Squeeze Page Templates — Which Elements are a Must for an Effective Page?

Launch Your Online Business in Just 7 Days

Is your list looking a little tired and in need of some new leads?

Squeeze pages have been shown to be one of the most effective strategies for increasing lead generation for any business trying to expand its reach.

In this article, we’ll tell you what a squeeze page is, showcase pre-designed templates, and exactly how you can put them to good use.

Eager to learn more?

Let’s get started.

What is a squeeze page?

A squeeze page is a web page designed to capture the email addresses of potential customers.

These pages generally offer a lead magnet, such as free ebooks, educational emails, videos, and other downloadable content in exchange for a visitor's email address or other information.

At first glance, squeeze pages might look similar to landing pages, however, they're not quite the same — so, what’s the difference?

Let’s take a look, shall we?

Squeeze page vs. landing page

A squeeze page is a type of landing page created with the sole purpose of capturing email addresses from visitors — versus other types of information.

Landing pages and squeeze pages are similar in that they contain everything you need on a single page.

They're both excellent for targeted campaigns that require visitors to take a certain action — and, because they usually only have one main CTA, conversions are easy to track.

That being said, there are a few key differences between landing pages and squeeze pages:

Despite their differences, with systeme.io, you can easily build squeeze pages and landing pages using our drag-and-drop website builder.

To simplify the building process for you, systeme.io also offers a variety of pre-designed, proven page templates for you to get started.

systeme.io squeeze page templates

systeme.io squeeze page templates

Even with all of these squeeze page examples at your disposal, systeme.io also provides a clean canvas for you to start building your page from scratch.

Now, let’s take a look at some of systeme.io’s high-converting squeeze pages.

A squeeze page template designed to generate leads for your business

For some inspiration, below you’ll find squeeze page examples specifically built to fit several industries and are ready to use in systeme.io.

These templates, however, are easy to modify and adjust to fit your wishes.

Online coaching

systeme.io online coaching squeeze page template

systeme.io online coaching squeeze page template

In this squeeze page example, visitors can sign up for an 8-week online program that’ll teach them how to create a premium flagship course.

Why does this squeeze page design work?

  • Headline — The headline speaks directly to the targeted audience and tells them exactly what the online program is about
  • Description — This template includes headings and space for the necessary copy, such as, what the course includes and what’s covered in the lessons
  • Introduction — An introduction to the coach (Megan) is provided, which creates a more personal connection with the audience and can also increase credibility
  • Optin form — The form is short (only asks for the visitor’s first name and email address), doesn’t take too much space, and includes a clear CTA button

It’s a common misconception that squeeze pages are only effective when used by big businesses and ecommerce websites, however, even online coaches can achieve success with a well-designed squeeze page.

Real estate

systeme.io real estate squeeze page template

systeme.io online coaching squeeze page template

This real estate squeeze page example offers a consultation with an agent to help the visitor find their dream home.

Why does this squeeze page design work?

  • Visuals — Includes images of beautiful houses that could be one of the visitors’ dream homes
  • Customer reviews — Showing what customers think of the business helps build trust and credibility while getting rid of hesitation
  • Optin form — The subscription form is short and asks only for the necessary personal information
  • No navigation bar — By removing the navigation bar from the top of the page, there’s no option for people to click away (this keeps them around long enough to hear your message and take action)

Professional services

systeme.io professional services squeeze page template

systeme.io professional services squeeze page template

In this squeeze page template, visitors can receive 10+ hours of free training on how to launch their online course when they register with their email addresses.

Why does this squeeze page design work?

  • Countdown timer — Using a timer instills a sense of urgency in readers
  • Description — The copy is short and persuasive (gives reasons why visitors need to join the training)
  • Testimonials — The more testimonials, the better. This is an incredible element to improve conversion rates
  • Call-to-action button — There are two form fields (one above the fold and another below the fold) each with their own unique CTA button

Affiliate programs

systeme.io affiliate program squeeze page template

systeme.io affiliate program squeeze page template

In this design, visitors can enter their email addresses to join systeme.io’s affiliate program.

Why does this squeeze page design work?

