Full Guide — How to Create the Best Short-Form Landing Pages

Launch Your Online Business in Just 7 Days

Do you want to know when and how you should use short-form landing pages?

Then this post will teach you exactly that, and show you how short-form landing pages can:

  • Seamlessly push traffic down a marketing funnel
  • Bring in a better conversion rate
  • Collect more leads
  • Present lead magnets in the best possible way
  • Easily encourage people to take action

We know, we know, you can list these same points for long-form landing pages — but again, it all depends on your unique situation.

So are you ready to find out if short-form landing pages could work for you?

Let’s begin.

What’s a short-form landing page?

A landing page is a web page that online traffic gets redirected to after clicking on an ad or any other traffic source.

(Most of this traffic would form an impression of your page in just 5% of a second — so you want to make it a good one, quick.)

Short-form landing pages are a variant of landing pages that deliver information about your offer in a concise manner.

Notice how we deliberately didn’t mention word count — which many think of as the most important part of short-form landing pages. It’s not.

In fact, the type and state of your audience coupled with the kind of offer you’re promoting will dictate how your landing pages look more than anything else.

Short-form vs long-form landing pages

To be more precise about this, we can compare short-form and long-form landing pages to get a clearer picture.

short form vs long form landing pages

Short-form landing pages have these characteristics:

  • Have easy-to-understand and low-ticket offers (not technical, simple, affordable, etc)
  • Often used to generate leads with lead magnets (to grow your email list)
  • They promote offers to warm audiences (they already know about you and/or your offerings)
  • Have distinct sections that are designed for skim reading (for people looking for validation, and not researching your offer)
  • Usually have <1000 in total word count

Long-form landing pages have these characteristics:

  • Feature complex offers that require buyers’ commitment (both time and money wise)
  • No limit on how expensive their offers can get
  • Usually promoted to cold traffic/audiences (people who have no idea who you are or what you’re selling)
  • Have long copy that enables people to fully research the offer right then and there (including answering their doubts and fears)

So in conclusion, short-form landing pages can bring in results if they’re used in the right circumstances, as mentioned above.

Which conveniently leads us to the next part of the puzzle — how do you create an amazing short-form landing page?

How to create the best short-form landing page

Needless to say, solid copywriting is essential for the success of your short-form landing page — or any landing page, for that matter.

With that in mind, this section will show you how to craft each and every part of your short-form pages.

And what better way to start that than…

A bold headline

You simply damage your entire page if you have a bad headline — this applies to any long-form or short-form page.

Don’t believe us?

Okay, check out this stat from Copyblogger:

On average, 8 out of 10 people will read the headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest.

Translation: If you want better conversion rates, you need above-average headlines that’ll capture more people’s attention and make them click/read your page.

And how do you do that exactly? How do you craft an above-average headline that’ll boost conversion rates on its own?

Easy! Just follow these guidelines:

  • Make it big — keep headlines between 26px and 28px
  • Make it up-front — headlines should convey the biggest benefit/promise (unique value proposition) you have on your landing page
  • Make it elegant — choose an easy-to-read font and a color that fits the rest of your page’s design
  • Make it proper — pay attention to your headline capitalization, and make it consistent

This is the way you can make people take you seriously when you’re asking them to give you their hard-earned money — otherwise, they’ll glance over your headline and leave, as they did with the other 100 pages they saw that day.

Here’s an example of a horrible headline about what not to do:

Bad headline formatting

And here’s an example of a good headline you can take inspiration from:

Good Headline example SIO

(Notice how you can use sub-headlines to show understanding of your audience and their skepticism)

Strong social proof

The sooner you display genuine social proof on your page, the better.

Not only will it make people trust you, but they'll also develop an emotional connection to what they can achieve with your product or service.

Take our own homepage at systeme.io as a general example.

We display the number of our customers right at the bottom of the above-the-fold section (what people see when they first land on the page).

Systeme.io homepage

Systeme.io homepage

Then, as soon as people scroll down a bit, they see this testimonial section:

SIO — testimonials section

Using this whole format, we’ve managed to increase our conversion rate by 32% — this was possible by doing a series of A/B tests (more on this later).

But of course, you’re not limited to the style we’ve used here, you can use other types of social proof:

  • Video testimonials (perfect for video landing pages)
  • Ratings on 3rd-party platforms like Trustpilot or Google reviews
  • Trust signals and certificate badges you’ve been able to secure
  • Endorsements of experts and influencers

And nothing is stopping you from sprinkling a few types of these around your page — as long as you make sure they’re distinct and can be easily noticed.

