your customers’ goals?

6. What will their life look like after you have helped them with your services?

And any more demographic and personal questions that will help you create your ideal buyers’ persona.

Source: ThePowerMBA.com

After you find out who your ideal buyers are, it will be much easier for you to convey your value to your potential clients.

You’ll have a good idea of their habits, needs, goals, likes, dislikes, etc.

Depending on your ideal audience, those individuals will have specific qualities.

For example, if you’re running a life coaching business, your ideal client would be:

  • Motivated for change personally and professionally
  • Good at receiving advice
  • Ready to communicate their needs and thoughts with you
  • Disciplined
  • Easy to interact with
  • Open to new experiences

Now, how do you find clients with all these attractive qualities?

2. How to get coaching clients

Highly motivated clients who are looking for your coaching service won’t magically show up on your doorstep.

To attract clientele, you need to put in the work.

Let’s look at 6 simple and effective strategies that you can use to get coaching clients.

2.1. Ask your friends for referrals

Ask your friends for referrals

Referral marketing, also known as word-of-mouth marketing, is a powerful strategy that’s been around for a long time.

Nowadays, 46% of coaching clients find their coach through referrals.

On top of that, 92% of people trust recommendations from friends and family above any other form of advertisement.

This is a great strategy if you don’t have a large contact base and you’re trying to get your first clients.

Start by finding those in your community that might be interested in your services — you’d be surprised how many of them will reach out to you.

These are the steps you should follow:

1. Compile an email list of all of your contacts — Don’t limit yourself to your closest friends and family.

2. Let them know what kind of services you provide.

3. If they’re not interested, ask them whether they know of anyone who’d be perfect for your services.

4. Ask for referrals.

If you’re at the very beginning and you’re still struggling to find paying clients, you can coach people you know for free.

Give them a free coaching session and offer them value. That way they’ll become satisfied clients, and you’ll build your confidence as a new coach.

Once you’re done offering free coaching services, you can do 2 things:

1. Offer to continue working with them on a paid basis.

2. Ask them for referrals.

With this strategy, it won’t be long before your first paying clients come to you.

2.2. Use organic marketing strategies

Organic marketing strategies naturally generate traffic for your website.

This is one of those sales strategies that will take some time, but it’s still worth it considering because 70% of researched clicks on Google are organic.

Organic marketing tactics are all about providing valuable content, which is super important for coaching businesses.

These are some of the other benefits of organic marketing:

  • You’ll build an authority in your coaching niche
  • You’ll build trust with your audience
  • You’ll show them that your services will get them the results they’re after

Let’s dive right into the best organic strategies.

2.2.1. Start a blog

systeme.io’s blog template pages

systeme.io’s blog template pages

Creating blog posts for your website shows your audience you have expertise in your niche.

Blogging can be time-consuming, so it’s important to do it strategically.

Here’s what your blog posts should do:

  • Explain to your potential clients what exactly their problem is and what causes it
  • Give your potential clients options and ways to solve their problem
  • Show them that you’re the best option
  • Motivate your potential clients to take action
  • Encourage them to leave you their contact details or contact you directly

Make sure you share every blog post on your Facebook page, relevant Facebook groups, or on LinkedIn.

Before you delve into writing, you should define what your coaching blog topics are and set a posting schedule — for example, 1 blog post per week.

If you’re a life coach, your topics should focus on things that your potential life coaching clients struggle with, such as:

  • Goal setting
  • Skills acquisition
  • Productivity
  • Strategic decision making

And many more.

Ask yourself about the emotions your potential life coaching clients are feeling, and what kind of language and phrases they use.

Once you gather all that information, you can use them to make clients feel that you understand the problems they’re facing.

For example, if your clients say they feel powerless, your content’s title could read “How to Stop Feeling Powerless — A 10-Step Guide.”

You should also consider partnering with other life coaches from time to time. Write a guest post for their blog and that way you can reach their audience too.

