How Can Small Businesses Effectively Use Email Marketing: A Complete Guide

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Emails have not only connected millions of people but also became a vital component of everyday personal and professional life.

With that being said, smaller businesses can use email marketing to expand, attract new customers, and nurture long-term client connections.

In this post, you’ll learn what the key components of a successful email marketing strategy are, the benefits thereof, and useful information to implement it for your small business.

Let’s get started.

1. What is email marketing?



Email marketing is a powerful digital marketing strategy that involves sending emails to generate leads and turn existing clients into loyal customers.

For an email marketing strategy to be effective, it must be personalized, targeted, and created with the goals and objections of the potential reader in mind.

On average, 60% of small businesses say that their email marketing strategy is either effective or very effective.

Do you want your small business to be part of that statistic?

Continue reading to learn why email marketing is the key to building a successful online business!

2. Key components of a successful email marketing strategy



Almost 80% of small businesses say that an effective email marketing strategy is crucial for their business's success.

All successful email marketing strategies include a few key elements.

Let’s jump in and discuss the handful of these core elements in more detail.

2.1. Grow your email list



A business’ email list is a collection of its customers’ email addresses who agreed to receive updates and promotions from your company via email.

The larger your mailing list, the more conversions you’ll get.

Small businesses with more than 500 subscribers are 42% more likely to have effective email marketing strategies.

Here are 3 common ways to grow your email list:

1. Use social media to encourage signups

The use of social media is widespread. In the United States, over 70% of the country’s population has a social media account.

With social media you can:

  • Schedule posts
  • Upload photos and videos
  • Tag your products
  • Include your email sign up link on your profile

And more.

You can use these tactics on social media platforms like:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Linkedin
  • Twitter

This way you can reach a worldwide audience and ultimately generate more leads.

3. Include an embedded form on your website

Having an email sign-up form on your website can ensure continued and sustained email list growth.

It provides your potential customers with an easy and quick way to sign up for your email list.

3 golden rules for sign-up forms:

1. Don’t hide it — Visitors don’t want to hunt for your sign-up form, make it as accessible as possible

2. Explain the benefit — Let the visitor know what benefits they will receive if they subscribe to your website

3. Stick to the basics — Less is more! Make your visitors’ experience smooth and quick

A sign-up form is a modest yet powerful tool for collecting authorized addresses.

3. Offer giveaways or contests

Giveaways and contests give your website visitors a reason to stay.

Not only does this tactic build a good relationship with existing customers, but it also continuously generates new leads.

There are 3 key moments for running a contest or giveaway:

  • Announce the giveaway or contest — Online giveaways are the perfect way to reward your customer's and potential customers’ interest and highlight specific products
  • Send reminders and make winners’ announcements — Thank participating customers, remind them of closing dates, and share the results of the contest
  • Stay in touch with the participants — Thank customers who competed, and offer a small discount as a consolation prize

Giving rewards to your customers contributes to building a trustworthy and loyal customer-company relationship.

Many restaurants run giveaways in the form of rewards or a customer loyalty program.

When implementing your restaurant email marketing strategy, you need to ensure that you stay creative with your promotions to keep customers long-term.

Growing your email list is an effective marketing strategy that will allow you to reach more customers and promote your products.

2.2. Plan your email marketing campaign



An email marketing campaign is a series of specific emails delivered by a company to its customers.

Effective marketing campaigns will encourage the recipients to act, engage with your company, and assist you in generating more leads and sales.

Depending on what you want to communicate to your audience, different messages will be sent.

A few common types of emails you should be sending are:

  • Welcome emails — Send a pleasant welcome email to new subscribers
  • Newsletters — Keep customers updated about business and industry developments with a weekly newsletter
  • Abandoned cart emails — Remind potential clients about their incomplete internet purchases
  • Transactional emails — Confirm your online store’s purchases and orders
  • Promotional emails — Make new offers and communicate promotional messages
  • Event invitation — Invite prospects and customers to attend your events to increase engagement
  • Re-engagement emails — Target cold leads to rejoin your list and show them what they’re missing

One fitness email marketing strategy to re-engage with customers is by providing discounts to certain classes that are offered.

You’ll need to create a thorough brand strategy and email marketing campaign, with different types of emails sent at different periods, to nurture your leads.

This is where automated emails and the segmentation of addresses come in.

On average 56% of companies are currently using marketing automation.