Crystal clear CTAs

The design and copy of call-to-action buttons or CTAs are essential parts of any landing page — just take a look at these stats:

  • Button CTAs increase clicks by 45%
  • Personalized CTAs convert 42% more visitors into leads
  • More than 90% of visitors who read your headline also read your CTA
  • Simple lead forms that contain an email and a CTA button increase clicks by up to 371% and sales by up to 1617%!

So it’s not an exaggeration when we say you simply can’t afford to get this step wrong.

The best part is that it’s not even that hard, just follow what’s proven to drive more conversions and sales (mentioned in the stats) — for example, say you’re promoting a course with a few bonuses as incentives…

Your CTA button could look a little something like this:

CTA in SalesPage - SIO

Or maybe, you’re collecting leads by giving away free copies of your ebook (lead magnet), your CTA could look something like this:

Lead-capture form

But whatever you do, always keep these things in mind:

  • Have CTAs as outliers to their respective backgrounds in terms of design
  • Make the copy short, direct, and personalized
  • Make sure your CTA buttons are always optimized for mobile

Compelling copy

If we take a step back and look at what we said earlier about the state of your audience, and the kind of offers you’re promoting on short-form landing pages, we can derive a few guidelines your copy should follow:

  • It should be as concise and persuasive as it could be (usually under 1000 words)
  • Deliver a short description of your offer (including benefits and features) or what the landing page is about
  • Of course, have distinct CTAs and lead forms that let visitors know what the next step is
  • Give straightforward contact information (for people wanting to know more)
  • In some cases, you don’t even need that much copy (like on some video landing pages or click-through landing pages)

So don’t go around thinking about having an optimal word count for your short-form landing pages — just include what’s needed to seal the deal for warm audiences.

Relevant media

This part is super important for short-form landing pages.

Think about it, if your copy is as short as possible, then media can easily transfer key pieces of information that convey essential points to prospects.

You can use:

  • Offer-related images
  • Embedded videos
  • Icons and graphics
  • Sliders

Think of these as pillars that’ll help validate what prospects are looking for in your short-form landing page, and push them towards your CTAs.

(Notice that you can also use media to display social proof).

A/B test and optimize everything

For those who don’t know, A/B testing — also known as split testing — is when you split incoming traffic into 2 identical web pages with 1 known variable between them.

For instance, you can A/B test 2 duplicate landing pages that have different headlines, and depending on which 1 delivers a better conversion rate, you’d know which had the better headline.

Note: you should A/B test everything from your short-form page structure to copy and everything in between.

Because at the end of the day, if something has a chance of dramatically improving your conversions, you should go for it.

Here’s how to set up A/B tests that’ll provide you with noteworthy results that’ll actually improve your landing page:

  • Only test 1 small change at a time (such as a headline or CTA button color)
  • Run tests for at least a week. Make sure you wait until each page has a considerable number of opt-ins before you stop the test!

— Oh what’s that, you don’t know how to create A/B tests?

No worries! Later in this post, we’ll teach you how to create, host, and publish short-form landing pages, and then implement A/B testing — all with a custom domain and for free!

But first, let’s show you examples of short-form landing pages that you can draw inspiration from.

5 Examples of short-form landing pages

Ebook — Financial Freedom For the Rest of Us

Ebook — SFLP

Source: systeme.io

Personal online school — Marie Forleo's B-School

Online School — SFLP

Webinar — Marketing metrics by LOCALiQ


Digital mockups store — Supply by Supper


Newsletter — OkDork by Noah Kegan


Source: okdork.com

Notice how all of these examples:

  • Avoid navigational menus as much as possible (allowing people to focus on your conversion goals)
  • Follow the clues we earlier laid out for structuring short-form landing pages

Systeme.io — Create a short-form landing page in the next 10 minutes

It simply doesn’t matter if you’re after:

  • Long-form landing pages
  • Short-form landing pages
  • Long-form sales pages
  • Short-form sales pages

Using systeme.io, all it takes is 5 minutes to create a beautiful page with a proven template that suits what you’re looking for — you can even connect your custom domain!

