Launch Your Online Business in Just 7 Days

1. Who is Tai Lopez?

If you have been around social media for a while, you most probably know who Tai Lopez is.

Famous internet entrepreneur and marketer Tai Lopez is an investor, partner, and advisor to over 20 multi-million dollar businesses.

Other than being a successful businessman, he values being able to help those in need.

He runs his own YouTube channel where he shares short (and free) videos, advising people on how to achieve and maintain health, love, wealth, and happiness.

Tai was also the presenter on one of the fastest-growing Ted Talks on YouTube, with over 12 million views.

He shares why he reads daily, and how it helped his business with the law of 33%.

With over 1.4 million followers worldwide, Tai has also been voted the #1 Social Media Influencer by Entrepreneur Magazine.

Tai hosts his podcast called The Tai Lopez Show, this alone gets around 800,000 downloads per month!

Here, he shares his daily life, novels that have changed him (and his business) for the better, and tips on running your own business.

He is also the part-owner of Mentor Box — a monthly subscription aimed at turbocharging your learning by giving you book summaries of various novels Tai reads and recommends.

The work he does is inspirational and has driven many individuals to success.

Below, we will dive into how Tai runs his business through the use of a very effective funnel.

2. How to Craft a Funnel Like Tai Lopez

Sales Funnel

The funneling process seems simple:

  • Form a customer relationship.
  • Nurture the relationship.
  • Create a lasting bond.
  • Convert them!

However, this can sometimes be misleading. Everything about the metaphor seems neat and tidy, but in reality, it’s a messy process.

You have most likely been in a place where you noticed that your leads are not converting and making the purchase.

This can be disheartening, but won’t be after today’s read.

So, what exactly is this secret that most marketers seem to have in on?

Well, it’s quite simple in actuality - they analyze.

You don’t opt for surgery every time a child comes to you with a scrape on their knee.

You analyze the problem and then you find a suitable solution.

Some people might struggle with their marketing campaign at the wide end of the funnel, and some might lose their client’s interest by the time they reach the evaluation stage.

You have to work with what you have. Or perhaps, you should start working with what you don’t have…

Today we will show you exactly how to work with what you don’t have and use Tai Lopez as an example of how to effectively solidify your funneling technique.

2.1. Start at the Top

Start at the Top

The world functions sequentially, and there is a reason for it - it works!

Start by looking at what exactly goes down your sales funnel.

Keep in mind that your goal is to improve and optimize your funnel. If you can improve your sales process, then your funnel will naturally improve.

The top of the funnel usually (1) involves marketing campaigns and (2) relies on creating brand awareness.

2.1.1. Marketing Campaigns

Saved Snippets

Your marketing strategy is essentially what captures the attention of the customer, and potentially even points out the problem they might be facing.

If you look at Tai Lopez and his brand, you are immediately aware of what he does and why he does it:

target audience

Looking at the image above, you can tell that his courses help people build successful businesses from scratch.

He delivers the promise that you will be able to build your own business - even if you have never sold anything before. Then he provides the tools and asks you to dedicate the time to learning.

2.1.2. Awareness


Now that your marketing campaign has reached the right audience, you can start ensuring that search engines pick up on your brand when your clients first Google you.

Any of Tai’s potential customers can easily discover his reach with a simple Google search of his name.

The first link is Tai’s website, and you can immediately see how he funnels his leads successfully by providing information and promotional content right from the start.

You can do the same as Tai in 7 easy steps:

  • Introduce your brand immediately!

You probably already have this step-down; add your logo and brand vision to the top of your landing page.

What Tai does: In addition to his brand, he also adds which companies he has worked with and adds them to his homepage.

Tai's Brands
  • Show any positive reviews or testimonies of your product

Everyone loves a good review. Make sure you include all the best ones on your landing page!

What Tai does: He includes links where he is featured in an article, or just found in the news.

  • Give some indication of what your product is

This can either be through icons or simply just some good quality photos of your product.

Feel welcome to interchange steps 2 & 3 - product first, then reviews.

What Tai does: Tai makes branded icons of his available training courses but does not include the price.

Tai's Bestselling
  • Provide your visitors with a unique opportunity

Hook the viewers with something that will want them coming back.

This can be anything from a product sale, once-off codes, marketing events, etc.

What Tai does: Tai gives the site visitors an opportunity to co-invest with him.

Invest with Tai Lopez
  • If you can, give them something free

Giving your site visitors something that they will want to come back to is one of the most powerful hooks.

You can do this by giving free product samples, informational blog posts, or offering a 2-for-1 deal.