2.2.2. Create video content

Create video content

88% of the people say they’ve been convinced to buy a product or a service after watching a brand’s video.

Video content drives more engagement than anything else on the web, so you should add it to your marketing strategy.

Your videos should show:

  • The personal side of your business — What’s your story and what made you become a coach?
  • How your coaching business is making a difference in your existing clients’ lives
  • Your expertise and authority in your coaching niche

You won’t need fancy equipment, just an authentic idea and life-changing value that you can share.

Here are some trending video content formats:

  • Youtube videos — Used for vlogging, how-to videos, testimonials, etc.
  • Facebook/Instagram Live — Answer your audience’s questions and talk to them in real-time
  • Webinars — Educate your audience and show your expertise with a live event that they can attend
  • Social media shorts — Entertaining formats like Instagram Reels or TikTok videos will reach a wider audience and engage more potential clients

For example, if you’re a life coach, create Instagram Reels and TikTok videos to talk about people’s common problems. You can also summarize your life coaching strategies in short, entertaining clips.

Not only will you manage to grow your following, but people will identify with your content, and turn to your services and expertise when they seek help.

2.2.3. Be a guest on a podcast or start your own

Be a guest on a podcast or start your own

The number of podcast listeners has increased by 30% in the last 4 years, so if writing or video isn’t your thing, then be a guest on a podcast and do the talking!

The main reason people listen to podcasts is that they feel like this is an easy way to educate themselves, while they accomplish other tasks.

A great way to get on a podcast is to target other coaching podcasts or podcasts that are related to your niche.

Local podcasts within your community are also a good place to look.

Podcasts are a great opportunity to get coaching clients because you can:

  • Talk about your coaching practice and all the solutions you provide
  • Show and promote your authentic self so people can relate to you
  • Provide some powerful insights about your expertise. That way you’ll hook the listener and establish your authority in your niche
  • Explain what your current clients have already achieved under your guidance
  • Tell some personal or professional anecdotes. For example, your first client experience
  • Talk about your professional path and goals for the future

Your audience will remember your name in an inspiring and educational context, and that’s what’ll turn them into trusted, paying customers!

You can take it to the next level by starting and hosting your own podcast.

Not only will you appear as an authority in your niche, but you’ll be gaining a fresh, already interested audience by collaborating with different people of similar expertise.

If you’re running your own podcast, ask your audience to engage — they can send questions to you and your guests and you can answer them during the podcast.

That way you can build an audience that feels included, and where there’s a strong sense of a community, there are new coaching clients!

2.2.4. Optimize your website

Since 95% of search traffic goes to the first page of search results, you need to optimize your content so that users can easily find you.

If your potential clients can’t find your website easily, your content means nothing, no matter how good it might be.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process that will help your content rank higher on the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Optimize your website

These are some of the SEO tactics that you should use:

  • Focus on a specific topic
  • Choose relevant keywords and use them without keyword-stuffing
  • Consistently create quality content
  • Create engaging titles, headlines, and descriptions
  • Use internal and external links
  • Test and optimize your website’s speed

SEO practices can be intimidating in the beginning, but they’re highly important for attracting coaching clients online — without SEO, you’re practically invisible.

2.3. Build your email list and promote your coaching services

Build your email list and promote your coaching services

Email marketing has the highest ROI — up to $44 earned for every dollar you spend.

If someone gives you their contact details, it means they’re already interested.

But how do you turn people who are interested in your coaching into your paying coaching clients?

1. Your first email should be short with a simple CTA (call-to-action) linked to your sales page and an intriguing opportunity for your leads.

2. The second email should provide valuable content — Case studies or a story that proves your services are worth the price can be truly helpful.

3. Notify your leads about a sale that’s ending soon — People will engage more if there’s a sense of urgency.

4. Run as many promotions as you can — It’s important to have a promotion schedule with fresh deals to keep customers coming.

Your first coaching clients won’t always be as interested as they were in the beginning, so it’s important to clean your email list and get new leads.

