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If you're curious who Bastian Ernst is, it's probably because you've been seeing a lot of articles and podcast episodes about him with titles like “This Entrepreneur Landed Customers Before He Even Had a Product”.

Your curiosity is definitely valid. Who is this guy, and how can someone get customers so easily?

In this review, we’re going to look at who Bastian Ernst is, his business “Wild Audience”, and whether or not his services are worth considering.

Who is Bastian Ernst?

Bastian Ernst

Who is Bastian Ernst ?

Bastian Ernst is a young entrepreneur and businessman. He is the CEO and founder of the consulting company Wild Audience and the original inventor of the term “respect-based marketing.

The focus of Wild Audience is to use respect-based marketing and build relationship funnels that will turn website viewers into tangible conversions.

In his early career, Ernst mentored in Silicon Valley, California, at, a customer relationship management (CRM) software platform, under Steli Efti.

Surprisingly enough, Ernst made the choice to actually leave Silicon Valley to create and establish his startup in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica. Ernst currently operates out of Barcelona in Spain.

There are also some other fast facts about Bastian Ernst to consider:

  • His business, Wild Audience, was founded in April 2016.
  • He worked within SDR and Customer Success under between 2015 and 2016.
  • He worked in Business Development under, a now-defunct business analytics and reporting software platform, for several months in 2015.
  • He worked in marketing and Global Partnerships for Rocket Internet AG, a startup incubation and investment platform, for several months in 2015.
  • He worked as a project manager for AustrianStartups, a non-profit platform for startups and entrepreneurs, for several months in 2014.
  • He interned in marketing for Busuu, a language-learning website, and web marketing for Liden & Denz Language Centres.
  • He has a Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.) in Computer Science & Business from Korea University.
  • He studied at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien for part of his degree.
  • He studied briefly at Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, and innovation academy for entrepreneurship and business.
  • His most marketable skills, especially in the context of his business Wild Audience, include social media marketing, entrepreneurship, project management, marketing strategy, writing, video editing, and team building.
  • He has completed three major projects as a project manager.
  • According to his website, he is passionate about “our planet (environment) and marketing technology.”

What is Wild Audience?

wild audience

Wild Audience logo

Wild Audience is a marketing consulting firm that was created by Bastian Ernst in 2015.

The firm’s main customer base is established businesses, entrepreneurs, startups, e-commerce brands, and freelancers. The entire business model of Wild Audience is based around the concept of respect-based marketing.

Wild Audience’s website motto is “We Help 6- and 7-Figure Entrepreneurs Automate Their Processes To Accelerate Growth.”According to Ernst, the inspiration for his business came about during a stay at a yoga temple in Costa Rica.

A personal friend of his, who worked as a meditation guru over the internet, asked Ernst for input on how to sell his services regularly.

Ernst built a business funnel for him that focused on building a relationship between the business and the customer through marketing and then selling that audience a solution to a problem, all on a daily basis. From there, Wild Audience was created.

Ernst received his first paying customer before his product was built. According to Ernst, a blog post he had written on a freshly-purchased domain outlined all of the paid offerings Ernst intended to include with Wild Audience.

Ernst promoted the blog with Facebook Groups and received several dozen signups. From there, a conversion occurred and Ernst woke up to a payment of $97 through Stripe.

With no product on hand, Ernst had to quickly brainstorm exactly what Wild Audience would provide.

Ernst considered his three main skills ― writing, tech marketing, and changing direction ― and implemented them all into Wild Audience. From there, the business took off and is still going strong.

A Review of Bastian Ernst and Wild Audience

Bastian Ernst and Wild Audience

Wild Audience home page

So now that we know who Bastian Ernst is and what Wild Audience is, it’s time to dive into our review of the product.

First off, it’s worth noting exactly what “respect-based marketing” is, as it is the main focus of the business. This term is based on the concept of relationship-building and trust between a brand and its clients of customers.

The marketing services provide focus on helping brands advise, help, and guide their potential customers through the benefits of the product in a relatable and non-robotic way before ever getting to the point of getting their money.

This business funnel effectively promotes trust between consumers, who nowadays aren’t interested in supporting just any old business.

The website itself offers a ton of courses that help clients learn how to successfully and quickly optimize their business growth. The courses currently available on the site include Funnel Crash, Funnel Fuel, Funnel Bots, and Relationship Funnel.

All of these courses focus on learning to use the relationship funnel system to get cold leads and turn them into actual paying customers.

These courses also focus on Ernst’s ten-step strategy for getting the most revenue possible, using automation to improve client-brand relationships, and using templates and processes offered by Wild Audience.

Of course, these services are not free. For each course, which includes videos, documents, and templates, you’ll be looking at fees somewhere between $250 and $1050.

Compared to similar services, though, this isn’t too bad. Especially if Ernst’s methods work well for your marketing plan.

Overall, it’s clear that Ernst knowns what he’s doing. He boasts a number of extremely happy clients and his system appears to be working.

While Ernst is definitely a trailblazer when it comes to the respect-based marketing trend, it’s worth noting that this isn’t a new concept by any means.

Work to build trust with your clients and customers instead of shoving your business ideas in their faces.

Consumers are extremely wary of new brands and businesses, especially Millenial consumers.

People aren’t interested in spending money on nonsense ― they want to support brands that have a respectable image, share their own values, and provide top-tier services and products.

Using a relationship-based marketing strategy is simply the best way to reach those savvy consumers, and Ernst clearly knows exactly how to help struggling businesses and startups avoid marketing faux pas.

Wild Audience pioneers processes as well as ideas for relationship-based and trust-based marketing, which is a godsend for newbie business people who don’t want to deal with the tweaking and editing nightmare that accompanies using a new marketing strategy.

Ernst knows exactly what he’s doing and seems to be very savvy with a variety of industries and niches, resulting in processes that are perfect for each and every brand.

In addition to Wild Audience’s marketing services, Ernst also hosts Wild Audience FM, a marketing podcast available for free on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.

The content in these podcasts is worth checking out before you purchase Ernst’s services if you’re wary about dropping a lot of money on a new service.

Wild Audience FM features clear and high-energy advice from Ernst himself, interviews with marketing pros from a variety of industries, and step-by-step audio guides to driving and converting traffic into real paying customers.

We recommend starting out with “What Is A Sales Funnel?” and ”4 Sales Funnel Stages All Profitable Companies Have In Common” to start with.

Conclusion: Are Bastian Ernst’s Services Worth It?

When all is said and done ― we recommend Bastian Ernst and Wild Audience! The approach Ernst takes is unique and ideal for the ever-changing world of marketing and is highly relevant ― so much so that people are talking about how much his business has changed their lives.

A handful of review and testimonial quotes from Wild Audience’s website says it all:

“So, I was basically talked into teaching a course on how to sell without being a salesperson… meaning, without the hard closing, NLP, persuasion and manipulation tactics commonly taught.

And wanted to share what’s happened up to this point. So far $6,461.00 in about 6 weeks… [...] Anyway, I use the RF method to connect with people and build my audience, filter out those who don’t fit and then let the ones who do fit, make the buying decision after I’ve helped them answer all their questions.”

“Yahoo dude! Just had our first cold traffic conversion at $997… deadline funnel and those emails are working. Some tweaking will obviously help, but we’re on our way!”

“I generated more than 30 hot leads for a 2000-4000€ service just today in a few hours! My call center employees were telling me it was “wild” today!”

And for our review, we’d have to recommend Wild Audience. With an affordable price point and evidence of highly actionable results, what have you got to lose?

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