An autoresponder is a series of emails that are sent to a subset of your email list in response to a specified occurrence.

There are 2 main reasons every small business needs an autoresponder:

  • They nurture your leads
  • They turn prospects into customers

The best part is, once you’ve created it, your job is done, and your email marketing software takes care of the rest.

Segmentation groups your subscribers based on certain criteria.

It’s a kind of personalization tactic to deliver more relevant email marketing to subscribers based on their location, interests, purchase history, etc.

2.3. Optimize for all devices



These days, email users can access their inboxes from a variety of devices.

The ability to optimize an email design provides a user-friendly experience for all recipients on practically every device and platform imaginable, allowing them to access the content as intended.

To ensure that your website’s accessibility isn't jeopardized for any users — a responsive design email is typically the best solution.

Here are some ways you can optimize your email for all devices:

  • Test emails on a variety of devices
  • Don’t place more than two accessible links next or on top of each other

2.4. Track your results



There are several ways to measure the effectiveness of your email marketing strategy.

Here are some of the metrics you should be monitoring in your email marketing efforts:

  • Clickthrough rate — Percentage of email recipients who clicked on a link in the email
  • Conversion rate — Percentage of recipients who clicked on a link and completed the desired action
  • Bounce rate — Amount of emails that could not be delivered
  • Overall ROI — Total return on investment for your email campaign
  • Open rate — Number of recipients who opened your email
  • Unsubscribe rate — Percentage of recipients who unsubscribed from your channel after opening your email

Depending on your goals, you’ll be able to use these metrics to measure your email marketing strategy’s success.

2.5. Stay compliant



When email marketing is used correctly, it will improve awareness and customer engagement.

If it is used incorrectly, it can harm your business’ reputation, erode customer loyalty, and even expose you to legal issues.

Here are 7 tips to keep your email marketing emails compliant:

1. Use opt-in forms to grow your email list — Easy way of getting your contact’s consent to send them marketing emails

2. Keep your headers clear and concise — Let your contacts have a clear understanding of what your emails are about

3. Avoid deceptive subject lines — A shorter subject line is more eye-catching and less likely to be misleading

4. Be honest with your advertising — All commercial email messages must identify themselves as advertising

5. Share your business’ location and address — Confirms that you’re a legitimate business

6. Let people know how they can unsubscribe — Customers need to be able to easily unsubscribe from your email list if they wish

7. Set up a privacy policy — Include all relevant information and make it easily accessible to your customers


The above fitness business made sure to include an opt-in form to obtain their potential clients’ consent to send marketing emails for their events.

Following the guidelines and partnering with a dependable and trustworthy marketing platform are two good ways to avoid infringing on laws.

With the components under wraps, let’s look at how email marketing can benefit your business.

3. What are the benefits of email marketing for small businesses?



Email marketing offers a direct method of communicating with your target audience.

For small businesses whose budgets aren’t necessarily big, an efficient email marketing strategy can bring impressive results.

Let’s have a look at 5 of the biggest benefits small businesses can gain with email marketing.

3.1. Build strong customer relationships



It’s extremely difficult to reach your customers telephonically or in person, however, email marketing makes this communication easier.

To make your life even easier you can set up a drip marketing campaign.

This will send out timed emails over days, weeks, or months.

Customer relationships can be strengthened through email marketing.

When you make a difference in your audience's lives, whether it's through your product or service, useful recommendations, or a gift coupon, they will learn to respect and trust you.


This email marketing example could apply to both the fitness industry and the hospitality industry.

It includes useful fitness tips and healthy breakfast options to live a better lifestyle.

It really does seem that Peloton’s goal is to build and strengthen the customer-company relationship while bettering the lives of their clients.

3.2. Develop your own unique brand



Your brand is your company’s personality and a promise to your customers.

A brand is a characteristic that distinguishes one business from another.

Creating a personal brand can seem like an impossible endeavor.

So, here are 10 golden rules for developing an interesting, distinct, and appealing personal brand:

  • Maintain a clear focus
  • Be true to yourself and your clients
  • Tell your story
  • Consistency is key
  • Be prepared to fail
  • Make a good first impression
  • Take advice from a successful person
  • Make your brand a reality
  • Leave a lasting impression

Peloton did a remarkable job with their unique branding.

They introduce their fitness professionals whose goal is to connect the world through fitness, empowering people to be the best version of themselves anywhere, anytime.