2.4. Invest in paid ads

Paid advertising is another way to get coaching clients since it can boost your brand awareness by 80%.

If you need coaching clients fast, then paid ads are a great strategy for you, since they get you results quickly.

You can invest in:

  • Google Ads
  • Social media ads
Google Ads logo

Google Ads logo

With Google Ads, you’ll find your clients by promoting your product when users search for keywords related to your business.

If you see that your website isn’t appearing on the first page of Google, this type of advertising is a great alternative.

Use your ideal buyers’ persona to produce an ad that’ll stand out and be relevant to your audience.


The same goes for social media ads on Facebook and Instagram.

With Facebook Ads Manager, you can target specific people using a great number of parameters, like:

  • Interests
  • Demographics
  • Behavior

You can also decide the amount of money you’re willing to spend.

The results with paid ads are far more immediate than with organic strategies.

However, if you don’t know your audience well enough, you might waste your money — Facebook and Google Ads still take some time and require experimentation.

2.5. Search for new clients on social media

According to 50% of coaching practitioners, social media is one of the most important tools to get coaching clients.

Social media platforms are a great way to constantly be in touch with your existing clients. They’re also useful if you’re trying to find potential clients who don’t know about you.

If you don’t have an email list yet, this may be a good way to get your first paying coaching clients fast.

There are 2 main social media strategies that you can use to get more clients for your online coaching business:

  • Post relevant content on your social media pages regularly that potential clients can discover
  • Search for your ideal clients on other pages or social media groups and connect with them

Share your web content on social media and don’t forget to ask questions and include a CTA to get your target audience to engage.

The top 2 platforms for finding new clients are:

1. Facebook — Great for most coaches because of Facebook groups, but also for building a unique Facebook page or community.

2. LinkedIn — Great for making professional connections, especially if you’re a business coach.

If you don’t have a Facebook page, you can still find your first few clients by joining a relevant Facebook group.

Facebook groups are built-in communities where you can find potential clients, make connections, and find fresh ideas to improve your coaching program.

Linkedin logo

LinkedIn logo

LinkedIn is a professional platform where you can make connections with the people from your niche, but also with your future clients.

As a business coach, you’ll find plenty of entrepreneurs and CEOs to whom you can offer your services.

Here are some tactics you should use as an online coach on LinkedIn:

  • Optimize your profile using keywords to be on top of search rankings
  • Fill out your summary and work experience in detail and update these regularly
  • Post professional content and things you’re up to
  • Make as many connections as you can with people you see as your ideal clients

In a relevant Facebook group you can build personal relationships with potential clients and on LinkedIn you can present yourself in a professional light — it’s highly important to combine these two!

2.6. Start an affiliate program

Source: Adaptifyed.com

If you already have a fair amount of paying clients, it’s worth trying affiliate marketing — a strategy already implemented by 80% of brands.

This is a useful way for successful coaches to get more clients since it requires little to no investment.

Use these 2 affiliate marketing tactics to grow your list:

1. Ask your existing client to promote your services in exchange for a commission once you receive a new coaching client.

2. Ask people who aren’t your clients but who share a target audience with you to sign up for your affiliate program and promote your services.

It’s a win-win situation since you’ll be getting a lot of new clients, and your affiliates will have an additional revenue stream by promoting your program.

Handling affiliate partners while you also have to nurture and attract more clients can be overwhelming.

Luckily, tools like systeme.io make running and managing your own affiliate program a simple task.

With software like systeme.io, you can:

  • Run your affiliate program easily
  • Manage all of your affiliate partners in one place
  • List your affiliate product on our marketplace for other affiliate marketers to promote

2.7. Attend networking events

With 75% of clients preferring in-person meetings, it would be foolish not to attend networking events and make new connections!

This is because people are more likely to trust someone that they’ve met in person than someone they only know online.

Use events, launches, and conferences as opportunities to sell your coaching services face-to-face and to make relevant connections with other coaches and future partners.