  • Call-to-action — Instead of generic terms, the CTA button uses emotive language to connect with the reader and persuade them to act
  • Headline — This headline includes the benefits which the email subscribers receive when joining the affiliate program
  • Assurance — Underneath the CTA button visitors are assured that they’ll be able to leave/unsubscribe at any time

Promoting a new course

systeme.io promoting a new course squeeze page template

systeme.io promoting a new course squeeze page template

Offering a free online course to your audience in exchange for their email addresses is a great way to boost your email list.

In this example, visitors provide their email addresses in exchange for access to a free course to develop their creative skills in the world of graphic design.

Why does this squeeze page design work?

  • Headline — Using emotive language to make it feel more personal is a great way to entice readers to take action
  • Description — Even though the copy of this squeeze page is somewhat longer, it’s not so long that it’s distracting to the readers as it still provides all the important details

Now that you know what a squeeze page is and have seen some inspirational templates, you're ready to create one that collects information from potential leads on your site.

How to make the most of these squeeze page templates

It takes a lot of trial and error to create a squeeze page — what works for one website and industry may not work for another.

So, what's the best way to make a squeeze page that genuinely engages your visitors?

Let's take a look at all of the aspects you should include in your squeeze page design, as well as recommended best practices to follow when developing high-converting squeeze pages.

Make an irresistible offer

The offer you present is the most important element on your squeeze page.

What is it you’ll offer to convince visitors to provide their email addresses?

— The answer: A lead magnet.

A lead magnet is a piece of content you give out for free in exchange for your audience's contact information.

Since lead magnets don’t generate instant revenue, they establish a relationship with your customer and keeps your busines in front of their minds — in the hopes of prompting a transaction down the road.

Here’s a systeme.io squeeze page example where the lead magnet is a free ebook:

Source: systeme.io

Source: systeme.io

Having an effective lead magnet accessible on your page can benefit your business in 5 ways:

1. Build your email list — A lead magnet gives your audience a reason to subscribe to your email list, and it’s a stepping stone to building trust. Once you have them on your email list, you can continue to provide value, which ultimately leads to more sales.

2. Establish yourself as an expert in your niche — Ensure that your lead magnet is loaded with value to show you’re an expert in your niche.

3. Increase brand identity and reputation — Create higher credibility for your business by incorporating testimonials and your credentials into your lead magnet.

4. Improve your organic search rankings — Once your visitors take the desired action, Google will notice that your website provides information that people are interested in, and in turn, will up your ranking.

5. Reach your target market — A lead magnet can be created to target a specific audience, giving them the free content they need to improve their lives.

A lead magnet could just be the next accelerator you need in your marketing strategy to interact and connect with your target market in a more valuable and efficient manner.

To learn more about how to create a powerful lead magnet, feel free to read our blog post on lead magnets.

Create a compelling headline

Your headline is the first thing visitors see when your page is open and loaded — It’s therefore of paramount importance that your headline of choice:

  • Captures your audience’s attention
  • Sparks immense interest
  • Emphasizes the value of your solution
  • Accentuates the pain points you’ll be helping with
  • Convinces your audience to keep reading and take the desired action

Now, how exactly does one write an effective headline?

There are 3 key characteristics that ensure headline efficiency:

1. Focus on the offer — Write clear, non-ambiguous headlines that get right to the point and immediately connect with the visitors as they land on your page

2. Ensure relevance — The ad or other digital location that sent your visitor to your page should be relevant to the page they land on

3. State the core benefit — Demonstrate the benefits of the product in your headline

This is the headline systeme.io opted for:

Source: systeme.io

Source: systeme.io

Why does it work?

Not only does the headline immediately tell the visitors that they’re getting an ebook in exchange for their email address, but it also makes it clear that they will be receiving it for free.

Once you’ve finished creating your compelling headline, it’s time to start writing your copy.

Write a convincing copy

The copy of your squeeze page is, in short, the description of your offer.

In order to keep your squeeze page as focused as possible, consider limiting the amount of text you display above the fold by using short and concise sentences, bullet points, or even a short video describing the product.