What Tai does: On his landing page, he offers free video training courses that will get you started, get you to know him better, and see how his product line is structured.

  • Link your social media platforms (and keep them updated)

Social media is an important part of any marketing strategy.

Including links to platforms that people visit more often (like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) is a sure way to get them involved with your product and content.

What Tai does: There is a section on Tai’s homepage that shows his active following on all the social media platforms he has.

  • Make sure to add an opt-in form

Adding an opt-in form to your website is a great way to increase your email marketing reach.

This is also another great way to introduce special offers!

What Tai does: Next to his active social media following, you can find an opt-in form to receive free mentor tips from Tai right in your email inbox.

Connect With TAI LOPEZ

Tai does quite a thorough job when it comes to introducing his vision and mission to website visitors.

Another way that you can increase awareness of your brandis by ensuring that your SEO is constantly optimized!

You can also look into releasing relevant/trendy content and adverts, hooking leads through email campaigns and hosting events (be it online or in-person).

2.2. The Middle

The Middle

Now that you have successfully optimized the top two sections of your funnel, you can start focusing on both the middle and main parts of your sales funnel.

This is the time you want to introduce content that will interest your lead and help them to become more educated!

You want to help your lead work down your funnel.

This can be done by educating them and allowing them to show a deeper interest in your product.

Let’s take a look at these two stages:

2.2.1. Interest


Help your lead define the problem that they face.

This is the perfect time to show them why they need to take a keen interest in your product!

Being such an informational step in the funneling process makes it one of the most important ones. You want to be aware of everything that happens during this phase.

This is the location in the funnel where you can start calculating conversion rates, start researching your clients and start setting up buyer personas.

You want to guide your lead to the right content - i.e. your product.

If your opt-in marketing strategy worked, you should have a lot of new leads waiting to receive information in their inboxes.

So, what can you do to give them the information needed to convert them?

  • Focus on producing good quality content

This is usually the main source of traffic for your website.

You can start introducing educational content like blog posts, comparison articles, and case studies.

Basically, give them anything that would make your product more alluring.

The way in which you blog can increase awareness of your content — especially if you optimize it to originate from organic search results.

This is also the perfect time to produce content that can be promoted on social media.

How does Tai do it?

He gives his leads a large base of content, driven towards educating them.

This is mainly in the form of podcasts where he interviews other large business owners and entrepreneurs to find out what they do to run a successful business.

Tai Lopez show
  • Give them lead magnets

You can offer any type of lead magnet that would introduce something of value and interest to your audience.

This can be things like a guide or course.

Provide anything that can educate your prospects on how they can solve this newfound problem to achieve a goal.

Build demand for your product!

How? Place CTA buttons on your content to lead your customers to discover your product.

How does Tai do it? If you give Tai’s website a visit, you will see CTA buttons everywhere. The image below is one of the few examples, but you can clearly see the CTA “claim this deal.”

Tai Lopez courses
  • Introduce video content

This is an easy area to improve if you have the right skills and/or a production team.

What makes video content especially unique is that it’s not limited to any part of the sales funnel.

You can use video marketing to introduce and promote your brand, provide reviews and tutorials on how to use your product, success stories, and much more!

How does Tai do it? There is no shortage of content made available by Tai, ranging from his podcasts to his +160 youtube videos.

In these videos, he talks about business strategies, gives general life advice, and walks you through all the different ways to think about how you approach situations.

If you can fully optimize the way your content and information are being delivered to your leads, then the chances of them converting are very good.

Other ways that you can also increase content engagement is through:

  • Targeted email campaigns
  • Chatbots
  • Free trials
  • Retargeting campaigns

2.2.2. Evaluation

Browse resources

Now is the time that you want your content to hit a home run!

The evaluation stage relies on tailored content that is driven towards solving the leads’ problem, rather than informing them.

As the lead works through your content they become more qualified to travel towards the narrow end of the funnel.

You want to leverage the fact that you have used the opt-in forms to drive your sales, so drive your sales conversation!

How can you ensure that your content speaks for itself?

Do what Tai Lopez does and make sure that you eliminate any other competition by optimizing your own content.

Tai Lopez goes above and beyond to ensure that the content he sells is unique to his brand.

He compiles separate training courses into one large training bundle.


Because he knows that the strategy works:

But how can you do the same if your product is limited?

Well, that answer is merged into the final phase of the sales funnel.

2.3. Finishing First

Lead conversion

You have now landed yourself in the narrow end of the funnel. Here is where commitment, sale, upsells, and repetition come into play.

Your product has been chosen as the one, and the lead is committing to buying your product - so make it worth all the effort.