Here’s how you can make the most of a networking event:

  • Choose events that your potential clients would attend
  • Introduce yourself and give them your contact info after you speak
  • Be curious about what other members do and give them your attention
  • Apply to speak about the subject you’re an expert at and show your networking skills
  • Don’t be too pushy with potential clients — Provide value, be confident, humorous, and informative, and they’ll come straight to you

If you already have an audience of some sort, you should consider hosting your own event, like a meetup.

2.8. 3 pro tips to build better connections with your clients


Having a good marketing strategy that attracts more clients is highly important for every business.

But providing a quality service and making your clients feel good with it is what makes them stay.

Here are 3 pro tips to help you quickly connect with your clients and stand out as a coach.

2.8.1. Pro tip 1 — Listen to your clients

Don’t just run after new clients.

Stop for a moment, and listen very carefully to what your current clients have to say:

  • What are their needs right now?
  • What have they achieved, and what are they still struggling with?
  • Do they have a new problem?

This is the information you should use in your next offer or program — you’ll keep your old clients engaged, and you’ll gain some new clients too.

2.8.2. Pro tip 2 — Adapt to your client’s needs

Follow your followers, and change your offer according to their current needs.

Your unique selling proposition (USP) can and should evolve alongside your audience and client base.

For example:

Let’s say that you’re a fitness coach whose signature program is intermittent fasting. Lately, your followers have been talking more about the plant-based diet.

Put aside intermittent fasting and make a plant-based program to grab their attention.

2.8.3. Pro tip 3 — Choose your marketing strategy wisely

Don’t implement every tip from this post at the same time.

Choose one that suits your personality the most, test it, and be consistent.

Determine the time you need to achieve a certain goal, and if it doesn’t work, move on to another one.

It can be hard in the beginning, but there’s a platform to help you with whichever strategies you choose to start implementing.

3. Systeme.io — The all-in-one solution for your coaching business

systeme.io logo

systeme.io logo

Systeme.io is an online software helping you with everything you need to run your online business.

You can host and manage your entire online coaching program with our software.

Since systeme.io is an all-in-one platform, you’ll find a complete toolbox of features that can help you get more clients:

systeme.io’s features

systeme.io’s features

  • Email marketing — Grow your email list, create email campaigns and newsletters to generate and nurture more leads
  • Blogging — Create a blog and use SEO tactics to write blog posts that rank well on SERPs so that you can reach a wider audience
  • Affiliate management — Manage and pay your affiliates from one dashboard and facilitate the process of bringing new clients
  • Create online courses — Put your coaching expertise and skills into courses
  • Website builder — Build a website from scratch or use our proven templates for high-converting web pages
  • Evergreen Webinars — Create always-relevant webinars that you can use to convert clients for years to come
  • Automated marketing Set up rules and workflows to handle repetitive business tasks so you can focus on helping your clients

Forget about paying for separate tools — with systeme.io everything you need is in one place.

3.1. Systeme.io’s pricing

If you’re a new coach and you’re trying to get your first coaching client, our Free plan is for you!

Not only is it free forever, but we don’t need your credit card details for you to get started.

Once your business starts to grow, you can satisfy your growing business needs with one of our affordable pricing plans:

systeme.io’s pricing plans

systeme.io’s pricing plans

All of our plans include:

  • Unlimited email sending, file storage space, students, blog posts
  • No transaction fees
  • Affiliate program management
  • 24/7 online support

With systeme.io you can easily implement many marketing strategies at the same time, and still save time and energy for your coaching practice.

4. Conclusion

No matter which coaching niche you’re in, it’s a competitive space, and getting more clients can be tricky.

These simple strategies and tips can help you find your first paying client or your next 100 clients.

With systeme.io you can manage your business easily, and interact with your potential clients on a whole new level!

Thanks to our fully-integrated platform, your new coaching clients are just a few clicks away. Sign up for our Free plan today!

Other posts about growing your coaching business:

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