There are 7 key steps to writing great copy:

1. Know your audienceWho are you writing for? What do they want? Why do they want it?

2. Find the perfect approach — Show off your product’s most desirable features, relate with your audience, or mention solutions to problems your audience didn’t even know they had

3. Start with a compelling headlineBeen there, done that, got the t-shirt

4. Focus on the format — Keep the information short, sweet, and right down to the point

5. Use the appropriate tone — Keep your language simple, and use powerful words

6. Be honest — While your copy should be as persuasive as possible, you should always stay 100% honest. This not only increases credibility but also strengthens the business-customer relationship

7. Add a clear call-to-action — In this case, the sole purpose of the call-to-action is to encourage visitors to accept the lead magnet in exchange for their email addresses

Here’s how we approached the copy on one of our squeeze pages:

Source: systeme.io

Source: systeme.io

Why does it work?

  • The copy mainly focuses on people who are looking to start their first online business and master a high-income skill
  • It focuses on how the reader will benefit from reading the ebook rather than what features it includes
  • It’s nice and short and written in bullet points form
  • It includes a clear call-to-action to entice the prospective customer to get the ebook for free

When it comes to writing copy for your squeeze page, it’s important to focus on your lead magnet’s benefits — they’re emotional triggers that can push visitors to take action.

Pro tip: You don’t need a ton of copy to generate more leads.

Now that you have your copy sorted, you’ll need one or more form fields for the visitor to submit their information.

Which brings us to our next step — opt-in forms.

Include a signup form

Form fields are an integral part of your squeeze page — It’s where your visitors submit their personal information.

At a minimum, your signup form will include only an email field. However, it can also include fields such as first name, last name, occupation, location, and so forth.

Form fields should be specifically designed to ensure a smooth and effortless user experience, with as little confusion as possible.

There are 2 factors that determine whether a user will complete your opt-in form:

1. Perception of complexity — Refers to the number of form fields that are required to complete, and the length of the signup process

2. Interaction cost — Involves the amount of effort it takes to complete the goal involved (The more effort it takes to complete the form, the less usable it is)

A good form design must meet a number of technical standards for usability and accessibility — a basic rule of thumb is: the shorter, the better.

I get it! You want to collect as much data about your visitors as possible, but is it really worth it to lose potential clients just so that you can fill a database?

Pro tip: Consider only the information you need at that moment in time!

Here, for example, the systeme.io team decided it was only necessary to include one form field to collect email addresses:

Source: systeme.io

Source: systeme.io

Why does it work?

  • It’s short and only asks for the necessary information (email address)
  • It includes an input field, label, call-to-action button, and a validation message
Source: systeme.io

Source: systeme.io

Add trust and credibility elements

At times, marketing your copy isn’t always enough.

Your audience needs to hear the voice of other users or even companies to decide whether the form is worth filling out.

This is where social proof enters the game.

Social proof is a concept where people assume that the actions of others are correct.

Here are 6 ways of utilizing social proof on your online course sales page:

1. Expert testimonials — Add expert testimonials where an expert in your industry recommends your online course

2. Celebrity/influencer endorsements — Allow celebrities and influencers to promote your online course on social media or in public

3. User testimonials/reviews — Quote a few testimonials or reviews that your past students and current customers left on their experience

4. Collective knowledge — Indicate the number of people who’ve enrolled in your online course

5. Certification — Establish credibility by getting your online course approved and verified by an authoritative figure

6. Social media — Boast with the number of followers, and shares on social media, or try to get media coverage in magazines or newspapers

Not exactly a squeeze page, but here’s how systeme.io incorporates trust and credibility elements to minimize customer hesitation:

Source: systeme.io

Source: systeme.io

In the above image, systeme.io added customer reviews to ensure all visitors their platform is worth joining.

Source: systeme.io

Source: systeme.io

Another way to build trust and increase credibility is to provide your visitors with an overall product experience rating (as systeme.io did in the above image).

Get rid of unnecessary impediments

Considering a squeeze page’s primary goal is to increase your conversion rate by converting visitors into email subscribers, it makes sense that everything you include on your page should point towards that goal.

This means avoiding or removing any element that could potentially distract the visitors and cause them to abandon the opt-in form.