3.3. Time and cost-effective



Generally, there are time and money limits in any organization, but notably in small businesses.

The effective use of time and budget is one of the most significant advantages of email marketing.

It isn’t difficult or time-consuming to create a quality email marketing campaign.

It’s also cost-effective to send emails to a large number of people.

3.4. Improve sales



You can easily convince customers to make more purchases through effective email marketing.

Here are some ideas for increasing sales:

  • List products that are similar to your customers’ most recent purchases
  • Make unique discounts or offers for future orders
  • Make the most of your subject lines

The restaurant email marketing strategy used here is by creating a unique offer based on National Drive-Thru Day.

The fitness industry can also use this strategy by creating an offer for National Fitness Day.

3.5. Build a reputation or credibility



Emails from unknown senders or with suspicious subject lines can appear spammy.

You must personalize your material to the preferences of your targeted audience.

Knowing your readers’ interests and demands ensures that your email is delivered to their inbox rather than the spam folder.

4. Some inside information on email marketing



When you’re new to email marketing, there’s a lot to learn.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you had an email marketing fairy godmother who could whisper words of wisdom into your ear every now and then?

Although we aren’t Dama Fortuna, we have compiled a list of 5 email marketing tips that you won’t hear from just anyone in the marketing industry.

4.1. Unsubscribes can be a good thing

Making it simple to unsubscribe from your emails is a typical piece of advice in email marketing.

It does, however, appear to be a little counter-intuitive.

Why would you want to make it easy for customers to unsubscribe from your mailing list?

First and foremost, we must comply with GDPR and the CAN-SPAM Act.

It turns out that allowing unsubscribes is an excellent marketing strategy because it benefits both the marketers and the recipients.

The following are 4 reasons why email unsubscribes can be beneficial:

  • Unsubscribes can aid in the delivery of your emails
  • Unsubscribers help you increase the quality of your mailing lists
  • Unsubscribes inform you of any issues with your mails
  • Unsubscribes are an opportunity to learn more

The goal of unsubscribes is to filter out contacts who are unlikely to convert, which ultimately improves both your analytics and deliverability.

Overall, unsubscribes may appear to be a negative experience at first, but there seems to be a silver lining.

4.2. Promotions aren’t everything

While the purpose of email marketing is to grow your business, it’s important to remember that product promotions shouldn’t be the main focus.

Establishing and nurturing healthy relationships with your consumers should be at the center of your email marketing strategy.

Customers will provide lifetime value as part of these healthy relationships, and they will act as the driving force behind your company’s success.

4.3. Consider your audience

With email marketing, your audience should be your number one priority.

It’s not about the channel or the technology used to send the emails.

It’s about the people who receive the emails.

It’s all about tailoring the email content to be as relevant and useful as possible.

It’s about taking the initiative with marketing and allowing the technology and tools to bring it to life, rather than the other way around.

4.4. Send emails when you have something valuable to share

It’s not always easy to figure out how frequently to send marketing emails.

One simple piece of advice would be to send emails when you actually have something important or valuable to share.

Always keep in mind that each person on your mailing list is unique, which is why it’s critical to collect information so you can get to know them better.

4.5. Test, test, and test some more . . .

Your audience, you, and your subscription list all change over time.

To figure out what works best for your email marketing strategy, you must regularly test and measure outcomes.

Here are some reasons why you should test your email marketing campaign regularly:

  • Job security, brand reputation, and email ROI are protected
  • Errors such as typos or misspellings, bad links, and personalization failures can be avoided
  • Open rates, deliverability, and mobile optimization can be boosted
  • Dynamic content, client variability, and accessibility growth

The only way to establish whether your email marketing campaign is successful is to conduct A/B or split testing.

An A/B test is simple to set up when using a good email marketing service.

While we’re on the subject of email marketing services, it’s important to remember that excellent email marketing begins with a solid platform.

We’ll look at 3 popular email marketing platforms to help decide which is ideal for your business.

5. 3 Email marketing tools that work best for small businesses

Email marketing tools are critical for the development and maintenance of any online business, and it’s used to nurture and convert leads into customers.

It can be quite difficult to find the best email marketing tool for your business.

If you want to be successful with your email campaigns, you need to make sure the platform you choose provides the functionality you need.