1. Get your forever-free account at systeme.io, and you’ll be welcomed with this dashboard

Main dashboard in systeme.io

Main dashboard in systeme.io

2. Create a new funnel in the menu

Creating a funnel in systeme.io

Creating a funnel in systeme.io

3. On the left, you can create a new step/page, and choose its type (you can create squeeze pages, landing pages, sales pages, order forms, thank you pages, and more!)

Creating a funnel page in systeme.io

Creating a funnel page in systeme.io

4. Then pick one of the proven templates for your page design

Templates in systeme.io

Templates in systeme.io

5. And voilà! You have a solid design for your first short-form landing page — just start adding in your info!

Drag-and-drop builder in systeme.io

Drag-and-drop builder in systeme.io

But why stop there? Remember A/B testing?

How to run A/B tests

It takes 4 clicks to create and run an A/B test with systeme.io, simply:

1. Head to “A/B test” when you have the original page selected

Main funnel dashboard in systeme.io

Main funnel dashboard in systeme.io

2. Click the “Choose Variant” button, then select the variant page and goal page (this is where traffic will finally end up) for your A/B test

Setting up an A/B test in systeme.io

Setting up an A/B test in systeme.io

3. Now you only need to click on “Start A/B test” and you’re good to go!

Starting an A/B test in systeme.io

Starting an A/B test in systeme.io

Keep an eye on how your pages are performing from the same dashboard.

Analytics dashboard in systeme.io for A/B tests

Analytics dashboard in systeme.io for A/B tests

But wait a second…

What is systeme.io again?

Systeme.io is an all-in-one marketing platform that was built from scratch to launch, maintain, and scale online businesses!

That means we’re a 1-stop shop for your business needs. Here’s what you can do with us:

  • Build a modern website with our code-less builder backed by a proven template library — launch in minutes!
  • Run all of your email marketing efforts and join an industry that has an amazing ROI of $42 for each $1 spent
  • Run your own affiliate program and build an army of affiliates that sell your offers day and night
  • Create and sell online courses with unlimited students and a fleshed-out community feature
  • Automate your entire online business with action-based triggers and workflows

And if you think you can’t afford all this, then think again!

Systeme.io’s pricing

Systeme.io’s pricing

Systeme.io’s pricing

1. Free: $0/month

It’s free forever — and it gets you:

  • Full access to the website builder and templates library
  • Unlimited file storage, unlimited hosting, and connect your custom domain for free!
  • A blog with unlimited blog posts
  • Ability to run your own affiliate program
  • Freedom to sell products/services with 0% transaction fees!
  • Power to send unlimited marketing emails

Plus, get access to tags, automation rules, coupons, online courses, and A/B tests.

2. Startup: $27/month

3. Webinar: $47/month

4. Unlimited: $97/month

As you go up in the plans, you’ll have raised limits on all the tools you have in the free plan, and unlock new features as well.

Once you reach the Unlimited plan, you’ll have zero limits on all the tools we have at systeme.io.

(Additionally, you can get free migration for your entire online business on any annual billing plan, which are all offered at a nice 30% discount).

If any of this sounds interesting to you, go get your free account now and try it out for yourself. We won’t ask for your card info!


Is a long-form landing page the same as a long-form sales page?

While both are considered long-form pages, landing pages could encompass a number of goals:

  • Generating leads
  • Selling offers
  • Encourage prospects to take action (like joining an environment movement)

Long-form sales pages on the other hand, only exist to directly sell an offer and push traffic towards checkout pages.

How long should my landing page be?

To answer this question, you first need to have clear objectives the landing page needs to achieve to be considered successful.

Then, identify the state of the audience that’s going to end up on your landing page — are they warm (informed) audiences, or are they cold (uninformed) audiences about you and your offerings?

From there, create the best landing page that can accommodate your offer and type of audience — whether it be a short-form or a long-form landing page.

And for maximum conversions, you can A/B test different variables and designs of your landing pages.


Outside of digital marketing, nobody really cares about landing pages being long-form or short-form — all people care about is what makes your offer better than anything or anyone else.

So instead of trying to answer the question — which is better, long-form or short-form landing pages?

Start using them both where they make sense and where they get the best conversions possible. Hopefully, this post taught you how to do that when it comes to using short-form landing pages.

But all this would be for nothing if you don’t take action and start building some creative landing pages that take your business to the next level.

So naturally, you should go and sign-up at systeme.io and publish your first 10 landing pages for free!

Other posts that’ll help you build your website:

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