These unnecessary elements can include things like:

1. Extra links — This includes your navigation bar with links to your resources, blog, social media, careers page, contact us page, etc.

2. Other content or products — These include anything that you may want to promote along with your lead magnet, however, if they’re not essential, consider adding them to the thank you page instead

At times, your squeeze pages might not perform as well as you’d want them to — This is where testing comes into play.

Testing your squeeze pages ensures that you display the highest converting page to your visitors.

Systeme.io allows you to easily set up an A/B test to analyze your pages’ performance — check it out:

systeme.io A/B testing two squeeze page variations example

systeme.io A/B testing two squeeze page variations example

All you need to do is create your variations of squeeze pages, enter the A/B test tab, add the desired variations, and let us take care of the rest!

Once the test is complete, we provide you with your pages’ performance results.

Building your first squeeze page is no walk in the park. However, there are a few squeeze page builders that can simplify the page creation process.

If you’re uncertain about which building software to choose, why not try an intuitive and user-friendly platform — for free — like systeme.io to get you started!

Systeme.io: The best all-in-one platform to help you create squeeze pages

systeme.io logo

systeme.io logo

Systeme.io is an all-in-one digital marketing tool for anyone looking to launch, grow and scale their online business.

Systeme.io’s sales funnel builder doubles as an intuitive landing page builder.

With systeme.io’s landing page builder, you can:

  • Create a squeeze page — Create high-converting squeeze pages with our easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor
  • Speed up the process with proven templates — Choose from a stack of proven-to-convert templates and use systeme.io’s page editor to tweak your page’s design just as you like it
  • Automate your marketing process — Optimize, automate and measure repetitive online marketing tasks

Additionally, when joining systeme.io, you’ll get access to some of our core features:

systeme.io core features

systeme.io core features

You can, for example, set up autoresponders — emails that are automatically sent over a specific period to the people who’ve opted into your page.

  • Run A/B tests on your squeeze page — Determine whether your squeeze page will be the best for your customers, or if you need to make some changes to improve the user experience
  • Analyze your page statistics — Such as click-through rates, opt-in rates, unsubscribe rates, etc.
  • Email marketing — Create complete lists of all people who opt into your page. This makes it easier to send your customers targeted emails. Additionally, you can send unlimited emails to your list

We know what you’re thinking: with all these high-quality features, the price will probably also be unbelievably high.

Systeme.io’s pricing

We offer 4 pricing plans:

systeme.io’s pricing

systeme.io’s pricing

Systeme.io offers a completely free, no strings attached, plan best suited for new entrepreneurs or small businesses just getting started with their online business.

With systeme.io’s lifetime Free plan, you can:

  • Create sales funnels
  • Send unlimited emails
  • Have unlimited contacts
  • Run an A/B test
  • Integrate Stripe and PayPal with your payment pages
  • Have unlimited storage space
  • Create a blog

Sign up to test-drive our tools, and upgrade when you're ready.

We'll be on the lookout for you!

FAQ about squeeze pages

Source: Freepik.com

Source: Freepik.com

You got questions?

We got the answers!

Do squeeze pages work?

Out of all the numerous types of landing pages, squeeze pages have some of the best conversion rates.

Visitors have already shown interest by clicking on the page, so all you have to do now is make it as simple and effortless as possible to enter their email addresses and receive the information they were looking for.

How do you drive traffic to a squeeze page?

Two words: Optimization and distribution!

Ensure your squeeze pages are optimized for SEO (search engine optimization) and share them on social media and other promotion websites.

You can also consider promoting your squeeze page through paid ads — an effectively designed paid ad can increase sales and enhance the brand’s overall presence and recognition.


In this post, we’ve given you everything you need to make a booming success of your squeeze pages.

With these templates and essential elements, we believe you’ll be able to create the best squeeze pages for your online business.

Once you’re ready to create a successful squeeze page, head over to systeme.io to get started for free!

Not only will our zero-experience-needed builder have your squeeze pages done in minutes, but we’ll also offer a bunch of features to help you further expand your business.

What are you waiting for?

Let’s capture those leads right now!

Join systeme.io today.

Other relevant posts on squeeze pages:

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