Now is the time you want to pull out all the stops.

2.3.1. Commitment


Your lead is in it now. Make them commit, and be happy doing so. You can follow some tips from Tai Lopez’s playbook.

Offer exclusive deals.

Show your lead why your product is the one that they need to commit to.

Tai does this in the following way:

  • There is an intentional focus on trying to make the lead feel like they are talking to someone they know.

This can benefit your sale by ensuring that your lead feels that you are trustworthy.

Here is an example of one of Tai’s promotional campaigns:

Tai’s promotional campaigns

How can you do it? When you speak to your leads, make sure that you do so in a second-person narrative.

This means that you should use personal pronouns such as, “you”, “your”, and “you’re”.

  • Tai gives deals that are very difficult to find elsewhere for the same price.

In the same campaign, as shown above, he explains exactly what you get when you buy his course:

Tai’s promotional campaigns

How can you do the same? Offer your customers as much information about your product as you can!

Once you have done that, offer promotional bundles, or even something as simple as a “frequently bought together” tab.

  • Tai offers a money-back guarantee.

Money-back guarantees are a wonderful way of encouraging your customers to trust you.

If they can trust you with their money, they can trust you with anything!

How can you do the same? Well, do exactly that - offer a money-back-guarantee!

If your lead feels secure in the fact that they can buy a product and receive their money back, then they will most likely buy from you.

What makes this sales strategy even better is that most people won’t go through the refund process due to it being such a hassle.

Another way that you can ensure commitment to your product is by simplifying your checkout page, which leads us to the sale.

2.3.2. Sale


This final process relies heavily on the lead. It ultimately comes down to the lead’s decision.

Tai provides all the necessary information, and guides the lead towards a certain thought pattern, but cannot choose for them.

So, as another way to ensure trust and commitment to the product, Tai simplifies the checkout process:

Tai Lopez website

What makes Tai’s checkout process unique is that he continues to add information, deals, and support throughout the buying process.

How can you do the same?

  • Show them what they are committing to

Do this by showing a simplified review of all the products being purchased.

  • Make filling in the details as simple as possible

Nobody likes an overly-complicated check-out. Make everything simple and sequential.

  • Show the total price and the discount received

Doing this makes the lead feel good about the amount of money that they are saving by buying the product now.

  • Show your commitment to the promise of a money-back-guarantee

This secures the previously nurtured sense of trust in your company and brand.

  • Offer your support (even if it isn’t you directly)

Sometimes people need help or are uncertain about certain details during the checkout process.

By offering your help and support, even if they don’t need it, shows that you are committed to their sale.

2.3.3. Upsells and Repetition

Upsells and Repetition

Congratulations, you have made your sale!

Your lead is now a fully converted customer.

Now, this might seem like the end of a long and fulfilling journey, but it’s not over just yet. This is the time to affirm the sale and use psychology to your benefit.

The great thing about selling a course or online product is that your customer will have immediate access to it.

In the case of purchasing Tai’s course, you are immediately led to your course page.

Here, you are shown all the content which you have access to:

Your purchased programs

As you might have noticed, there is a section labeled, “Programs available to purchase”.

This is Tai’s way of increasing his upsells.

Only once your customer is in the membership area, will they have access to your upsells.

“The probability of selling to a new prospect is 5-20%. The probability of selling to an existing customer is 60-70%.”

So, how can you upsell your products?

  • Use urgency, but don’t be pushy

Avoid being pushy by placing the upsell information below the product information, or even adding an upsell option (like Tai in his checkout) once the customer has added an item to their cart.

  • Choose the right kind of upsell

This can be an upgraded version of the product, product protection, customization, or even an extended service period.

  • Make your upsell relevant

Sell the benefits of the upsell, and the reason why it’s important.

This can include selling a product by the same company, or another version of the product (book vs. audiobook).

  • Personalize your upsell

Know your customer’s purchase history, recommend purchases based on the history, and address your customer directly.

If you can answer questions at the bottom of the funnel in full and can match the problem and solution, then the chances of the lead converting to a customer are more likely, and the chances of upselling even more so!

3. Conclusion

As you can see, there are logical steps to completing a sales funnel and converting a lead into a closed sale.

Tai implements many of the strategies that marketers use and does so effectively to sell his training courses.

To help you with setting up the best funnel for your business, we are using Tai Lopez as an example!

Below you can find a completed template based on Tai's techniques that you can use to increase your sales and convert leads into customers.

You can change his active enthusiasm into your recipe for success!

So what are you waiting for?

Use these tips, along with the sales funnel template and you are guaranteed to see results.

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