The following are some key features you’ll need:

  • Ready-to-use templates
  • Drag-and-drop editor tool
  • Responsive email templates
  • Custom fields for personalization
  • Automatic quality checks
  • High deliverability rate
  • Statistics and insights
  • Integration with other useful tools

Now that you know what to look out for, let’s have a look at some of the best email marketing services.

5.1. logo logo is an all-in-one online marketing tool that makes launching, growing, and scaling your business a breeze.

With a Capterra rating of 4.8/5, and being referred to as a swiss army knife for entrepreneurs, comes out on top and smashes other platforms’ ratings.

The following are some of the email marketing features offered by

  • Email campaigns
  • Autoresponders
  • List segmentation

When we say “all-in-one platform”, we mean it!

With you receive access to more complex tools, which aren’t confined to email marketing tools. offers 4 plans with a variety of features:’s pricing plans’s pricing plans

All of the major features are included in every plan, regardless of which one you choose.

Some useful features are:

  • Dropshipping
  • Building and launching online courses
  • Launching a blog
  • Evergreen webinars
  • Affiliate programs
  • Drip campaigns
  • Marketing automation features has a multipurpose marketing program built-in that allows you to send targeted emails and grow your mailing list.

You can also scale and automate the entire process using autoresponders and follow-up emails.

Squeeze pages can be easily made and used to entice potential subscribers to join your list.

The user-friendly interface even allows you to send unlimited emails, which is super handy in this case!

If you can’t decide which platform to use, you can always try out’s Free plan and explore all the amazing features it has to offer.

5.2. Constant Contact

Constant Contact logo

Constant Contact logo

Constant Contact is an online marketing platform that is suitable for small businesses.

Its platform, amongst other things, allows business owners to run and track email marketing campaigns, create websites and ecommerce stores, and utilize social media.

The following are a few of the email marketing features available:

  • Reporting and analytics
  • An ecommerce website
  • Segmentation
  • Automation
  • Email templates

With Constant Contact, there are 2 main pricing plans available, however, the price levels depend on your number of contacts.

Constant Contact starting prices

Constant Contact starting prices

The Core plan includes:

  • Customer list growth tools (website sign-up forms, Facebook ads)
  • Email marketing
  • 300+ email templates
  • Store, organize, and view contacts
  • Post to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and/or LinkedIn all at once
  • Real-time reporting (list growth, views, clicks)
  • Award-winning live phone and chat support

The Core plan’s tiered pricing is as follows:

Constant Contact Core Tiered Pricing

Constant Contact Core Tiered Pricing

Constant Contact’s Plus plan includes:

  • Additional list growth tools (Google ads integrated, text message sign-up, lookalike ad targeting)
  • Automated emails (resend to non-openers, abandoned cart reminder, birthday/anniversary)
  • Auto-generated segments (most, somewhat, least engaged)
  • Conversion and sales reporting
  • Personalized kickoff call

The Plus plan’s tiered pricing is as follows:

Constant Contact Plus Tiered Pricing

Constant Contact Plus Tiered Pricing

Even with a Capterra rating of 4.3/5, a lot of customers have complained about the lack of customization options, limited automation, and complex pricing.

5.3. Mailchimp

Mailchimp logo

Mailchimp logo

Mailchimp is a popular marketing automation tool created for companies that use email to communicate with their target consumers.

It’s known for its distinctive and innovative branding, as well as its user-friendly and cutting-edge features.

The following are some of the functionalities offered by Mailchimp:

  • Customizable email templates
  • Comprehensive reporting
  • Integration
  • Segmentation
  • Drag-and-drop tools
  • Automation
  • Landing pages

You can start with a free Mailchimp subscription and upgrade as your marketing needs evolve.

With the Free plan you get:

  • Marketing CRM
  • Creative assistant
  • Website builder
  • Mailchimp domain
  • Forms and landing pages
Mailchimp prices

Mailchimp prices

Mailchimp has a Capterra rating of 4.5/5.

However, this platform has received a lot of negative comments about its strange billing system and inconsistent customer service.

6. Conclusion

Now you know how to start your own email marketing campaign for your small business.

Combine it with the aforementioned email marketing tactics to ensure your success.

There are numerous email marketing systems available, each with its own cost structure and feature set. offers a free account that allows you to send unlimited emails and explore a variety of features — ideal for small businesses! is a terrific option as there's an entire sales and marketing toolset for you to check out.

Whatever your business, can assist you with any of your needs.

Join our Freemium plan today!

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